Parish Councillors Present:
Stuart Fox (Chairman)
Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman)
Bridgette Crundwell
Nick Leadbetter
Peter Greening
District Councillor:
Hilary Hibbert-Biles
Parish Clerk:
Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
Laurence Mellor
Rob Morgan
Karen Kappen
No apologies received.
The Minutes for October were approved, duly signed, dated and filed.
There were no declarations of interest.
The Clerk gave an update of the new Model Scheme to be adopted and the ongoing maintenance of the Parish Council’s publication scheme. The Clerk asked the Parish Council to adopt the new Model Scheme before 31 December 2008. This was proposed by Peter Greening and seconded by the Chairman Stuart Fox. The Clerk would continue to update the Council’s current scheme bringing this in line with the publication templates recommended.
Stuart Fox reported that he had invited Anne Smith to the meeting, but unfortunately she had not been able to make this. Anne had been told that the Parish Council were in full support of a new play area, but it was suggested that she get in touch with other parents with a view to planning fundraising etc.
Peter Greening had also done some investigative work into play areas which were referred to as either MUGA’s or SUGA’s. It was discussed and thought there were four elements to be considered:
- Village support from all members of the Village
- Whether this venture was physically possible
- The planning of such a project
- The financing (a) construction (b) running and upkeep and (c) to ensure there was no cost to parishioners.
Peter reported that he had spoken with WODC to discuss match funding etc and would visit other working sites that had already successfully carried out this venture also.
A donation to the Playgroup was discussed and it was agreed that a £50 donation would be given. Stuart Fox was asked if the Playgroup published its Accounts and if it was a profit making business. Stuart confirmed he would look into this.
OCC Highways
- road surface Chipping Norton hill and by Tyacks yard
- posts around the Village Green
- kerb stones on Shipton Road, going into Maple Way
- hole on the edge of the Green
- loose metal plate on the corner of the Green (London Lane end)
- High Street – resurfacing
- Leafield Road – subsidence
Stuart Fox reported that he had been asked why the posts around the Village Green had not been erected. Peter Greening advised he would chase Paul Wilson at Oxfordshire Highways regarding the posts and the remaining outstanding issues.
Pavilion/Sports Club
The Clerk reported that after having written to Roger Shepherd he had replied that there was no forseeable major expenditure needed on the Pavilion.
Village Shop
Stuart Fox reported that the Christmas stock was now in.
2a Shipton Road
The Clerk had circulated an email response from Jon Westerman at WODC Planning regarding the red boarding that had been erected around the site. It was confirmed that WODC had opened a file and were investigating a possible breach of planning. It was also confirmed that WODC had received numerous complaints. Stuart Fox advised he would prepare a letter from the Parish Council to the developers noting our concerns.
Cornbury Estate
Lord Rotherwick is planning to attend the December meeting. The Clerk was asked to note this item at the beginning of the Agenda for December.
Risk Assessment
Transport/Bus Service Review
Peter Greening reported on the changes to the bus services; the C1 service had been reduced slightly. The S34 which operated one day a week had been cut however there was now a service from Kingham to Chipping Norton which will run on off peak times through the Wychwoods. Full timetables would be available from 14 December.
Sports Field Sign
Peter Greening has been given a very competitive quotation for a single sign. A request for a quotation for a double sign has been asked for.
The Clerk reported that Blenheim had failed to supply a quotation, but a very competitive quote had been received from WODC to supply Nursery/PlayBark. The Clerk was asked to contact WODC and proceed with delivery and arrange for PlayBark to be spread evenly over the affected areas.
Declarations of Interest forms
Elaine Byles had completed her form. The Clerk was asked to obtain a new form for Stuart Fox and to re-send Peter Greening’s to him.
Bill Oddy from WODC had contacted both Stuart Fox and Nick Leadbetter advising them that Bill Butcher would contact them to arrange a time to erect the information box on London Lane to record vehicle speed data.
Nick Leadbetter reported that a formal note had been promised by NR and their contractors AMCO giving a list of scheduled dates, but unfortunately this has never materialised. It was reported that the works carried out so far by Cornbury were very good and had proved effective. NR were scheduled to dig out, grade, clear and jet blast their area at the end of November. The riparian owners had carried out their works. Robin Walker was due to start his work on 17 November.
Nick reported that there had been an on site meeting on 29 October 2008 with EA and NR’s contractors AMCO at the rail bridge to discuss the swale; (a) there was now a delay with the work on the bridge and swale to Spring 2009 and (b) EA and WODC have agreed the works on the spring and brook at Ascott Earl, albeit with a delay due to the possiblity of extra water having an effect on Brian Burns’ land. Laurence King has sent a letter to Brian Burns, but no reply has been received yet.
Nick asked the PC to agree to send a follow-up letter to David Cameron, copying Hilary Hibbert-Biles and Network Rail noting the frustration that no progress had been made and that dates timescales had now been changed some three times. Nick would draft a letter and send to the Chairman for approval and the Clerk for posting.
The Parish Council asked Hilary to request on their behalf that Ascott-under-Wychwood has its own supply of sand for sandbags. Hilary confirmed she would put this request forward at this week’s cabinet meeting.
A list of correspondence was circulated to Councillors.
Bridgette Crundwell circulated notes from the Planning training course she had attended to all councillors and the Clerk.
08/1260/P/LB Re-roof two slopes using Welsh blue slates (Part retrospective) at Yew Tree Farmhouse, 41 High Street, Ascott-under-Wychwood.
08/1398/P/FP The Old Vicarage London Lane Ascott-under-Wychwood
08/1458/P/FP Erection of dwelling at High Street, Ascott-under-Wychwood
08/1511/P/FP Excavation of land to form swale and construction of bunds for flood alleviation at 36 Shipton Road, Ascott-under-Wychwood
WODC 2nd half of the 2007/08 Precept
Payments Out
S Barnes The Pound Grass Cutting £212.50 Chq No. 100661
No Report
The District Councillor reported that she had been asked by Milton-under-Wychwood if a follow-up meeting with David Cameron could be arranged and asked the Parish Council to give this some thought if they wished to be included should this happen. Shipton-under-Wychwood would be asked also.
It was also reported that the planning application made by the Environment Agency to build a Swale had been deferred pending further information.
The District Councillor reported that she had received a complaint from a parishioner in Ascott re fireworks on the Shipton Road. Trading Standards had been involved in examining the fireworks to establish if they were display standard fireworks and it was concluded that they were not.
(a) Stuart Fox had been asked if it was possible for a Christmas Tree to be erected on the Village Green. The Parish Council all agreed that was a very good idea, but did think it was too late for 2008 and suggested this being carried forward and put on the Agenda for discussion and planning in June 2009.
(b) The Dog Bins were overflowing. The Clerk was asked to contact WODC to enquire if these could be emptied more often.
(c) Stuart Fox had been asked about the electricity power failure. It was reported that this was due to a line being down in Chilson.
(d) Peter Greening reported that the Windrush School had asked if it was possible for them to hold a school carol service on the Village Green on Friday 12 December. The Parish Council all agreed this was ok.
No public questions – public participation throughout the meeting.
There being no further business, Stuart Fox closed the meeting at 9.45pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 8 December.