Parish Councillors Present:
- Stuart Fox (Chairman)
- Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman)
- Bridgette Crundwell
- Rob Morgan
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
- Roger Shepherd and John Cull
There were no apologies received.
There were no declarations of interest.
The Minutes from the meeting held on 14 September were agreed, but with one change under Item number 5 Contingency Plan – please refer. The Minutes were then duly signed, dated and filed.
Stuart Fox welcomed Roger Shepherd, the Chairman & Treasurer and John Cull, the Secretary of the Sports Pavilion who had come to the meeting to discuss the future management of this. It was reported that after long consideration Roger and John had decided to stand down from their respective roles, giving one year’s notice from the date of the Annual General Meeting 23 July 2009.
Roger reported that both he and John’s committments were becoming increasingly larger and felt that the time had come to step down and find new people. The minutes from the AGM were circulated and discussed. Stuart Fox reported that the Parish Council are responsible for the Pavilion and whilst the finances would need to come back there was still the need for a maintenance person and a bookings/keyholder person. It was reported that there was currently £4500 on account, but unfortunately WODC had rejected an application for discretionary rates, which was worth approximately £600. Roger reported that he was going to appeal this decision.
In conclusion it was agreed that both the Parish Council and the Pavilion Committee should be actively seeking someone to take over the administration role from Roger and someone to deal with the bookings. Stuart Fox thanked both Roger and John for all of their hard work and suggested re-visiting this at the Parish Council meeting in January 2010.
Please note a change from the September minutes which should have read on 23 September the councillors are meeting to carry out an equipment check.
- A list of Volunteers was circulated by Bridgette.
- An Ordnance Survey Licence was signed so that a detailed map could be obtained.
- The equipment check proved successful and it was decided to set a date for a dry run. Stuart Fox agreed to contact Nick Leadbetter.
The District Councillor, Hilary Hibbert-Biles asked if plastic sheeting had been considered for placing underneath filled sandbags as this helps keep the water out.
County Councillor Rodney Rose reported that the outstanding highways issues were being addressed and was going to arrange and attend a site meeting with Gordon Hunt OCC, and Stuart Fox. It was also reported that an Inspector would be visiting High Street to assess number 30 and 32 and at the same time would inspect the poor work carried out by contractors outstide the Village Shop.
Cllr Rodney Rose reported that the proposed 40 extra care housing units in Milton-under-Wychwood looked as if they were going to go ahead and he had asked for a consultation at every stage of the building works.
District Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles reported on WODC sharing the Chief Finance Officer with the Cotswold District Council. This was a pilot scheme and would continue until the end of the financial year.
OCC Highways
Please refer to County Councillor’s Report above.
- Road surface on High Street (outstanding and long overdue)
- Road surface on Chipping Norton hill (outstanding and long overdue)
- Lower Green land drainage surface water on both sides of the level crossing (new, but already requested and no response from OCC)
- No’s 30 and 32 High Street on the righthand side the Verge needs reinstating OCC have been asked to assess a more permanent solution and the possibility of erecting wooden posts (new, but already requested and no response from OCC)
Hedgerow on corner of London Lane/Shipton Road
After discussion it was decided not to persue this any further.
The Clerk had written back to WODC with regard to keyholders, licencing etc asking that this be redressed to the Tiddy Hall Committee.
Pavilion/Sports Club
Please see Item No. 4 above.
Village Shop
Stuart Fox reported that the new Till and Computer System was now up and running.
Signal Box
Stuart Fox reported the good news that the Signal Box will now stay and continue to be manned in Ascott as will Moreton and Evesham.
Sports Field Sign
Ongoing, Clerk to chase
Christmas Tree on the Green
The Clerk reported that the preparation works on the Green were now complete and SEC should commence the installation of a Feeder Pillar to connect the power anytime now. The Clerk was asked to chase this. The project management of this was discussed, with the following action points:
- To publicise the carol service
- To confirm the date, preferably Christmas Eve
- To organise an accompanist or lead singers
- Refreshments
- Carol Sheets
- Buckets for the collection
- Agree a beneficiary
Stuart Fox agreed to speak with Debra Cull with regard to refreshments and the Vicar to confirm the date. It was also suggested asking Chris Badger for an indication of the size of the Christmas Tree.
Natural History Project
Rob Morgan gave an update and had completed his survey in recording 260 graves and 378 people. Rob was waiting for the Vicar Mark Abrey to contact him with a plan of the graveyard.
As circulated.
- Receipted Invoice from SEC for the Feeder Pillar on the Green
- Thank you letter from Citizens Advice Bureau
- NHS Oxfordshire Health News Issue 3
- NHS Thames Valley Primary Care Agency Letter noting application from Wychwood Medical Ltd
- Cotswolds Conservation Board Hedgelaying Training Courses
- Society of Local Council Clerks CPD Training Course Monday 9 November at Minster Lovell
- WODC Meeting of the Standards Committee
- WODC invitation from WODC to the opening of Marriotts Way
- Email from Mike Pearce with regard to the time taken by OCC Highways to carry out works in High Street
09/1273/P/S73 Non-compliance with Condition 2 of Planning Application: 08/1745/P/FP at The Old Farmhouse 15 High Street (New)
09/1171/P/FPConversion of garage to living accommodation and erection of garage/office at 12 London Lane (Ongoing)
09/1121/P/FP Alterations and erection of single storey front and rear extensions with balcony above rear extension at Chaundy Barn 45 High Street Ascott-under-Wychwood (Ongoing)
Stuart Fox asked everyone to consider for the next meeting any projects and or expenditure for next year to enable the Parish Council to set the Precept for 2009/2010.
- Village Charity donation towards the Christmas Tree Lights £180.00
Payments Out
- CCTC Christmas Tree Lights £243.53 Chq No. 100697
- S Barnes preparation works on the Village Green £450.00 Chq No. 100698
- Citizens Advice Bureau donation £50.00 Chq No. 100699
- S Barnes annual grasscutting £3200.00 Chq No. 100700
- SEC Works to connect Feeder Pillar on the Village Green £432.75 Chq No. 100701
- A Barnes Clerks quarterly salary £482.53 Chq No. 100702
- HMRC £120.63 Chq No. 100703
- A Barnes Clerks quarterly expenses £148.37 Chq No. 100704
- Stuart Fox advised that he had received a report from Pippa Carter with regard to the progress on the rail bridge.
- Nial Burman wrote and reported to the Parish Council the condition of the Ash Trees in the Playing Field and suggested they keep an eye them. The Clerk was asked to add this as an Agenda Item for the November meeting.
- Stuart Fox reported that Debra Cull had advised him the date for next year’s Fete was planned for 12 June 2010 and asked the Parish Council’s permission to hold this, which would include a Dog Show, on the Playing Field. This was agreed and Stuart confirmed he would advise Debra accordingly.
There were no public questions.
There being no further business, Stuart Fox closed the meeting at 10.05pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 9 November 2009.