Parish Councillors Present:
- Rob Morgan (Chairman)
- Bridgette Crundwell (Vice)
- Laurence Mellor
- Philippa Carter
- Pauline Marshall
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
- John Cull
- Nigel and Anne Braithwaite
Apologies were received from CCllr Rodney Rose and DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10 January were agreed and duly signed, dated and filed.
There were no declarations of interest.
No Report
No Report
It was reported that the grasscutting was up for tender and invitations to quote had been sent out and a notice put up on the notice boards.
The annual grant was discussed and Cllr Crundwell proposed the figure of £350. This was seconded by Cllr Carter.
Cllr Morgan welcomed the members of the public and invited them to address the meeting. John Cull explained that he had come to ask the PC for their support to an “action group” being formed to work together with the PC to save the Village pub. This was discussed and it was agreed that the Parish Council should canvass the view of the Village as to whether they would want and use a pub. Depending on the findings and data collected the Parish Council would then appoint a sub-committee to take this forward. It was agreed that a questionnaire should be drawn up and delivered as soon as possible.
Cllr Carter does not accept that there has ever been any personal interest or prejudice but recognises that there is a perception of this which could consequently compromise any decision or action the PC may take in the future. Cllr Carter asked the Clerk to minute that she felt obliged to withdraw from any further discussions or decisions regarding the Pub.
There were no new planning applications to be considered
Cllr Carter reported that a large amount of gravel had been put into the river by the Fisheries in order to help spawning. It appears that Fisheries had consulted the wrong officer within the EA and had not approached the Parish Council. Cllr Carter has been assured by the officer responsible for flood relief in Ascott that the amount of stones will not increase flood risk around the Chipping Norton Road bridge and he has promised to make sure that internal communications are more robust in future. Cllr Carter reported that the list of vulnerable residents was moving on and progress being made and she reminded the meeting of the Exercise Watermark training day on Saturday 12 March.
Cllr Mellor reported that he had now ordered the snow plough and delivery should be within the next two weeks. He confirmed that he would look into the feasibility of a grit spreader and grit supply.
Cllr Mellor reported that there was still a problem with mole hills on the field and suggested that a contractor should be instructed to eradicate these. A quotation of £100 had been received and the Sports Club would fund this. He reported on the other issues that needed addressing below:
- Iron gates to the recreation ground – Wychwood Wrought Iron had supplied a quotation of £476 including VAT – this was agreed in principle
- Fencing the south west corner of the sports field – this would need to be rabbit proof and so would need to be erected with a depth of 18″ – waiting for a quotation from NTG fencing – Ongoing
- RoSPA Inspection / re-landscaping the play area in the recreation ground – a quotation had been received for the labour, the Clerk was waiting for a price on the playbark – Ongoing
- To reinstate the stone road from the bottom of the playing field entrance to the top of the Pavilion entrance – a quote had been received for £2200 – this was agreed in principle.
The Clerk was asked to run through the proposed capital expenditure with Stuart Fox, the RFO, before any of the works were confirmed.
No Income
£70.50 R A Newman & Sons (Hedgecutting)
£84.51 SSE Christmas tree lighting
£56.99 WODC re-charge for RoSPA Inspection
£16.00 Key cutting (Rob Morgan)
£350.00 Ascott Grapevine (annual grant)
Network Rail:
- Ditch on the Charity Land – Ongoing
- Landscaping the bank which is now free of weeds following the upgrade to the ditch opposite Sunset House – Cllr Morgan reported that this had been agreed in principle by OCC and NR – final details to be confirmed Ongoing
Oxfordshire Highways
- Salt Bins and gritting/clearing the roads (preferred routes) : The Clerk was asked to contact Gordon Kelman at OCC and request two new grit bins. The first one to be sited in Church View on the verge adjacent to the Pound. The second one to be sited on Shipton Road, on the bends to the west verge clear of the BT box and pumping station. The Clerk was also asked to advise OCC that the grit bin at the top of London Lane is empty, the one outside 27 London Lane is half full and needs replenishing, the one on the bridge on Chipping Norton hill is half full and needs replenishing. The grit bin sited in the Tiddy Hall car park is damaged and the Clerk was asked to ask OCC again to replace it and replenish the salt – Ongoing
- The discharge of water on to the road from in front of Mrs Beveridge’s house needs following up. OCC started investigations last year but have stopped work. Cllr Morgan has spoken with OCC who confirmed that this had been passed to Wayne Barker in their drainage team Ongoing
- Saplings/vegetation on the west side verge between 12 and 18 London Lane – Cllr Morgan reported that OCC have agreed this will be cut back and that some of the potholes in London Lane will be addressed Ongoing
Village Shop:
Nothing to report.
Natural History Project:
The Clerk reported that she had now spoken to Cynth Napper who has confirmed she would speak with Nick Mottram of the Wychwood Project and organise for the bat boxes, etc to put up on the Playing Field and 5 Shilling Corner. She also asked if the Village had Swifts because she could fund a box being put at the top of the Church. Ongoing
- Notice Boards – Ongoing
- Overhanging tree on the footpath adjacent to the School – Ongoing
- Refuse bins being left on the highway outside properties – Ongoing
- Annual Litter Pick – this was discussed and agreed should be carried out in March/April. Councillors to let Cllr Morgan have suitable dates and once a date has been confirmed the Clerk was asked to produce a poster to encourage volunteers and organise gloves, bags and grabbers etc.
Nothing to report
As read
- Cllr Morgan reported that he had received complaints about the bonfire at Crown Farm. After having spoken to Mrs Badger it was because of spontaneous combustion and the Fire Brigade were called out to advise. The Environment Health Department from WODC attended and were satisfied that everything had been done that could have been.
- Cllr Morgan reported that he had been asked if the PC would be holding any celebrations to celebrate the Royal Wedding in April. This was discussed and thought that due to time the PC would not be in a position to organise anything, but that parishioners could do so themselves should they wish. Cllr Morgan agreed to reply accordingly.
- Cllr Morgan reported that he had been asked if the PC could help with the bins, litter and general untidyness by the side of the Village Shop – this was discussed and it was reported that this was a private road and not a public highway. Cllr Morgan agreed to reply accordingly.
- Bridgette proposed that the PC could have White Gates to mark the entrances to the Village, this proposal was seconded by Cllr Marshall. The Clerk was asked to look into costs etc.
There being no further business, Cllr Morgan closed the meeting at 11.00pm and confirmed the next meeting would be held on Monday 14 March 2011.