Parish Councillor:
- Rob Morgan (Chairman)
- Bridgette Crundwell (Vice)
- Laurence Mellor
- Philippa Carter
- Pauline Marshall
County Councillor:
- Rodney Rose
District Councillor:
- Hilary Hibbert-Biles
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
- Nigel and Anne Braithwaite
No apologies received.
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9 May 2011 were agreed and duly signed, dated and filed.
CCllr Rodney Rose reported on the situation regarding local libraries including Shipton-under-Wychwood. He reported that the decision to only have one part-time member of staff and two volunteers would be challenged and confirmation on how the criteria was banded. He also reported that there was a four month consultation period for this issue. CCllr Rodney Rose reported on the potholes and explained that they were categorised into the following priorities; 2 hour, 24 hour and 28 days.
DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles reported on the elections held in May and that she had served her one year term as Chairman of OCC. She reported on the Local Development Framework and confirmed that this was due to be discussed at Cabinet on Wednesday. Discussions would include public time and working out who can speak at planning meetings. DCllr Hibbert-Biles reported that she was out in Ascott and Shipton with the Head of Street Scene watching the recycling system being used and that she planned to query the fact that some plastics were not being collected from the black boxes.
Cllr Morgan welcomed Nick Mottram from the Wychwood Project and explained that the PC had a small amount of funds which they would like to use for bats, bees and bird boxes. Nick gave an information sheet out noting where boxes could be purchased and advised that there was quite a lot of local knowledge within the Village and suggested speaking to Stuart Fox, Mike Pearce and Dick Franks. Cllr Morgan thanked Nick for coming to the meeting and agreed he would speak with Stuart, Mike and Dick.
Cllr Morgan read two letters received, one from Nigel Braithwaite and one from the Revd. Mark Abrey. Both letters referred to an unfortunate event that happened whilst Nigel tried to return benches to the Church, but the access was blocked by cars in Church Close. Cllr Morgan welcomed Nigel and Ann to the meeting and invited them to speak. Nigel reiterated what was in his letter and explained that the Police were called. The Clerk reported that Thames Valley Police had contacted her to discuss this issue and had advised the PC and the PCC what to do in the future. The Clerk was asked to reply to the Revd. Mark Abrey accordingly and to draft a letter to the Landlord of the property in Church Close, copying Thames Valley Police, Revd. Mark Abrey and DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles.
Please refer to Item No. 7.
35 High Street: It was reported that a site visit had been carried out by WODC and this application was now resolved.
Station Place (formerly 2A Shipton Road) being renamed Gilbert’s Keep – After discussion it was decided that this would now be taken off the Agenda.
- 11/0498/P/FP Installation of air source heat pump at 5 Maple Way – No objections
- 11/0434/P/FP Erection of single storey rear extension with roof terrace above at Arbourcote House, 29 London Lane – No objections
- 11/0455/P/FP Erection of single storey side and rear extension at 8 Heritage Lane – No objections
- 11/0504/P/FP Installation of air source heat pump at 12 Dawls Close
- 11/0439/P/FP Erection of two storey and single storey rear extension and insertion of two dormer windows to front elevation at 3/5 Church View
The planning application above was reviewed and there were concerns with regard to the provision for drainage/sewage. The original plans show 3 manhole covers and the proposed application would appear to cover these over. The Clerk was asked to write to WODC asking for clarification.
Cllr Mellor reported that the AGM would be held in July. He reported that there may possibly be the creation of a new adult football team. He reported that following on from the Fire Officer’s inspection heat alarms would be installed in two locations. No Smoking/Fire Exit signs had been erected and the outside light had been repaired. Cllr Mellor reported that he was still waiting for quotes to replace the steps outside the Pavilion to make a ramp and wheelchair access. He reported that the cricket club were not in operation, but Daryll Woods from Oxford Downs had approached him about possibly utilising the facilities.
Cllr Mellor reported that the old goal posts were not fit for purpose and proposed buying a new set and asked if the Parish Council could fund 25%. He would approach the Village Charity for 25% funding and the Sports Club would fund the remaining 50%. Cllr Morgan proposed the PC fund 25% (up to a maximum of £200). This was seconded by Cllr Crundwell.
Cllr Morgan reported that the fencing on the south west corner was now complete and the road from the bottom of the playing field entrance to the top of the Pavilion was also complete. He reported on replenishing the playbark and it was decided to carry this forward. Cllr Morgan reported that he, Cllr Carter and Cllr Mellor were going to attend an event about playgrounds being held by ORCC. The replacement “No Dogs Allowed” sign was discussed and all agreed this would be erected to the gates. Cllr Mellor proposed buying a new waste bin at a cost of £64.70 + VAT this was seconded by Cllr Morgan.
Cllr Mellor reported the Snow Plough was on order and he had looked into trailed and mounted gritters to fit onto the back of the Plough. He reported that costs varied from £1000 to £2400. This was discussed and agreed to wait for the outcome of the OCC Winter Maintenance by OCC Highways Department, which was expected within 2 weeks. DCllr Hibbert-Biles advised the Parish Council to apply to the Big Society for help with funding. Cllr Mellor agreed to look into this.
Cllr Mellor reported that there had been some confusion with regard to a new tenant, which had now been sorted. It was noted that all enquiries should be addressed to Cllr Mellor. The Clerk reported that three letters had been received from tenants about sourcing a water supply. The Clerk was asked to reply accordingly advising them that this was being looked into and forward detail of the requests to Lord Rotherwick.
- Refuse bins being left on the highway outside properties –Cllr Morgan reported that John Dowell at WODC would be dealing with this Ongoing
- Overhanging hedgerow in Heritage Lane – Cllr Morgan agreed to speak with the riparian owner.
Ascott-under-Wychwood Village Charity:
- Ditch on the Charity Land – a letter had been received from Mark Dawbarn and presented to the meeting. After discussion the Clerk was asked to reply to the letter and ask Laurence King at WODC to advise the Village Charity accordingly – Ongoing
Network Rail:
- Landscaping the bank following the upgrade to the ditch opposite Sunset House – Cllr Morgan reported that this had been agreed in principle by OCC and NR – final permission from NR to be confirmed – Ongoing
Oxfordshire Highways
OCC Reference No. PEM390333 (to be carried out this calendar year)
- Installation of two new Salt Bins; Church View (on the verge adjacent to the Pound) and on Shipton Road (on the bends to the west verge clear of the BT box and pumping station) Ongoing
- Replacement (FOC) the Salt Bin in the Tiddy Hall car park Ongoing
- The discharge of water on to London Lane (in front of Mrs Beveridge’s house) OCC have started investigations. Gordon Hunt has written and confirmed that after meeting Cllr Morgan and parishioners on site this will be added to this year’s Drainage Program Ongoing
- Saplings/vegetation on the west side verge between 12 and 18 London Lane – Cllr Morgan reported that OCC have agreed this will be cut back and that some of the potholes in London Lane will be addressed Ongoing
Volunteer Group:
- Cllr Morgan agreed to speak to Shipton Volunteer Group and invite a member to attend the July meeting.
Kerb Stones by Station Place:
Cllr Marshall reported that she had spoken to the Site Manager at Station Place about kerb stones on the opposite pavement being knocked out of position by contractors’ vehicles. It was agreed that some of the stones would be re-set once contractors’ vans and NR vehicles had stopped parking in that area regularly. Cllr Marshall had also spoken to NR contractors. She agreed to speak with Hills again to ensure that the kerb stones would be re-set before the contractors left the site.
Village Shop:
Nothing to report.
Natural History Project:
Please refer to Item 6
Village Gateways:
- £1029.80 OCC Grasscutting Grant
- £136.00 Tiddy Hall Rent Cheque No. 100772
- £69.27 WODC Cheque No. 100773
- £46.20 WODC Cheque No. 100774
- £120.02 Patrick Edwards Cheque No. 100775
- £1090.00 S Barnes Cheque No. 100776
- £1263.60 Huntsman Quarries Cheque No. 100777
- £600.00 NTG Fencing Cheque No. 100778
- £50.00 West Oxon CAB Cheque No. 100779
- £120.00 Wychwood Day Centre Cheque No. 100780
The Clerk reported that the bank balance was now £9252.72. She also reported that the internal audit was now complete and the following points were raised:
- Cheque number 100762 for £30 was issued for fuel used during the heavy snow. No receipt was filed although the payment was approved in the minutes. RFO Stuart Fox acknowledged this was his error.
- Allotment agreements – it is suggested that the agreements show the rent charged
- Cheque numbers were not recorded in the December, January and March minutes – it is suggested that cheque numbers are always recorded.
- Risk Assessment – although various projects are discussed in the minutes and subsequent works carried out, the Internal Auditor suggested that a detailed risk assessment should be drawn up annually for inspection.
The Clerk reported that the Annual Return had now been submitted to BDO LLP for approval. The Clerk was asked to speak to Stuart Fox and ask for a copy of his risk assessment used in previous years.
- OCC Letter re Grasscutting Grant 2011
- Wolvercote Commoners Committee
- ORCC Review
- WODC Code of Conduct Training
- OCC Letter re permanent closure of Dean Pit
- Ascott-under-Wychwood Charity – Letter from Mark Dawbarn re Lower Green
- West Oxfordshire CAB Letter requesting donation
- St John Ambulance letter requesting donation
- The Wychwoods Day Centre Limited – Letter requesting a donation
- Letters from 3 allotment tenants re water on the allotment site from: W Prewett, J Ravenhill and A Holden
- Letters from Revd. Mark Abrey and N Braithwaite re Church access
- OALC May and June Update – already emailed
The three letters requesting donations were discussed and it was agreed to send a donation of £50 to the West Oxfordshire CAB and £120 to the Wychwood Day Centre. The Clerk was asked to reply accordingly.
Cllr Mellor reported that he had been approached about rubbish skips being provided in the Village as they had been in the past. This was discussed and in view of other known projects and their cost it was decided not to provide skips at this time.
Cllr Morgan reported that Theresa from NR had asked if the PC had carried out a survey of parishioners rail needs.
There being no further business, Cllr Morgan closed the meeting at 11.00pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 11 July 2011