Parish Councillors Present:
Stuart Fox
Elaine Byles
Bridgette Crundwell
Nick Leadbetter
Peter Greening
District Councillor:
Hilary Hibbert-Biles
Parish Clerk:
Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
Alan Chubb
Nigel Braithwaite
Pippa Carter
Rob Morgan
Anthony & Charlotte Wood
Rosemary & Mark Dawbarn
Chris George
Laurence Mellor
Apologies received from District Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles, but who did arrive at 9.15pm.
The Minutes for April were duly signed. The Minutes for May had one amendment under Parish Conservation Plan where it should include Jane Bowley presented a folder for keeping. The Minutes were then agreed, signed, dated and filed.
OCC Highways – Ongoing;
- the replacement of the smaller wooden posts on the reinstated grass verge
- smaller wooden posts being erected down the one side of the Village Green
- ongoing road surfaces including the numerous potholes throughout the Village
Action Clerk
Pavilion/Sports Club – Clerk reported that there had been an attempted break-in / an act of vandalism to the garage roof. This was reported to the Police, who did attend. It was suggested that the Clerk contact the Police again and ask for the crime reference to be recorded by the Police in order that this is followed up. Stuart Fox also reported that topping stones had been removed from the front wall of the playing field on several occasions.
Action Clerk
Village Shop – Ongoing.
Parish Conservation Plan – the Bench and the Gates have now been erected and the grass seed planted, this now leaves the erection of the Notice Boards and the wooden rails around the stones. Clerk to ask Mr Barnes to clear all nettles and weeds and to level one piece of the ground that has dipped.
Action Clerk
5 Shilling Quarry – Ongoing, Stuart Fox to chase Nick Gibbs for quotation.
Action Stuart Fox
2a Shipton Road – Clerk to draft a letter to Dave McKnight at the Environment Agency and enclose photographs that Hilary has taken.
Action Clerk
Cornbury Estate
Risk Assessment
Bus Service Review – Peter Greening reported that he would be displaying posters to advertise the available transport services to encourage people to use them, rather than lose them.
Code of Conduct Training – Clerk reported that herself and four Councillors had attended the training course, which had proved to be very informative.
Sports Field Sign – Ongoing – Laurence King and Martin Holland at WODC are looking into.
Action Clerk
OALC Training Courses – Confirmation of booking had been received, together with receipt. Paperwork given to Bridgette Crundwell
Nick Leadbetter, Chairman of the Flood Sub-Committee reported that the WODC Flood Report was now live and has incorporated all but 2 of the comments raised by the Parish Council in the first draft.
Nick reported that the bad news from the Report was that only “Options” for works to be done were mentioned and not “Recommendations”. Also there was no timetable in the Report for the necessary works and it was felt that some 10 months later the Parish Council should be given “Recommendations”.
Nick reported that the Flood Sub-Committee (FSC) would be meeting on Thursday 12th June, when one of the main issues would be for pressure to be on the relevant utility companies, in particular Thames Water. Alan Chubb would provide contact details of Jenny Elliott, Thames Water to Nick Leadbetter in order for him to contact them.
The “Flood Plan” was discussed, at length, after the heavy rainfall on Tuesday 3rd June. It was decided that the main contact point would be the Tiddy Hall and as there was no phone line, the Clerk was asked to contact Roger Shepherd regarding this with a view to having a line installed. Nick reported that volunteers were needed for the FSC.
Philippa Carter asked the Parish Council to note that numerous parishioners had been asked by their Insurance companies to complete questionnaires regarding their risk of flooding in the OX7 postcode area.
- 2 letters received from Mr George re. the BT Phone box
- Letter of confirmation from OALC together with receipt
- Letter from the Diocese of Oxford & cheque for £461.87
- Letter from OCC Grass Cutting grant 2008
- Letter & Information pack from South East England Regional Assembly
- Letter from Keith Macaulay re Gypsy Lane & River Bridge
- Telephone call received from Kenny Baker regarding vandalism
- 5 x copies of Parish Flood Report for Ascott-under-Wychwood
Clerk read Mr Keith Macaulay’s letter out to the meeting and it was decided that the Clerk should write to OCC Highways enclosing a copy of Mr Macaulay’s letter. This should be addressed to Ralph Grant, copying Ian Hudspeth asking them to reply to the content of the letter, but address it to the Parish Council.
Action Clerk
08/0261/P/FP Erection of single storey side extension at Vicarage Cottage, 20 London Lane, Ascott-under-Wychwood
HM Inland Revenue £100.00
Oxford Diocese £461.87
Payments Out
14 May 08 Bridgette Crundwell £32.96 Cheque No. 100639
14 May 08 Tiddy Hall £137.00 Cheque No. 100640
14 May 08 OALC Subscription £125.85 Cheque No. 100641
14 May 08 Millfield £225.06 Cheque No. 100642
18 May 08 ORCC £20.00 Cheque No. 100643
19 May 08 OALC £23.50 Cheque No. 100644
27 May 08 Allianz Insurance £1516.86 Cheque No. 100645
8 June 08 WODC £124.95 Cheque No. 100646
It was reported that the Internal Audit was now complete and the report will be presented at the next meeting. The forms for the External Audit have been sent off.
No report.
Hilary Hibbert-Biles had sent her apologies due to a prior engagement therefore no report. Hilary did manage to attend the meeting and arrived at 9.15pm. Hilary mentioned that she had been asked to look into a planning matter in Ascott, which had not sought planning permission. Hilary reminded the meeting that there were various grants for play equipment etc. where match funding may well be offered.
Peter Greening reported that he had spoken with Sarah Boyd who confirmed that the charity she worked for was based in Witney and all applications were considered providing they were for local needs only.
It was reported that a telephone call had been received asking if the Parish Council had received a planning application for 51 High Street. This was confirmed that no applications had been received.
Bridgette Crundwell reported her disappointment in the Grapevine this time.
It was reported that the HSBC Mobile Bank that goes to Milton-uner-Wychwood on a Tuesday would be withdrawing this service by the end of July.
Stuart Fox reported that he had received an email from the Museum Service asking if the Parish Council would like to mark the occasion of opening the Pound by way of a talk from Mr Benson. To be discussed at next meeting.
Action Clerk
Stuart Fox reported that the future of the Grapevine is at risk and that a new Layout Designer is needed.
Stuart Fox reported that he had been approached by a Parishoner regarding the play equipment and asked if there was a possibility of equipment for the older children. Hilary again offered the possibility of “match funding”. To be discussed at next meeting.
Action Clerk
Due to public time throughout the meeting, there were no public questions.
There being no further business, Stuart Fox closed the meeting at 10.20pm and confirmed the next meeting would be held on Monday 14th July 2008 at 8pm in the Tiddy Hall room.