Parish Councillors Present:
- Bridgette Crundwell (Vice)
- Laurence Mellor
- Philippa Carter
- Pauline Marshall
District Councillor:
- Hilary Hibbert-Biles
Responsible Financial Officer:
- Stuart Fox
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
- John Cull
Received from CCllr Rodney Rose and Cllr Rob Morgan.
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14 March were agreed and duly signed, dated and filed.
There were no declarations of interest.
No Report
DCllr Hibbert-Biles reported that the official opening of the new Chipping Norton War Memorial Community Hospital was Friday 13 May. She reported on the First Aid Unit (FAU) which is located at the Hospital and will be staffed by an emergency care practitioner. This will be able to deal with simple injuries and the opening times are Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) from 5pm to 9pm and weekends and bank holidays from 10am to 9pm.
Cllr Mellor reported that the questionnaire had been delivered to each household and duly collected. The response was encouraging, this being 55%. From 242 responses 98% were in favour of keeping and using the Village Pub.
Cllr Crundwell welcomed John Cull to the meeting and invited him to address the meeting. John Cull thanked the Parish Council for acting so speedily in getting the questionnaire out to the parishioners.
The Clerk reported that the Hall was booked and the reports were slowly coming in. She reminded the councilors that the meeting would start at 7.30pm and so all should be there for 6.45pm to set the tables and chairs out.
There were 5 new planning applications for consideration as follows:
11/0498/P/FP Installation of air source heat pump at 5 Maple Way – No objections
11/0434/P/FP Erection of single storey rear extension with roof terrace above at Arbourcote House, 29 London Lane – No objections
11/0455/P/FP Erection of single storey side and rear extension at 8 Heritage Lane – No objections
9. PLANNING Cont’d:
11/0504/P/FP Installation of air source heat pump at 12 Dawls Close
The planning application above was reviewed and whilst there were no objections the Council did wish to note their concerns with regard to noise levels and noise pollution to the householder and neighbouring properties because the heat pump is proposed to be located against the rear wall of the kitchen. The Clerk was asked to write to WODC noting these concerns.
11/0439/P/FP Erection of two storey and single storey rear extension and insertion of two dormer windows to front elevation at 3/5 Church View
The planning application above was reviewed and there were concerns with regard to the provision for drainage/sewage. The original plans show 3 manhole covers and the proposed application would appear to cover these over. The Clerk was asked to write to WODC asking for clarification.
Station Place (formerly 2A Shipton Road) it was thought that this site would be more suitably named “Gilberts Keep”. DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles agreed to make some enquiries and Cllr Morgan agreed to speak to Jon Westerman at WODC.
Cllr Carter reported that the plan was in its final form and had been emailed.
Cllr Mellor reported on the purchase of the Snow Plough. This is still on order and he confirmed that he was in the process of getting quotes for a gritter/spreader.
Cllr Mellor reported on the red benches in the Pavilion, which were now surplus to requirements. This was discussed and it was agreed that Cllr Mellor would speak to Roger Shepherd. The following maintenance programme below is ongoing:
- Fencing the south west corner of the Sports Field – the Clerk has instructed NTG Fencing to commence works Ongoing
- Iron gates to the Recreation field – these have been removed and works started on them Ongoing.
- Re-landscaping the play area – It was decided that the maintenance works should be carried out as soon as possible and to re-visit the replenishing of the playbark once it had been raked over.
- To reinstate the stone road from the bottom of the playing field entrance to the top of the Pavilion entrance – three quotes have been received; £2200, £3420 and £2890 respectively. Before going ahead it was suggested that the PC contact WODC to enquire if there were any grants available with this sort of small works. Cllr Morgan agreed to contact Frank Wilson at WODC and liaise with DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles Ongoing
Ascott-under-Wychwood Village Charity:
- Ditch on the Charity Land – Ongoing
Network Rail:
- Landscaping the bank which is now free of weeds following the upgrade to the ditch opposite Sunset House – Cllr Morgan reported that this had been agreed in principle by OCC and NR – final details to be confirmed Ongoing
Oxfordshire Highways
- Salt Bins and gritting/clearing the roads (preferred routes) : OCC have been asked to install two new grit bins. The first one to be sited in Church View on the verge adjacent to the Pound. The second one to be sited on Shipton Road, on the bends to the west verge clear of the BT box and pumping station Ongoing
- Cllr Morgan confirmed that the bins had been replenished with stock. The grit bin sited in the Tiddy Hall car park is damaged and the Clerk was asked to ask OCC again to replace it . Ongoing
- The discharge of water on to London Lane in front of Mrs Beveridge’s house needs following up. OCC started investigations last year but have stopped work. Cllr Morgan has spoken with OCC who confirmed that this had been passed to Wayne Barker in their drainage team. DCllr Hibbert-Biles reported that a site visit had been carried out and some remedial works done. It was agreed that the Parish Council would monitor Ongoing
- Saplings/vegetation on the west side verge between 12 and 18 London Lane – Cllr Morgan reported that OCC have agreed this will be cut back and that some of the potholes in London Lane will be addressed Ongoing
Village Shop:
Cllr Crundwell reported that the Village Shop takings were up by £6k on the first quarter compared to last year and the weekending 10 April takings were £3618 compared to £2850 last year.
Natural History Project:
The Clerk reported that she would invite Nick Mottram from the Wychwood Project to the May meeting to progress this matter.
Village Gateways:
Cllr Morgan reported that he had spoken with OCC Highways and was waiting for a response on procedures.
The Accounts for the year to 31 March 2011 were presented to the meeting, discussed and approved. The Annual Return was discussed and the Accounting Statement read and agreed. The Annual Governance Statement was read to the meeting and agreed. The Annual Return was then signed by the Vice-Chairman and the Clerk as a true record.
£30.00 Allotment rents
£10.00 Rent from the Sports Club for 2 years
£39.50 World of Color Cotswolds Ltd (photocopying)
£482.53 Clerks quarterly salary
£112.19 Clerks quarterly expenses
£120.63 Post Office PAYE
- Notice Boards – Ongoing
- Overhanging tree on the footpath adjacent to the School – it was reported that the tree had been cut back.
- Refuse bins being left on the highway outside properties – Ongoing
- Annual Litter Pick – scheduled for Saturday 16 April to meet at 10am outside the Village Shop.
- The third phase of the Village Walkabout was discussed and it was agreed to organise a date at the Village Meeting.
- The Village Maintenance Programme was discussed and confirmed that once the final phase of the Village Walkabout had been carried out, this would form the Risk Assessment, which the Parish Council were obliged to carry out. The Clerk was asked to add this to the Agenda for May.
Nothing to report
As read
There being no further business, Cllr Crundwell closed the meeting at 9.47pm and confirmed the next meeting would be the Annual Village Meeting on Monday 18 April 2011. The Clerk confirmed the May meeting would be held on Monday 9 May 2011.