Parish Councillors Present:
Elaine Byles
Stuart Fox
Bridgette Crundwell
Sally Franks
Apologies: David Wilkinson
Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes
Vice Chairperson, Elaine Byles called this extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council to discuss the possible resignataion of Chairman, David Wilkinson. David had spoken with Stuart Fox and felt that he did not feel able to continue as Chairman or as a Councillor unless certain issues were resolved. These issues were read out to the meeting by Stuart, discussed and minuted as follows:
1. The Parish Council were happy to appoint Ascott Recovery Committee (ARC) as their working group for flood related issues. This would be on the understanding that the ARC Chairman reports to the Parish Council and that one member of the Parish Council attends each ARC meeting. There is to be a clear understanding that no major or financial decisions were to be made by ARC and nor were they to speak on behalf of the Parish Council until approval had been given. It was noted that ARC’s own money could be used as they so chose.
2. The Parish Council confirmed they were happy for John Cull to continue as Chairman of ARC.
3. The Parish Council were happy to set aside £1,000 in the 2007 financial year for flood relief and prevention, of which £500 should be paid to Wallingford Hydro Solutions Limited towards the cost of the investigative report, to be prepared by them.
4. The Parish Council were also happy to set aside £2,000 in the 2008 financial year as a maximum for remedial works in flood prevention.
5. The Parish Council, now having read the new report from Wallingford Hydro Solutions Limited felt more supportive of the principle to have the report done and thereby agred to set aside up to £500 towards this, as noted above in point number 3.
6. The Village Charities was discussed and it was felt that this should be left to Elaine Byles and Stuart Fox to discuss when they attend the next Charity Meeting as trustees, this being due to be held on Thursday 13th December 2007.
Elaine Byles then declared this Extraordinary Meeting closed and advised that Stuart would take the Parish Council’s comments, above back to David Wilkinson for his consideration.