Parish Councillors Present:
- Stuart Fox (Chairman)
- Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman)
- Bridgette Crundwell
- Peter Greening
- Rob Morgan
County Councillor:
- Rodney Rose
District Councillor:
- Hilary Hibbert-Biles
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Thames Water representatives:
- Huw Thomas, Mark Wickstead and Clare Carlaw
Members of the Public:
- Nigel & Anne Braithwaite
- Tony & Lynn Collins
- Alan & Julie Chubb
No apologies were received.
There were no declarations of interest.
The Minutes from the meeting held on 8 June were agreed and duly signed, dated and filed.
Stuart Fox introduced the representatives from Thames Water and thanked them for returning to the July meeting after attending the June one. Huw Thomas introduced Clare Carlaw who is responsible for project design and approval. Mark Wickstead gave a slide presentation to the meeting noting the responsibilities of Thames Water and other agencies;
Thames Water – foul sewers, OCC – road drainage, Environment Agency – main rivers and WODC/Riparian Owners – local streams. Mark Wickstead reported that having sent out 31 questionnaires only 5 had been received back. A further supply of 12 had been given to the Parish Council who were asked to urge property owners that had and still were being affected by foul water flooding internally and externally to complete the questionnaire and send it back in the prepaid envelope.
A Study Scope had been carried out to enable a network model to be designed and the Study findings were then subject to an Operational Response. This has included root cutting, sewer cleaning, manhole replacement an additional non return valve (NRV) being fitted at one property, rising main sewage, treatment works and an inlet clean. It was noted that the possibility of sealing 3 manholes may help resolve some issues and the sewers being subject to an annual inspection using CCTV.
Longer term solutions included the removal of misconnections, to provide a storm tank to balance the remaining flows during storm conditions. To upsize the sewers to convey the storm flows to the balance tank. To line sewers to stop infiltration and to further increase output from Ascott Swan pumping station. Thames Water reported that although solutions had been identified for Ascott-under-Wychwood there is currently no specified project within their Flooding Plan 2010 to 2015.
Q: Stuart Fox asked Thames Water what progress has been made with the relevant agencies.
A: Huw Thomas confirmed meetings had been arranged with the EA and WODC and they would be meeting separately for Ascott-under-Wychwood.
Q: Elaine Byles asked how progress will be made and in effect how will Ascott move towards having the relevant works necessary carried out?
A: Thames Water answered that in the first instance the properties that have been flooded internally and externally should complete the questionnaire and once some 3 to 4 driver properties had been identified this would count towards a point scoring system.
Stuart Fox thanked Thames Water for coming to the meeting. Stuart confirmed that he had spoken with Scott Pillinger at Network Rail who had submitted plans to contractors for quotations and was hopeful that work would start in August.
County Councillor Rodney Rose gave his report. He confirmed that he had been elected for a further term in office as Cabinet Member for Transport Implementation at Oxfordshire County Councillor and confirmed that this post will include the growth infrastructure including flooding, potholes and speeding etc. County Councillor Rose advised the Parish Council that once he had settled into this new role he would address the outstanding highway issues noted below.
District Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles gave her report confirming that she was no longer on Planning and that she had been elected as Vice Chairman of Oxfordshire County Council. District Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles reported on Swine Flu and urged people to telephone NHS direct in the first instance of suspecting they may have this. She was hopeful that local Leisure Centres would be used to administer the Vaccine for Swine Flu in the Autumn, these being Chipping Norton, Carterton and Witney.
District Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles reported that John Parkinson had taken over from Laurence King at WODC.
OCC Highways
Clerk reported that she had written again listing the long overdue issues plus the two new ones;
- Road surface on High Street (outstanding and long overdue)
- Road surface on Chipping Norton hill (outstanding and long overdue)
- Lower Green land drainage surface water on both sides of the level crossing (new, but already requested and no response from OCC)
- No’s 30 and 32 High Street on the righthand side the Verge needs reinstating OCC have been asked to assess a more permanent solution and the possibility of erecting wooden posts (new, but already requested and no response from OCC)
The above outstanding Highways’ issues were discussed, please note County Councillors report.
Pavilion/Sports Club
Nothing to report
Village Shop
Nothing to report.
Signal Box
Stuart Fox reported that the Parish Council’s application to have the Signal Box Listed was unsuccessful. An application had been made previously and the building was not old enough.
Sports Field Sign
Christmas Tree on the Green
Shane Barnes had been asked for a quotation to carry out the preparation works on the Village Green. It was suggested that the Clerk write to Mark Dawbarn and ask if the Village Charity would purchase the lighting for the Christmas Tree.
Natural History Project
RoSPA Report
The RoSPA Report had been circulated by email and there was no action necessary.
- Thames Water 12 Sewer Flooding Questionnaires and pre-paid envelopes
- Email from Tim Lyon with regard to Wychwood Way Car Park
- Email from TIm Lyon with regard to Dog Fouling signs
- CLPG Summer/Autumn Newsletter
- Letter from Wychwood CE Primary School requesting donation
- Cotswolds Conservation Board Eighteenth Board Meeting Minutes
- OCC Revised Bus Strategy
- Clerks & Councils Direct July 2009
- WODC Creating Futures
- ORCC Spring/Summer Review
- South East England Partnership Board Planning for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
The correspondence listed above was discussed and circulated. The Clerk was asked to reply to Parishioner Tim Lyon’s two emails noting that after discussion it was decided that to have dog fouling signs placed around the Village would not be appropriate at this time and in reply to the suggestion of a Wychwood Way Car Park, again this was discussed and the suggestion would be kept on file, but should note that the parcel of land being suggested is part of the flood plain. The Clerk was asked to reply to the letter from the Wychwood CE Primary School enclosing a £50 donation. The remaining correspondence was then circulated for all councillors to see and pass on.
AB/08/1757/P/FP Erection of detached dwelling and garage at Land adj 9 High Street, Ascott-under-Wychwood
Appeal to Secretary of State; Appeal Start Date: 23 February 2009
- None
Payments Out
- NTG Fencing £431.25 Chq No. 100686
- Stuart Fox (Hi Vis jackets £35.23 Chq No. 100687
- CLPG Subscription £10.00 Chq No. 100688
- HM Revenue & Customs £120.63 Chq No. 100689
- Clerks quarterly salary £482.53 Chq No. 100690
- Clerks quarterly expenses £100.90 Chq No. 100691
District Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles suggested the PC having a plan of action ready for the Flood Meeting with David Cameron, being held at the New Beaconsfield Hall on Thursday 13 August.
There were no public questions.
There being no further business, Stuart Fox closed the meeting at 10.30pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 14 September 2009.