Parish Councillors Present:
- Stuart Fox (Chairman)
- Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman)
- Bridgette Crundwell
- Peter Greening
- Rob Morgan
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Thames Water representatives:
- Huw Thomas & Mark Wickstead
Members of the Public:
- Nigel & Anne Braithwaite
- Tony & Lynn Collins
- Alan Chubb
- Mary Smith
- Richard Franks
No apologies were received.
There were no declarations of interest.
The Minutes from the meeting held on 11 May were agreed and duly signed, dated and filed.
Stuart Fox introduced two representatives from Thames Water, Mr Huw Thomas and Mr Mark Wickstead who gave a report to the meeting on Thames Water’s progress. Mr Thomas, the Area Network Manager (Western) explained that he had limited information for Ascott-under-Wychwood, but that a study used from an inspection to measure using CCTV would enable TW to make a model which would represent a true/lifelike example. This model would then be used to determine what works needed to be done. Mr Thomas reported that he would need to manage the Village’s expectations and this would be dependant upon the Asset Management Plan which comes into effect in April 2010 and which would determine capital expenditure projects.
Q: Stuart Fox asked what preliminary conclusions have been reached with regard to Ascott-under-Wychwood?
A: Mr Wickstead reported that capacity/infiltration had been studied as had the current capacity of the pumping station.
Q: Bridgette Crundwell asked Mr Thomas and Mr Wickstead if this was a case of patching-up the current system as opposed to replacing what was an inadequate system?
A: Mr Thomas replied that replacing whole systems was not something TW would consider necessary, but that an enlarged sewer pipe or attenuation tank for storage could be one suggestion.
Q: Rob Morgan asked TW would they need to identify land to site a new sewer and do TW have compulsory purchase powers?
A: Mr Thomas replied that TW do have certain purchase powers and yes land would need to be identified in order to accommodate an attenuation tank.
Q: Rob Morgan asked TW if this process had already been started?
A: Mr Wickstead replied “no” because the Asset Management Plan had not yet been agreed.
Mr Thomas reported that TW’s methods were changing, for example internal flooding would be prioritised over external flooding and asked that any parishioner who has suffered from internal flooding under normal weather conditions should report this to TW and explained the process. Firstly a customer should contact the Customer Service Centre to report the flooding, a contractor would then visit and sort the problem and this would then be kept on an existing database. Mr Thomas reported that TW are audited by Offwat for flooding events.
Q: Alan Chubb addresed Mr Thomas and explained his complete frustration with TW and their Customer Service department.
A: Mr Thomas and Mr Wickstead confirmed they would look into this.
Q: Nigel Braithwaite asked Mr Thomas and Mr Wickstead was a report now ready and had they read it?
A: Neither Mr Thomas nor Mr Wickstead had read the report prior to attending the meeting.
Q: Nigel Braithwaite explained to TW that he had been on the Parish Council for some 20 years and 15 years ago Thames Water had agreed major works were necessary in Ascott-under-Wychwood, but still no works had been carried out in the Village.
Q: Stuart Fox asked Mr Thomas and Mr Wickstead to give Ascott-under-Wychwood a reasonable report on what needs doing and when the works will be done ie the upgrading and lining of the pipes.
Q: Rob Morgan suggested that Mr Thomas and Mr Wickstead attend the July meeting, as there was no meeting in August, and asked if the District Councillor Hillary Hibbert-Biles and the local MP David Cameron be invited too.
A: Mr Thomas and Mr Wickstead agreed this would be a good idea and if necessary bring other representatives from TW to the meeting also.
Mr Thomas promised to provide a form, to be distributed by the Parish Council to every household to ensure that the Parish Council and Thames Water hold a record of every single household that has been affected by sewage problems. Mr Thomas also promised to include a letter to go with the form explaining to parishioners that filling this in would not prejudice the property owner and confirming that Thames Water do not pass on or share such information.
Stuart Fox thanked Mr Thomas and Mr Wickstead for attending the meeting and looked forward to receiving a report from them on the works necessary in Ascott-under-Wychwood. Stuart Fox reported Network Rail had given an update on the position of the rail bridge confirming that all soil samples had now been completed and the revised plans were now with their Geophysical consultants. Phil Roderick from Network Rail confirmed that work would be started this year, but could not provide a firm date.
OCC Highways
The Clerk reported that she had no progress to report, despite having written. After discussing the outstanding Highways issues and additional ones listed below the Clerk was asked to chase again and include the following:
- Two further posts to be erected on the Verge by the Green (already agreed)
- Road surface on the Chipping Norton Hill
- Lower green land drainage surface water on both sides of the level crossing
- White lines to be painted on Shipton Road on the double bend
- 30 and 32 High Street on the right hand side the Verge needs reinstating – OCC to assess a more permanent solution and the possibility of erecting wooden posts.
Stuart Fox asked the Clerk to arrange a meeting with a representative from OCC Highways to look at the drainage at Lower Green and reported that he would speak with Mr Izod with regard to the works clearing the flood arch having not yet been started.
Pavilion/Sports Club
It was reported that the fencing had now been started and Stuart would chase the Tree contractor.
Village Shop
It was reported that the AGM had been held and Nigel Wild was now the Chairman of the Management Committee.
2a Shipton Road
It was reported that the Hoarding had now been repainted.
Cornbury Estate
Signal Box
Stuart Fox and Bridgette Crundwell attended the CLPG meeting held at Moreton-in-Marsh and Stuart did raise the question with regard to preserving the signal boxes. Stuart also reported that he had applied to the English Heritage for Ascott’s Signal Box to be listed.
Sports Field Sign
The Clerk had written to Storm Graphics and requested a quotation for a sign, the dimensions being Pole 75mm, the existing sign 36cm high and 60cm long.
Christmas Tree on the Green
The Clerk had confirmed the works on the Green with SEC and had received a quotation for lights from W F Distributors in Witney. They quoted £55.25 +VAT per 25mtr string, Shipton-under-Wychwood currently use 4 strings.
Natural History Project
Rob Morgan has commenced his survey of headstones and Stuart Fox reported he would mention to Mike Pearce the funds should be released to the Parish.
After further discussion it was decided that all avenues had been exhausted and a decision was made to shelve this matter.
An envelope enclosing correspondence received had been circulated to all Councillors.
Application for a Music Licence for Ascott Music Festival in July
09/0153/P/FP Erection of Temporary Hoarding 2.45m (retrospective) at 2A Shipton Road
Granted (Hoarding to be painted Burford Green (BS 4800 12 B17) within two months)
AB/08/1757/P/FP Erection of detached dwelling and garage at Land adj 9 High Street, Ascott-under-Wychwood
Appeal to Secretary of State; Appeal Start Date: 23 February 2009
- WODC Grass Cutting grant £1004.06
Payments Out
- Patrick Edwards £176.00 Chq No. 100683
- WODC Waste Collection £144.42 Chq No. 100684
- WODC Playbark £564.01 Chq No. 100685
The Internal Audit was now complete and all paperwork had been sent to the External Auditor BDO Stoy Hayward. There were a few queries that arose from the Internal Audit, which are listed below;
- (a) Payment Voucher 12 dated 8 June 2008 Cheque No. 100647
- The cheque number was not recorded in the Minutes.
- (b) Payment Voucher 24 dated 18 October 2008 Cheque No. 100662
- This item was not recorded in the Minutes.
- (c) Payment Voucher 26 dated 10 December 2008 Cheque No. 100664
- This item was not recorded in the Minutes
- (d) Payment Voucher 27 dated 5 January 2009
- The following cheque numbers were not recorded in the Minutes 100665, 666 and 667.
- (e) Payment Voucher 30 dated 10 February 2009 Cheque No. 100669
- Invoice from Marley Electronics but the cheque was made payable to Bridgette Crundwell. This was because Bridgette paid for the goods and was reimbursed.
No Report
No report.
- Stuart Fox reported that a Parishioner had suggested the planting of an Orchard.
- Rob Morgan enquired about the grant for a Village Action Plan.
- Peter Greening noted the large Radio Mast on the righthand side of the level crossing.
There were no public questions.
There being no further business, Stuart Fox closed the meeting at 10.05pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 13 July 2009.