Parish Councillors Present:
- Stuart Fox (Chairman)
- Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman)
- Bridgette Crundwell
- Rob Morgan
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
- Laurence Mellor
- Andrew Timms
No apologies received.
There were two declarations of interest. Chairman Stuart Fox and Elaine Byles declared an interest as Trustees of the Village Charity, which owns the land at Lower Green. Elaine Byles also declared an interest as the tenant of Lower Green. Please refer to OCC Highways.
The Minutes from the meeting held on 9 November were agreed, signed, dated and filed.
It was reported that a practice run had been held with Nick Leadbetter, which had proved to be very useful. It had been suggested that a practice sandbag fill and a practice loud hailer round the Village should take place. The Clerk was asked to carry these forward. It was confirmed that keys had been dropped off with Cllr Rob Morgan for the Sandbin and it was agreed that keyholders would be Stuart Fox and Rob Morgan. Concerns were raised regarding the sandbags being biodegradeable. DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles confirmed that these were the correct sandbags. Cllr Rob Morgan reported that the maps had been laminated and were in the cupboard in the Tiddy Hall room. Cllr Stuart Fox suggested marking all the equipment in order to identify this and reported that the next practice run would be carried out so that all knew how to operate pumps, electrical equipment etc.
It was reported that gloves, hi-viz jackets, shovels and biodegradeable bags had been delivered to Cllr Rob Morgan. DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles suggested a roll of polythene to line underneath the sandbags. Cllr Stuart Fox agreed to source this.
No Report.
DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles reported that WODC had been setting their budget and were under terrific pressure to save money. She confirmed that no land had been designated in Ascott for affordable housing, however the consultation document would run for six weeks from January for public consultation.
DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles reported that WODC had given a grant to ORCC of £27,000 to support them in supporting village shops etc.
OCC Highways
Further to a site meeting held, Parish Councillors Cllr Stuart Fox and Cllr Rob Morgan and OCC Highways Gordon Hunt and Rodney Rose agreed the following scheduled works;
- Water accumulating on the corner of High Street and London Lane: It was agreed that OCC Highways would arrange for the drain to be lowered in order to allow the water to escape.
- Water accumulation outside Sunset House: It was agreed that in the short term you will arrange for your contractors to clear the leaves and silt to allow water to drain more freely into Network Rail’s ditch and in the longer term the Parish Council will need to discuss this with Cornbury Estate.
- Beyond the Level Crossing: It was agreed that you will replace the screen where the ditch enters the culvert under the road with one that will not get blocked with leaves and debris. It was noted that this cannot be done until after April when the department budget will be in place.
- Ditch on the Charity Land: It was agreed that the ditch was in good condition and well maintained, but there was a problem because the pipes feeding from the culvert into the ditch were too low and the water and the level of the ditch needs to be lowered so that the pipes are above the water level. This would improve water flow and help to prevent the culvert becoming full of silt.
- Manor Farm entrance: It was agreed to clear the drainage pipes on the righthand side of the road from the Manor Farm entrance to the river bridge.
The schedule was discussed, in particular the riparian owners of the ditch opposite Sunset House. DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles suggested that the PC contact Cath James at WODC and ask her to confirm ownership and responsibility.
Please refer to Item No. 4 Contingency Plan.
Pavilion/Sports Club
Village Shop
It was reported that the late night shopping was very successful, but not as busy as last year.
Sports Field Sign
After discussion, the Clerk was asked to remove this from matters arising.
Allotment Rents
Christmas Tree on the Green/ Carols round the Tree
It was reported that the Christmas tree, kindly donated by Chris Badger, was erected and decorated with the lights on Saturday 5 December. There was a problem with the works carried out by SEC which had now been rectified. Cllr Stuart Fox thanked Chris Badger for supplying the tree and Shane Barnes and Robin Walker for their help in erecting the tree. It was agreed that the lights should be switched off and removed on 5 January 2010 and the Clerk was asked to ask Shane Barnes and Robin Walker to take the tree down and dispose of it during the week after.
It was agreed that the collection from the Carols round the Tree would be split 50/50 between Christian Aid and the Village Charity.
Natural History Project
Cllr Stuart Fox reported that he had spoken to Mike Pearce and it was decided that the monies held on account should be used within Ascott-under-Wychwood.
Ash Trees
The Wychwood Day Centre
After a preliminary discussion the Clerk was asked to carry this forward to the January meeting.
- WODC Request for a free copy of the full Register of Electors 2010 (Councillors must complete and apply for personally)
- OCC Letter enclosing revised Railbus timetable leaflet
- Cotswold & Malvern Line News Winter 2009
- NAAONB Magazine
- OFPA Annual Report 2008-09
- Clerks & Councils Direct
No new planning applications had been received.
- None
Payments Out
- Tiddy Hall Rent £136.00 Chq No. 100705
- R A Morgan £33.29 Chq No. 100706*
- WODC Refuse £144.42 Chq No. 100707
- SEC Feeder Pillar £348.30 Chq No. 100708
- R A Morgan £21.94 Chq No. 100709**
* Stationery purchased for the Contingency Plan
** Laminating maps purchased for the Contingency Plan
- Cllr Elaine Byles reported that the curb stone at the corner of London Lane that had been reported as loose to OCC Highways had now disappeared. The Clerk was asked to chase OCC.
- It was reported the potholes on London Lane were now some 3 to 4″ deep.
- Cllr Rob Morgan asked if Peter Greening had written confirming his resignation. The Clerk and the Chairman had chased this on several occasions and Cllr Stuart Fox agreed to speak to Peter again.
- Cllr Rob Morgan asked if a log of correspondence in a table format could be included in the monthly update.
Q: Andrew Timms asked how soon the minutes were displayed on the Website.
A: Cllr Stuart Fox confirmed that as soon as the minutes had been approved and signed at the meeting, these were then sent to the Website for display. The Clerk was asked to chase Paul Cunningham and ensure that they were up to date.
There being no further business, Stuart Fox closed the meeting at 9.32pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 11 January 2010.