Parish Councillors Present:
Stuart Fox (Chairman)
Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman)
Bridgette Crundwell
Nick Leadbetter
Peter Greening
Parish Clerk:
Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
Pippa Carter
Laurence Mellor
Nigel Braithwaite
Rob Morgan
No apologies received.
The Minutes for July were approved, duly signed, dated and filed.
OCC Highways – The Clerk was asked to chase Highways on all of the issues below, in particular, the posts around the Green, sandbags and grass seed on the re-instated verge.
The Clerk was asked to contact District Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles with regards to the Leafield Road. Jurisdiction for this does come under the Leafield Parish Council, however there have been numerous complaints from parishioners in Ascott-under-Wychwood who, at present, are unable to use the road.
- road surface Chipping Norton hill and by Tyacks yard
- posts around the Village Green
- kerb stones on Shipton Road, going into Maple Way
- hole on the edge of the Green
- loose metal plate on the corner of the Green (London Lane end)
- High Street – resurfacing
- Leafield Road – subsidence
Action Clerk
Pavilion/Sports Club
Nothing to report.
Village Shop
Stuart Fox reported that Elaine Benfield has left and Mary Barco will be returning.
Parish Conservation Plan
All Councillors commented on how splendid the Pound looked, despite the weather. Stuart Fox reported that more chippings had been ordered so as to enable coverage inside the cists as well as around the stones. The electricity pole had now been removed and the information boards were almost ready for erecting. Peter Greening was asked to include the Swan Public House and the Tiddy Hall on the site map. A quotation had been received for the grasscutting and strimming of the Pound at £12.50 per cut. This was agreed by all.
5 Shilling Quarry
Stuart Fox reported that NTG Fencing had now erected the fence, which will now comply with Health & Safety and the Parish Council’s Risk Assessment.
2a Shipton Road
The Clerk was asked to write to the developer and raise the question of the rubble which has been left on site for some time now.
Cornbury Estate
The dry stone wall is now complete and all Councillors commented on how splendid this looked.
Risk Assessment
The Trees will need assessing – to be discussed at the October meeting.
Transport/Bus Service Review
Peter Greening reported that there had been no feedback or update. Submissions had to be in by July 12 and were now being reviewed. The Railbus was up for review. Stuart Fox reported that the Parish Council would do all they could to support this.
Sports Field Sign
The Clerk reported that a quotation had been received for £200, this was thought to be expensive. The Clerk was asked to investigate further, confirming the type of sign needed etc.
Action Clerk
The Clerk reported that she had been in lengthy discussions with Lappset, the supplier of the 2 Cradle Swings, 4 way Rocker/Rotator, Seesaw and the 1 Bay 2 Bay Junior Swings. The 1 Bay 2 Bay Junior Swings has been highlighted in the RoSPA report as a High risk. Lappset have confirmed that they will carry out the works needed, this being the top bar fixings which have become very loose.
Nick Leadbetter reported that the Flood Sub-Committee (FBC) had been out and about talking to all agencies in particular Network Rail (NR). NR had advised that there would be a delay in starting works, possibly until next year, but this had been revised to November 2008. On 4th September there were meetings with the Environment Agency (EA), OCC Highways, WODC and NR to discuss reducing the level of water on the Chipping Norton road.
Nick Leadbetter asked the Parish Council to agree to his telephoning Robin Walker on Tuesday to discuss his works, ie to clear the bit of the arch – this was agreed. Nick asked the Parish Council to write a letter to Mike Smith, Territory Structures Engineer (Network Rail, Western) about the rail bridge and ask him to make a firm commitment to the delayed target date of November because Phil Roderick had advised that he does not have the powers to enforce. The Clerk was asked to prepare a letter for sending.
Action Clerk
On a more positive note it was reported that OCC would be out on Monday 22 September to start works on High Street, this being the pipe under the road. However this work was likely to increase water flow and the Clerk was asked to write to Lord Rotherwick advising him of the works being done, the concerns regarding the slurry at the embankment and to enquire if a date had been arranged for Cornbury’s works in the Village.
Action Clerk
It was reported that Thames Water (TW) were in Ascott for 2 days and in order to carry out their works it was necessary for them to try and clear numerous blockages, these being tree root balls, branches and bricks. TW’s report should be available sometime in September.
It was evident that a lot of work had already been carried out ie clearing the brook on Neil Walker’s land. It was also reported that Gypsy Lane bridge was a major choke point as advised by the EA. The Clerk was asked to write to OCC regarding this enquiring if they would consider replacing the existing bridge with a single span foot & road bridge.
Action Clerk
A price had now been received for supplying Sandhoppers – this being £250 each, per two hoppers ordered. It was decided that another quotation would be needed.
BT Line in the Tiddy Hall – the Clerk reported she had done a vast amount of investigative work attempting to find out if the Hall does have an existing BT landline. One of the major costs would be the installation, which is in excess of £100 + quarterly line rental. The Clerk was asked to write to Roger Shepherd and ask if the Tiddy Hall would consider splitting the line rental charge. The Clerk was also asked to write to Mark Dawbarn of the Village Charity and enquire if the charity would consider contributing towards the installation costs.
Action Clerk
A list of correspondence was circulated to Councillors.
08/1260/P/LB at Yew Tree Farmhouse, 41 High Street, Ascott-under-Wychwood – Ongoing
No receipts.
Payments Out
15-07-08 Clerks quarterly salary £470.66 chq 100648
15-07-08 Clerks Expenses £89.68 chq 100649
15-07-08 HM Customs & Excise £32.69 chq 100650
16-07-08 WODC RoSPA £54.05 chq 100651
17-07-08 B.Crundwell book + Radio £90.90 chq 100652
09-08-08 CLPG Subscription £10.00 chq 100653
09-08-08 JP Reeve (mower repair) £94.94 chq 100654
29-08-08 BDO Stoy Hayward £158.63 chq 100655
08-09-08 NTG Fencing £217.37 chq 100656
Stuart Fox reported that the BDO Stoy Hayward had now written and confirmed the external Audit was all ok. With regards to the internal Audit, there were a couple of points, as follows;
receipt vouchers not recorded in Minutes
(a) The precept received on 10 April 07 of £4,834
(b) PAYE of £150 received on 26 April 07
(c) No receipts voucher for Lottery Funding of £3,665 recorded in Minutes of 10 April 07
payment vouchers not recorded in Minutes
(a) Hire of Tiddy Hall £15
(b) PAYE £150 on 26 April 07 (as above)
(c) Chick Teak £395
Q: Rob Morgan asked why it was necessary for the Parish Council to have an internal audit as well as an external audit.
A: Stuart Fox answered that the internal audit was part of the external audit that had to carried out, as set out in the guidelines provided by BDO Stoy Hayward.
Stuart Fox concluded the Financial Report by asking councillors to consider the precept and budgets for the following year. These to be discussed at the October meeting and hopefully finalised at the November meeting.
No Report
No Report
Elaine Byles asked the Clerk to obtain relevant declaration forms from WODC further to the Code of Conduct training.
Action Clerk
Stuart Fox asked the councillors about new play equipment for the 7 to 11 age group. Brochures were circulated and the Clerk was asked to put this under Matters Arising for discussion at the October meeting.
No public questions – public participation throughout the meeting.
There being no further business, Stuart Fox closed the meeting at 9.50pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 13th October.