The following Councillors were present: Mr N Braithwaite (Chairman), Mr M Pearce, Mr S Fox, Mrs W Pearse, Mrs E Byles. Also present were 10 members of the public. Mrs M Ismail, Parish Clerk was in attendance.
1. APOLOGIES Received from Mr R Rose, County Councillor and Mrs H Hibbert-Biles, District Councillor.
2. MINUTES There were two corrections to the minutes of 13th September 2004. Item 10a should have read Mrs Pearse not Mrs Byles and item 10c should read Watkins not Watkinson. The minutes were then agreed and signed.
Vandalism: The Leafield arm of the signpost on The Green has been broken off. Clerk to report. Action: Clerk
Risk Assessment: Chairman had obtained two estimates for demolishing the shed on the pound. Bill Greenaway £650 and A Jackson £600. Mrs Byles asked if tenders over £500 needed more estimates. Mr Fox to check if this is the case.
Bill Greenaway could not give a firm price for other jobs as it is difficult to estimate how long they will take. He has estimated £120 per day. This rate was agreed.
Shop: Mr Fox reported that three new paid staff have been recruited to cover 30 hrs per week. Turnover for September was £9,000 with a small profit of £280 and this will cover the mortgage repayment. Sandy Markwell has taken over as Chairman.
Kerbing: The pavement has been repaired in Shipton Road between Maple Way and Dawls Close. Clerk to speak to County Councillor about further works.
Action: Clerk
Transport Survey: Information about buses, Dial a ride, Wychwood Community Transport and Charlbury Taxi Bus service has been produced for publication in the Grapevine.
First Responder Scheme: No information available about public meeting in Shipton.
Cornbury Field: No progress.
Bank Nr. Signal Box: No Progress
Charlbury Taxi Bus: OCC have confirmed this service will continue until December.
Playing Field Grass: Mr Pearce circulated a schedule of work to go out to tender. This was agreed. Three tenders to be obtained. Action: Mike Pearce
Basket Ball Net: Clerk is waiting to hear from National Basket Ball Association for advice.
Speed Signs on London Lane: Clerk has contacted OCC to request that these signs are moved further back up the hill.
a) Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Conservation Board had sent a statement of nominations and voting papers. No one wished to vote
b) A thank you letter had been received from ORCC thanking the Parish Council for the donation to Helen Datson’s leaving gift.
c) Notice was given of a meeting of the Standards Board on 14th October.
d) WODC had sent details of Code of Conduct Training for councillor. No one wished to attend.
e) A letter had been received from Colin Carritt area engineer to say that he his retiring after many years with Oxford County Council. He wished to thank the Parish Council for the good will and co-operation he has received over the years. His successor will be Ralph Grant from Hampshire County Council.
f) Notice has been received that the railway crossing will be closed overnight on 22nd November from 11.00 pm to 6.30 am.
g) Details have been received of the ORCC village of the year competition.
A letter outlining the Parish Council’s objections to this plan has been sent to WODC with copy to District Councillor.
Mr Tony Collins who lives opposite 2A Shipton Road was asked for his comments on the proposal. Mr Collins said that the County Council are in confusion about the plans because the original plan for six houses had been granted on appeal with the condition that the developer provides an adequate scheme to deal with the surface water. The county engineer and the environment agency have now recommended that no building should be allowed on the site because of worries about flooding and sewerage problems. He is seeking legal advice and feels that the developer could also be seeking legal advice and perhaps compensation.
Parish Clerk confirmed that she had been informed by District Councillor that the county engineer and environment agency had recommended that no building should be allowed on the site.
Thames Water has also carried out another inspection of the area.
Crown Farm: Clerk had spoken to the enforcement officer regarding progress and was told that a new plan had been submitted but was not accepted because it was exactly the same as the previous plan. Mr Badger has now been given one month to submit a new plan.
Football Club: No progress on new football clubs to use the facilities. Clerk to speak to Roger Shepherd. Action: Clerk
Paid In: £
WODC grass cutting grant 518.54
Paid Out:
Mrs M Ismail Clerk’s quarter year salary 436.80
Mrs M Ismail Telephone expenses 7.50
Mrs M Ismail purchase of filing cabinet and files 115.98
In his absence Mr Rose asked the Chairman to report the following items.
· The Charlbury Taxi Bus service is to continue until December and will be discussed by the Community Safety and Scrutiny Committee.
· There is to be a public meeting on 25th October at Kidlington fire station about the fire control service moving to Guildford. A representative from the Deputy Prime Ministers Office will be speaking to put the case for the proposal. Chairman will attend.
Mrs Hibbert-Biles sent a message to say that the decision about Chipping Norton Hospital would be made on 7th October and it seems likely that they will decide on option one.
Q. Mr Andrew Jackson reported that there has been an escalation of vandalism and anti social behaviour near the garages in Maple Way. Children are using extremely bad language, playing loud music and causing damage. He also said that the children were regularly stealing from the shop.
A. The Chairman discussed the problems with Mr Jackson and other residents who were present and stressed that the incidents should be reported to the police control room and how it is important that these calls are logged by the police so that they can build up a picture of the situation. He explained that there is little the Parish Council can do as it is a police matter. Mr Fox will report the stealing to the Shop Management Committee.
P C Richard Barns has taken over from P C John Badric and was introduced to the meeting. P C Barns said he had no idea that there had been problems in Ascott as he had only been in the job for 6 weeks. Now that he is aware of the situation he will increase the patrols and talk to the children and their parents.
Several residents agreed to keep incident diaries which may lead to anti social behaviour orders if the problems persist. Clerk to provide diaries.
Action: Clerk
Q. Mr D Benfield asked if anything could be done about the amount of water coming from Crown Farm. It is causing flooding in Heritage Lane, Church View and Shipton Road.
A. It will be reported to WODC Highways Department. Action: Clerk
Q. Miss V Badger asked if anything could be done about people parking on the pavement as it was very difficult to get past parked cars with prams and pushchairs. The problem is especially bad in High Street and parts of Shipton Road.
A. Chairman replied that efforts had been made previously to tackle this problem but it is really a police matter. P C Barns will look into the matter.
Q. Mr Fred Russell asked if the Parish Council were having a meeting with Cornbury Estates tomorrow and if so were development plans to be discussed.
A. Chairman confirmed that there is to be a meeting but he could not pre judge what would be discussed.
a) Mr Fox asked if anyone wished to join the Village Charity as Mrs Byles year had come to an end. Mrs Byles is willing to carry on if there are no other candidates. It was agreed that Mrs Blyes would continue for another three years.
b) Mr Fox reported that the footpath sign next to the wall near the London Lane sign is damaged and leaning into wall causing it to fall down. He suggested that the sign should be moved to where the speed restriction signs are. Clerk to report.
Action: Clerk
c) Mr Fox reported that the Wychwood Project is running a Parish Environment Challenge. It is looking for small environment projects such as hedge planting, tree planting, wildflower areas etc. that they would help to fund. The Chairman suggested Five Shilling Common which needs clearing and fencing. Mr Fox will suggest this and asked councillors to consider other ideas.
d) The Clerk asked if she could write to the headmaster at the school on behalf of the Parish Council about the parking situation and dangers of accidents occurring when parents are collecting their children. This was agreed.
Action: Clerk
The meeting closed at 9.10 pm. The next meeting will be held on 8th November 2004 at 8.00 pm.