Parish Councillors Present:
Stuart Fox (Chairman)
Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman)
Bridgette Crundwell
Nick Leadbetter
Peter Greening
Parish Clerk:
Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
Lord Rotherwick, Cornbury Estate
Laurence Mellor
Rob Morgan
Nigel Braithwaite
Pippa Carter
Apologies were received from District Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles, who had a prior engagement.
The Minutes for November were approved, duly signed, dated and filed.
There were no declarations of interest.
Lord Rotherwick addressed the meeting noting that he hoped lines of communication had remained open and that his Estate were continuing to prove neighbourly to the Village. He reported that nearly all of the ditching work on the roadside had now been carried out. Other works adjoining the Playing Field were in hand. A new ditch had been proposed to ensure water flow was kept flowing in the right direction as was a new pipe on Laurence Mellor’s land. The drainage of the Playing Field was questioned and Lawrence King of WODC was looking into this. Other works included a small amount of repair work by the riparian owner Mr Izod to his fence. It was reported that the drainage downstream of the Charlbury end of the Bridge was more than satisfactory.
Lord Rotherwick reported on the agriculture side of Cornbury Estate and explained that it was still profitable albeit the price of fertiliser had been brought at a price double to that of last year. A lot of forestry work had been carried out, but weather conditions had made this difficult and put them behind some 3 months. It was also reported that some footpaths through the Forest were felt to be unsatisfactory and that Lord Rotherwick’s contractors were hoping to re-surface where possible with hardcore.
Lord Rotherwick reported on one of the diversification projects the Estate were carrying out, this being renewable energy. A mast had been erected to determine viable wind speeds and the results were compared with Brize Norton. This project was moving along quite nicely and it was hopeful that locally produced electricity would be viable within 9 months.
Lord Rotherwick reported that three quarters of events held at the Estate were for Charity.
Q: Stuart Fox advised Lord Rotherwick that the 2009 Forest Fair was scheduled to be held at Cornbury Estate in September.
A: Lord Rotherwick confirmed this, albeit not on the original site this venue was held many many years ago.
Q: Laurence Mellor advised the meeting that he had now been flooded three times and that he had met Lord Rotherwick some two to three weeks ago and was very appreciative of the new pipe that was going to be implemented.
Q: Nick Leadbetter asked Lord Rotherwick if he was aware of the stream behind High Street where it reaches the embankment by Tyacks Yard and a slurry pool forming. He explained that there was a large metal sheet that had been placed which was stopping the water flow.
A: Lord Rotherwick advised that he would ask his contractors to investigate and asked if he and Nick could walk this stretch together.
Nick Leadbetter reported that the work carried out clearing the water course to the North of the rail line on Chipping Norton road was very thorough and thanked Lord Rotherwick. He also pointed out that Network Rail had not jet blasted the culverts at the level crossing and had asked NR on 8 December for a review of the work completed, which also failed to address the problem of the negative gradient in the ditch opposite Wychwood Court.
Stuart Fox thanked Lord Rotherwick on behalf of the Meeting.
Peter Greening reported that he had had a meeting with Roger Shepherd and John Cull to discuss this project. Both of whom were happy in principle, but did have reservations regarding drainage, the siting and the physical size. Peter circulated an aerial photograph of the site and pointed out the problem of the size. The current size would only allow the MUGA to hold 1 tennis court and the cost would be in the region of £60k with a massively reduced amenity. He suggested two solutions (a) possibly moving the cricket square slightly or (b) ask Lord Rotherwick if he would possiblly consider donating 35 mtrs x 20 mtrs of his field behind the site, which is owned by Cornbury Estate and currently rented out. Before proceeding any further Peter said he would contact Lord Rotherwick and make some enquiries.
OCC Highways
Peter Greening reported that he had tried to contact Paul Wilson at OCC Highways, but without success. Peter to chase again.
Pavilion/Sports Club
Hedgecutting – ongoing.
Village Shop
2a Shipton Road
A reply had been received from the developer Hills explaining that the red boards used were their corporate colours and were sorry that the Village found these offensive. They have offered to reverse the colour to their other corporate colour grey. The Clerk was asked to write back and thank them for their letter, but to note that this was still under discussion. The Clerk was also asked to contact WODC planning and ask for any progress.
Cornbury Estate
Please see separate heading above.
Risk Assessment
Transport/Bus Service Review
Peter Greening reported that the new timetables had been received and would be displayed.
Sports Field Sign
The clerk reported that the Playbark order to replenish the play area was in hand, but the weather had delayed the progress.
Declarations of Interest forms
Elaine Byles gave her completed form back. The Clerk was waiting for Keith Butler to supply a form for Stuart Fox.
A survey on London Lane had been completed and the results were reported that the average speed was 30.5 miles per hour.
Nick Leadbetter reported on behalf of the Flood Sub-Committee that an up-to-date report and separate summary had been produced. This was circulated to the Parish Council and Flood Sub-Committe prior by email and it was agreed that both be attached to the approved November minutes and displayed on the website accordingly.
Q: Stephen Jones asked the meeting if the Parish Council could assist parishioners with their Insurance Renewals?
A: Stuart Fox answered that this was not within the remit of the Parish Council, but the report and summary noted above should help individual homeowners to negotiate their own renewal terms.
A list of correspondence was circulated to Councillors.
08/1260/P/LB Re-roof two slopes using Welsh blue slates (Part retrospective) at Yew Tree Farmhouse, 41 High Street, Ascott-under-Wychwood.
08/1458/P/FP Erection of dwelling at High Street, Ascott-under-Wychwood
Revised see application 08/1757/P/FP below
08/1511/P/FP Excavation of land to form swale and construction of bunds for flood alleviation at 36 Shipton Road, Ascott-under-Wychwood
08/1651/P/FP Erection of detached double garage at Honeybones Cottage 14 High Street Ascott-under-Wychwood
08/1775/P/FP Erection of single storey side extention at Honeybones Cottage 14 High Street Ascott-under-Wychwood
08/1745/P/FP Alterations and Erection of Ground Floor rear and First Floor side extensions at The Old Farmhouse 15 High Street
08/1757/P/FP Erection of Detached Dwelling and Garage land adjacent to 9 High Street Ascott-under-Wychwood
Payments Out
Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association (OPFA) Subscription £32.00 Chq No. 100663
No Report
No Report, apologies sent.
- Elaine Byles commented on the roads through the Village not having been gritted.
- Elaine also reported to the meeting that she had been approached with regards to Chestnut Drive play area and there being tyres, bottles etc left there. The Clerk was asked to contact both Cottsway and the PCSO.
- Stuart Fox reported that Eric Pratley was giving up his allotment plot and asked the meeting to agree that priority should be given firstly to a parishioner in the Village or next a person who works in the Village. This was agreed.
- Laurence Mellor asked if anybody held the Pavilion/Playing Field Plans. Stuart advised that he would speak with Roger Shepherd.
- Nigel Braithwaite reported that the recycling contractors had left rubbish in High Street and that this had become quite a nuisance. The Clerk was asked to contact WODC explaining this, but pointing out that the refuse/dustbin collection was excellent.
- Telephone line in the Tiddy Hall – this was raised again with regards to the Disaster Contingency Plan and after discussion it was agreed that a pay as you go mobile handset should be bought for this purpose. Peter Greening will look into and report further.
No public questions – public participation throughout the meeting.
There being no further business, Stuart Fox closed the meeting at 10.00pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 12 January 2009.