Parish Councillors Present:
- Stuart Fox (Chairman)
- Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman)
- Bridgette Crundwell
- Peter Greening
- Rob Morgan (Co-opted Councillor under Item 3)
County Councillor:
- Rodney Rose
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
- Laurence Mellor
Apologies were received from District Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles.
The March Minutes were approved, signed and dated.
3. CO-OPTION OF Rob Morgan:
The Parish Council had contacted its Monitoring Officer at WODC to carry out the procedures in advertising for a new Parish Council Member further to the resignation of Nick Leadbetter. The post was advertised throughout the Village, but nobody applied. It was unanimously agreed to contact Parishioner Rob Morgan to ask if he would consider being co-opted on to the Parish Council. Rob accepted the Post and signed the appropriate forms for the Clerk to submit to WODC.
There were no declarations of interest.
Stuart Fox reported that he had not heard further from the Tree Surgeon and so would chase again. It was brought to the attention of the Parish Council that the Tree Surgeon had expressed concern on the overhanging branch on the Beech Tree at 5 Shilling Quarry and strongly recommended that the Parish Council have the works carried out to make this safe. This was agreed by the Meeting and Stuart Fox said he would confirm this to the Tree Surgeon also.
Rob Morgan asked if there was a key to grading on the severity of risk assessments carried out. Stuart Fox confirmed that this was on a ratio 1 to 4 with 1 having the least severity and 4 being the maximum.
A quotation had been received from NTG Fencing to cordon off the stone wall with a sturdy fence to prevent further damage to the wall. The quotation was circulated and agreed at £375.00 + VAT.
OCC Highways
The Clerk was asked to chase OCC Highways on all outstanding issues as some of these were now considerably overdue.
Pavilion/Sports Club
Village Shop
2a Shipton Road
The Clerk reported that WODC Planning had granted permission to the Hoarding that had been erected and confirmed that a condition had been attached to the application for the Hoarding to be repainted in Burford Green. This should be adhered to within 2 months from the date of permission, this being 7 April 2009 ie 7 June 2009.
The Clerk reported that a reply had been received from Jon Westerman at WODC Planning with regard to the start of planning on the site. WODC reported that the Developers had partially constructed the first 10 metres of the access road and having regard to Section 56 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and therefore in WODC’s view planning permission has been implemented. Clerk to investigate Section 56 of the said Act and report back.
The Clerk reported that despite chasing, no response from Huw Thomas had been received.
Cornbury Estate
Signal Box
The Clerk had sent correspondence received to all Councillors. Stuart Fox advised the meeting that he would attend the CLPG Meeting on Saturday 23 May in the Women’s Institute Hall at Moreton-in-Marsh and report back. Bridgette advised that she would try and attend also.
Sports Field Sign
This was now complete, the Playbark has been replenished and the wooden rails made good.
It was confirmed that a Petrol Pump with Hose had now been purchased and would be stored in the Tiddy Hall along with all other emergency equipment. It was discussed and agreed that the petrol for the Water Pump would not be stored in the Hall for Health & Safety reasons, but would need to be supplied and transported by one or more Councillor.
Ongoing, but after discussion it was decided that the next meeting Lord Rotherwick attended the Parish Council would address this with him again.
An envelope enclosing correspondence received had been circulated to all Councillors.
09/0153/P/FP Erection of Temporary Hoarding 2.45m (retrospective) at 2A Shipton Road
08/1260/P/LB Re-roof two slopes using Welsh blue slates (Part retrospective) at Yew Tree Farmhouse, 41 High Street, Ascott-under-Wychwood.
08/1775/P/FP Erection of single storey side extention at Honeybones Cottage 14 High Street Ascott-under-Wychwood
09/0009/P/FP Alterations and erection of single storey front and rear extensions with balcony above rear extenstion at Chaundy Barn 45 High Street Ascott under Wychwood
AB/08/1757/P/FP Erection of detached dwelling and garage at Land adj 9 High Street, Ascott-under-Wychwood
Appeal to Secretary of State; Appeal Start Date: 23 February 2009
- Half Year Precept £5075.00
Payments Out
- Clerks quarterly salary £617.86 Chq No. 100674
- HMRC PAYE £120.63 Chq No. 100675
- R A Newman £58.65 Chq No. 100676
- OALC Subscription £126.26 Chq No. 100677
- Bridgette Crundwell £323.43 Chq No. 100678
- ORCC Subscription £20.00 Chq No. 100679
- Patrick Edwards £112.00 Chq No. 100680
- Shane Barnes (RoSPA) £120.00 Chq No. 100681
Stuart Fox reported that the Parish Council’s Insurance Renewal had been received from Allianz Cornhill at a premium of £1,635.33. Renewal is not due until June so other quotes could be sought. It was also reported that the VAT Claim was now complete and hopefully a repayment of £562.43 should be received.
Parish Accounts
The Annual Return had been received from BDO Stoy Hayward, the External Auditors. A copy of the prepared Parish Accounts were circulated for all to consider.
Q: Bridgette raised the question of S.137 expenditure and asked why the donation to the Grapevine had not been recorded under this?
A: It was confirmed that donations to local magazines where parishioners directly benefited did not have to be recorded as S.137 expenditure.
The bank reconciliation was confirmed and the Parish Accounts were agreed, this was proposed by Elaine Byles and seconded by Bridgette Crundwell.
The Statement of accounts, this being Page 2 of 6 of the Annual Return for the Parish Council was read through and agreed. This was proposed by Bridgette Crundwell and seconded by Elaine Byles. This was then signed and dated before the meeting by the Chairman and the Parish Clerk.
Finally the Annual governance statement was read through discussing points 1 to 9. The annual governance statement was then approved by the Council and duly signed and dated by the Chairman and Clerk.
County Councillor Rodney Rose reported to the meeting that the Elections were due to be held on June 4, this being one month later than scheduled, but in line with Brussels.
Cllr Rose reported on the replacement of Langston House and Greenlands and that two sites had been identified. The first being Green Lane in Milton-under-Wychwood and the second on the new Hospital site in Chipping Norton. This was ongoing.
No report, apologies sent.
- (a) Stuart Fox asked the Clerk to write a letter to Huw Thomas at Thames Water expressing the Parish Council’s disappointment and concerns at the lack of response from him on such a major issue within the Village. The Clerk was asked to invite Mr Thomas to a future meeting.
- (b) Stuart raised the question of the Christmas Tree on the Green and asked the Clerk to chase for a price from SEC and to ask if Bruern would consider donating a tree to Ascott as they currently donate to Shipton and Milton.
- (c) Stuart advised the meeting that he had been approached by Mike and Cathy Pearce with regard to a grant received some years ago to purchase Digital Maps. This was with regard to a Natural History project to include land and hedgerows etc. This project was never carried forward and as there is still £133.89 waiting to be used the meeting were asked if they had any ideas to use this. Rob Morgan offered to look into compiling a record of grave stones and information related thereto. Stuart agreed to speak with Mark Abrey. The Clerk was asked to put this under Matters Arising for the May meeting.
- (d) Elaine Byles had been asked by Fred Russell to return the Village’s book of pictures, on his behalf. This was replaced in the cupboard.
- (e) Elaine had been asked by a Parishioner to bring up the drain at the bottom of Heritage Lane (Church end).
- (f) Bridgette had been approached by a Parishioner with regard to the Notice Board in the Pound having been placed next to the Dog Poo Bin.
- (g) Bridgette raised the issue of the X3 Bus that stopped and parked up by the School at 3pm, this being the most busiest time and causing more congestion. Peter Greening agreed to look into this and perhaps ask for the end of line stop to be moved.
- (h) Peter Greening asked who and where had the Toad Signs come from. It was confirmed that the signs were kept under the Signal Box and that possibly Mr Gripper had put them up.
- (i) Stuart Fox thanked everybody who had helped with the Annual Litter Pick and confirmed that in all there were 20 volunteers who helped make this a success, especially on such a miserable Saturday morning.
Q: Laurence Mellor raised the issue with the Parish Council about the flood run off from the Pavilion and the Pavilion Plans as he had still not heard anything.
A: Stuart Fox replied that he had spoken with Roger Shepherd about this and was under the impression that he would be in contact with Laurence.
Q: Laurence Mellor asked the Clerk to note that on the Litter Pick day he found a white purse in the hedgerow on Chipping Norton Hill. He had tried to make contact with the purse owner via a contact found in the purse, without success. He then contacted Kirstyn Tyrer at Thames Valley Police, who came and collected the purse.
There being no further business, Stuart Fox closed the meeting at 9.55pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 11 May 2009 and the Annual Parish Meeting Monday 27 April 2009.