Councillors Present were:
Mr David Wilkinson Parish Clerk: Mrs A Barnes 1. APOLOGIES: 2. MINUTES · Under Matters Arising under Cotswold Conservation Plan and O.C.C. Learning and Culture Bronze Barrow & Stones where it reads “This matter was discussed by all Councillors and it was felt that due to a decision on the grant frunding taking far longer than had been anticipated, it was decided to put this to one side and Stuart Fox would look to approach “Awards for All” for funding to include the Pound Wall”. This should read “If nothing has been heard within the next week or two Stuart Fox would approach “Awards for All. After these amendments were noted, the December Minutes were then signed, dated and filed. 3. MATTERS ARISING: Cottsway / Affordable Housing: The District Councillor reported that she would look into why no other sites were identified, other than that of the Cottsway site at Chestnut Drive. O.C.C. Highways: Road Surface Chipping Norton hill – Ongoing, but the District Councillor advised the Clerk to contact Highways again and obtain a job reference number. Railway & Culvert: Ongoing – Chairman waiting to hear further from John Clark to advise when works will be completed. Pavilion/Sports Club: Roger Shepherd reported that they had been successful in securing a grant from WODC to assist in the re-piping of the heating system in the Pavilion. The figure granted equated to £910 or 35% of the total project whichever is the higher. A start date is anticipated for 22nd January. The works had been given to Peter Crapper at a cost of £2200. It was also reported that part of the funding would come from the proceeds of the Fun Run. Roger Shepherd reported that after these plumbing works, the Club’s bank balance remained healthy. The Parish Council were advised that at the next Sports Club meeting the Agenda would include decision making on whether the playing field should be used in adverse weather conditions. Village Shop: Stuart Fox reported that the year end to 2006 saw a turnover of £136,946 – this being an increase of 17.8% on 2005. Unfortunately the new recruit Nicky had left and a replacement is being sought. The Shop continued to make good progress, with the week up to Christmas having takings in excess of £4k. Cotswold Conservation Plan and O.C.C. Learning and Culture Bronze Barrow & Stones: Stuart Fox reported that the Cotswold Conservation Board had approved the grant application, but the Heritage Lottery Fund would now need to approve the releasing of the funds. Once this has been received Stuart will pass the Cotswold Conservation Board’s letter of confirmation to TOE so that they can then release the funds that had previously been agreed. The pole in the middle of the Pound had now been confirmed as an electricity pole. Clerk had contacted Scottish & Southern Power at Yarnton. A job number had been allocated – Clerk had chased again and was advised that area responsibilities had been changed and that Matt Anderson was now responsible for this. Ongoing. 5 Shilling Corner: Nothing further to report. Councillors discussed the necessity for a health & safety sign to be erected on this site. Elaine Byles offered to investigate suppliers and wordings of such signs. Risk Assessment: Roger Shepherd reported as follows: · “Rollers” by the Pavilion – one was still used, but the roller that was not used would be looked into and if necessary this would be removed. 19 Church View: Clerk reported that Kevin Batchelor had contacted her and advised that he had visited the site and felt there was not a Highways issue, however he would report this to his department and advise accordingly. Crown Farm Planning Conditions: Clerk had received an email response from Ian Morrow, Head of Planning at WODC advising that they were aware of certain breach of planning conditions and that these were being dealt with. Ongoing Crown Farm; The Village Green Parking: A letter had been received by Mr C Badger, the Tenant of Crown Farm, expressing his continuing frustration at not being able to gain access to and from Crown Farm. Clerk had replied acknowledging receipt of the letter confirming the issue would be discussed at the January Parish Council Meeting. After discussion it was felt that the Chairman would approach all parties concerned with a view to arranging a meeting, perhaps within the February Parish Council Meeting, to move this issue forward. Grass Cutting Tender: Stuart Fox reported that he had received 3 replies, of which 2 quoted and one was not interested. A further 2 companies would be approached to quote. Internal Auditor for Parish Council: Chairman to approach Margaret Ismail. 4. CORRESPONDENCE 5. PLANNING 07/0024/P/FP ERECTION OF SINGLE AND TOW STOREY EXTENSIONS WITH NEW THREE BAY GARAGE (to allow re-orientation of roof, additional South facing dormer window and changes to window sizes & positions). 6. FINANCIAL REPORT 7. REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCILLOR 8. REPORT FROM DISTRICT COUNCILLOR It was reported that Council Tax should be kept to 5%, although this had not yet been confirmed. Mrs Hibbert-Biles reported that complaints had been received about the refuse collections over the Christmas period, whereby the Contractor currently being used was blaming WODC. This issue was discussed and confirmed that this was not the case and simply, the Contractors would not work over the Christmas period. Mrs Hibbert-Biles advised on the delegation scheme for planning and that the Parish Council could continue to request the District Councillor to go to Committee on a planning issue. 9. PUBLIC QUESTIONS Q: Mr Russell asked why the public toilets in Witney had been locked for 2 weeks? A: The District Councillor answered that this had been due to vandalism. Q: Mr Russell asked would the collection of waste eventually become 2 weekly? A: The District Councillor replied “No” and that WODC had recently gone through Cabinet to secure weekly collections. Q: Roger Shepherd asked if the Parish Council had considered renting or indeed selling 5 Shilling Corner as he would be interested? A: The Parish Council advised that this request would need to be put in writing and could then be discussed at the next meeting under correspondence/matters arising. 10. ANY OTHER BUSINES The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.10pm and confirmed the next meeting was to be held on Monday 12th February, 2007 in the Tiddy Hall – the time to be confirmed. |