Parish Councillors Present
- Stuart Fox (Chairman)
- Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman)
- Bridgette Crundwell
- Nick Leadbetter
- Peter Greening
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes (not present due to adverse Weather conditions)
Members of the Public:
- Laurence Mellor and Philippa Carter
In the absence of the Parish Clerk, Elaine Byles recorded the minutes of the February meeting as follows:
Apologies were received from District Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles and County Councillor Rodney Rose.
The January Minutes were approved, signed and dated.
There were no declarations of interest.
- See Saw; all screws fixing seats to frame to be tightened (Action Peter Greening)
- Slide; corrosion under top step. Shane Barnes to be asked to de-scale and paint and to remove large clump of grass (Action Clerk)
- Play Bark to be replenished by Shane Barnes as soon as weather permits.
- Village Green; no action required
- The Pound; no action required
- Five Shilling Quarry; one Beech tree’s branch needs checking
- Allotments; no action required
- Church Gates; closing spring not effective. No action required
- Playing Field;
- Cricket Sight Screens in poor condition. Roger Shepherd to be consulted with regard to the possible removal. (Action Clerk)
- Four wooden slatted benches outside Pavilion all broken. Roger Shepherd to be consulted with regard to repair or removal (Action Clerk)
- Main Gates no action required but would benefit from being rubbed down and repainted. Shane Barnes to be asked for a quotation (Action Clerk)
- Drystone Wall on the South East corner in state of disrepair. N. Gibbs to be asked for quotation to erect wire fencing. (Action Stuart Fox)
- Trees;
- Lime Tree near main gate need suckers removing.
- Willow Tree behind Pavilion to be pollarded to remove diseased wood
- Sycamore Tree adjacent to Pavilion, one leader to be removed or height reduced
- General maintenace; several trees require the removal of dead wood. It was recommended that grass cuttings should not be piled around tree bases. Several trees would benefit from the removal of Ivy. Stuart Fox awaiting quotation from tree surgeon Splitwood Trees.
OCC Highways
Priory Lane drainage; two pipes form the Playing Field have been identified as draining into Priory Lane, one is approximately fifteen meters South of the boundary, the other runs from the Pavilion across the bank. Waiting for response from Dan Weeks, OCC Countryside Service.
Road Surface Chipping Norton Hill – ongoing
High Street – Ongoing
Pavilion/Sports Club
Nothing to report.
Village Shop
During the recent spell of severe weather the shop proved to be a very important Village facility. It was suggested that the Village Website might incorporate a “banner headline” publicising this fact and therefore encourage more people to use the Shop on a regular basis. £4282.00 had been taken during the week ending 8 February 2009.
2a Shipton Road
If the hoarding surrounding 2A Shipton Road exceeds 2 meters in height, the developers must apply for temporary planning permission. Height to be measured (Action Stuart Fox)
Cornbury Estate
Please refer to Flood Report
Bus Service Review
Nothing to report.
Sports Field Sign
Ongoing, other street sign manufacturers to be investigated. (Action Stuart Fox)
- Thames Water; still awaiting response from Huw Thomas re improvements to sewage system. Nick Leadbetter to keep pressure on for response (Action Nick Leadbetter)
- Network Rail; meeting on 29 January 2009,the Environment Agency have yet to give consent for work to commence on the Network Rail bridge, some minor changes to the scheme have been requested.
- Cornbury Estate; no progress regarding slurry problem in the field North of High Street.
- Ditch to the North of the Railway Crossing reported as flowing well.
- A revised copy of the Parish Contingency Plan for emergencies to be sent to OALC (Action Clerk)
- Philippa Carter to organise ongoing maintenance with riparian owners
- The Parish Council will not be erecting a flood level marker due to potential insurance issues and the possibility that an indication of flood water depth might be misinterpreted by members of the public when deciding whether or not to drive through the flood.
As the Flood Sub-Committee’s (FSC) terms of reference, as set out on 12 May 2008, have now been met Nick Leadbetter recommended the FSC’s disestablishment. The Parish Council agreed to this recommendation and will continue to monitor all flood related issues. Parishioners will be asked to notify the PC of any issues they feel significant. There will be an annual update in the Ascott Grapevine.
The Parish Council thanked Nick Leadbetter and the FSC for their outstanding efforts and achievements.
Peter Greening has been in contact with Lord Rotherwick and his land agent Bidwells who are suggesting a possible alternative site for the MUGA. The PC will scrutinise any proposed locations to ensure they will not have an adverse effect on neighbouring properties or increase the possibility of future development. Peter Greening to meet Lord Rotherwick to discuss.
Correspondence envelope to be circulated to Councillors as soon as weather permits. (Action Clerk)
- Email received from Rebeck Communications who will return to assess the Village Green if the damaged grass does not re-grow. They have also instructed their contractors not to park on the Village Green in future.
- Letter received from Mr and Mrs Gomm – they will be taking over Allotment Plot No. 4.
- Correspondence from OPFA with regard to a Seminar on 20 May 2009 (For the Attention of Peter Greening)
- Email received from Debra Cull asking for dogs to be allowed onto the Playing Field for a Dog Show to be held in conjuction with the Village Fete in aid of the Church. Permission was granted providing dogs are kept on leads and organisers ensure a clean-up after the event and Roger Shepherd is consulted.
08/1260/P/LB Re-roof two slopes using Welsh blue slates (Part retrospective) at Yew Tree Farmhouse, 41 High Street, Ascott-under-Wychwood. Ongoing
08/1775/P/FP Erection of single storey side extention at Honeybones Cottage 14 High Street Ascott-under-Wychwood. Ongoing
08/1745/P/FP Alterations and Erection of Ground Floor rear and First Floor side extensions at The Old Farmhouse 15 High Street. Ongoing
08/1458/P/FP Erection of dwelling at High Street, Ascott-under-Wychwood. Revised see application 08/1757/P/FP below
08/1757/P/FP Erection of Detached Dwelling and Garage land adjacent to 9 High Street Ascott-under-Wychwood. Refused
Payments Out
No Report, apologies sent.
No Report, apologies sent.
- Nick Leadbetter (on behalf of Neighbourhood Watch) reported that Oxford Trading Standards have launched a “Buy with Confidence” sheme listing reputable businesses. Accredited members can be checked at;
- Peter Greening requested that Parish Council contact details are updated on the Village website. (Action Clerk)
- Stuart Fox reported a change to the date of the April Parish Council Meeting, this being moved from Easter Monday to 20 April 2009. The date of the Annual Meeting will be the following week Monday 27 April 2009. The Clerk to book the Tiddy Hall. (Action Clerk)
- Bridgette Crundwell discussed the Pavilion soakaway/drainage and reported that Roger Shepherd has visited Mr Mellor to discuss the problem and will be looking for the Pavilion plans and consulting with Tony Collins.
- Elaine Byles suggested the date for the Annual Village Litter Pick be Saturday 28 March 2009. Posters, bags and gloves to be organised. (Action Clerk)
There being no further business, Stuart Fox closed the meeting at 9.00pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 9 March 2009.