Parish Councillor:
- Rob Morgan (Chairman)
- Bridgette Crundwell (Vice)
- Philippa Carter
- Pauline Marshall
District Councillor:
- Hilary Hibbert-Biles
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
- Anthony and Lesley Gillings
Apologies were received from CCllr Rodney Rose and Cllr Laurence Mellor.
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13 June 2011 were agreed and duly signed, dated and filed.
DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles reported, in the absence of CCllr Rodney Rose, that the report written in the Oxford Mail regarding salt and grit supplies was wrong and printed incorrectly. She reported that it has been proposed, but not agreed, that if parishes have somewhere to store salt they may be given 1 tonne of grit in addition to the grit bins being filled.
DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles reported that planning was quiet and that unfortunately the recycling contract with May Gurney was not proving to be completely successful and that a meeting was scheduled with the contractors on Thursday.
Cllr Morgan welcomed Abbie Cooke from Shipton-under-Wychwood Volunteers to the meeting and invited her to speak. Abbie gave a presentation on how the Volunteer group had been set up and how they run. It was formed seven years ago and was started by obtaining names, numbers and emails of parishioners interested in volunteering to carry out small works throughout the Village. She explained that the Volunteer Group meet between 9am to midday on a Friday and Saturday once a month. Abbie said that the costs were minimal and that a local contractor sponsored them to purchase hi-viz jackets, sweatshirts and t-shirts. Cllr Morgan thanked Abbie for such an informative presentation. After discussion Cllr Carter agreed to prepare a Notice asking for volunteers and she would display it in the Village Shop, the Grapevine and on the Notice Boards. Cllr Carter reported that there was a Table Top sale scheduled to be held in the Tiddy Hall and so she would have a table with a view to obtaining some names and addresses also.
Cllr Morgan welcomed Mr and Mrs Gillings from Station Place to the meeting and invited them to speak. Mr Gillings spoke about the grasscrete membrane used outside No 1 Station Place to form a path. He explained that both he and the Postman had slipped on this recently and expressed his concern at its safety and suitability. The Clerk was asked to write to WODC and ask them to look in to this and DCllr Hibbert-Biles confirmed she would speak to WODC also.
11/0838/P/FP Erection of two poultry houses together with associated works including hardstanding and bulk feed bins. This application was discussed and the Clerk was asked to write to WODC confirming they had no objections.
Cllr Morgan reported that he, Cllr Carter and Cllr Mellor attended a networking event in Carterton provided by Oxfordshire Playing Field Association, looking at play equipment and funding. Cllr Carter reported that she had received lists of contacts and how application for funding worked. She thought the PC would be more successful with funding if they could prove widespread support i.e. a Village Questionnaire and a Village Plan. Cllrs Morgan, Carter and Mellor agreed to meet in August to discuss this further and the Clerk was asked to add Village Plan to the September Agenda.
Cllr Carter reported that the end of year books were complete and had been signed off by RFO Stuart Fox. She reported that the AGM was scheduled to be held on 27 July and that Wychwood Youth would hopefully have two teams and there was still the possibility of a Senior Team. The Parish Clerk reported, in Cllr Mellor’s absence that the application had been made to the Village Charity for a donation of £200 towards a new set of goalposts.
The Parish Clerk reported, in Cllr Mellor’s absence, that the snow plough was on order and that further research on the cost of a gritter/grit/storage had been undertaken and that he was awaiting news of the OCC review as mentioned by CCllr Rose. Detailed proposals will be brought to the September meeting. DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles agreed to speak with Cllr Mellor about applying to the newly established OCC Big Society Fund for funding for the cost of both the Snow Plough and the Gritter.
Cllr Carter reported that the reeds in the River near the Chipping Norton bridge were getting quite thick and that she would like to start the process of cutting them back. She reported that she would contact the EA. Cllr Carter reported that Keith Lead from the EA is retiring and suggested that the PC write and extend their thanks and gratitude for all his hard work given to the Village. The Clerk agreed to write accordingly.
The Parish Clerk reported, in the absence of Cllr Mellor, that he had held discussions with Shipton-under-Wychwood Allotments’ Chairman, Jill Mavin regarding water supplies and costs. Thames Water had also been contacted and advice given on types of supply and costs. Cllr Mellor will bring a proposal to the September meeting.
- Refuse bins being left on the highway outside properties –Cllr Morgan reported that John Dowell at WODC would be dealing with this Ongoing
- Overhanging hedgerow in Heritage Lane – Cllr Morgan had tried to speak to the riparian owner, without success and so had written Ongoing.
- Kerb Stones by Station Place – Cllr Marshall reported that the kerb stones had been re-sited.
- Kerb Stones on Shipton Road by Meadowbank House – the Clerk was asked to write to WODC pointing out that residents have witnessed refuse and recycling lorries causing damage to the kerbstones.
Ascott-under-Wychwood Village Charity:
- Ditch on the Charity Land – Laurence King at WODC to advise the Village Charity accordingly – Ongoing
Network Rail:
- Landscaping the bank following the upgrade to the ditch opposite Sunset House – Cllr Morgan reported that this had been agreed in principle by OCC and NR – final permission from NR to be confirmed Ongoing
Oxfordshire Highways
OCC Reference No. PEM390333 – Cllr Morgan reported that this work had commenced today (11 July 2011)
- Installation of two new Salt Bins; Church View (on the verge adjacent to the Pound) and on Shipton Road (on the bends to the west verge clear of the BT box and pumping station) Ongoing
- Replacement (FOC) the Salt Bin in the Tiddy Hall car park Ongoing
- The discharge of water on to London Lane (in front of Mrs Beveridge’s house) OCC have started investigations. Gordon Hunt has written and confirmed that after meeting Cllr Morgan and parishioners on site this will be added to this year’s Drainage Program Ongoing
- Saplings/vegetation on the west side verge between 12 and 18 London Lane – Cllr Morgan reported that OCC have agreed this will be cut back and that some of the potholes in London Lane will be addressed Ongoing
Thames Water
- Collapsed manhole at the Gypsy Lane junction – this is the responsibility of Thames Water and has been reported, the PC will monitor.
Village Shop:
Cllr Crundwell gave a report on comparable weekly takings. One comparison showed that the takings for the week ending 12 June show £3,353 this year, compared with £2,840 last year. This giving an increase of £513.
Parking Church Close:
The Clerk reported that the Incident Number is URN8951 21/5/2011 and that the PC were waiting to hear back from the Rev’d Mark Abrey on land ownership and rights of way.
Natural History Project:
Bank Balance: £5579
No Income
- £2790.00 Ross Farm Machinery Snow Plough Cheque No. 100781
- £575.56 A Barnes Clerk’s quarterly salary Cheque No. 100782
- £139.28 A Barnes Clerk’s quarterly expenses Cheque No. 100783
A revised forecast had been prepared by Stuart Fox, RFO effective from 11 July 2011 to 31 March 2012 and had been emailed to all councillors. Stuart asked the Clerk to minute the following; some items of expenditure in the forecast may not be necessary, but the revised forecast does illustrate that the PC must take care not to over commit themselves in the current financial year. It is also important that when setting a budget and precept all expenditure has to be anticipated one year in advance rather than being decided in the current year.
Email from Gerald Simper, Cotswold Parish Warden
Letter of thanks from West Oxon CAB
Letter of thanks from The Wychwood Day Centre Limited
Clerks & Councils Direct
Letter from Sovereign Play Equipment
Letter from Nigel Braithwaite re the allocation of parking at Church Close
Letter from parishioner re moving the unofficial Burford School Bus Stop
The Clerk was asked to reply to Gerald Simper explaining that the PC were not in a position, at this stage, to give a contribution towards replacing the information board at the sheepwash.
Cllr Morgan read the letter received from Mrs Lovel with regard to the unofficial Burford School Bus Stop having been moved from outside her house on Shipton Road to its official position opposite The Swan Public House. After discussion it was felt that there was nothing that the PC could do to help and Mrs Lovel should continue to raise this issue with OCC.
- Cllr Marshall asked the meeting to consider planting trees to commemorate the Jubilee. The Clerk was asked to add this to the September Agenda
- Cllr Carter raised the matter of the notice board at the bottom of Dawls Close, which is owned by NR and has fallen into disrepair. The Clerk was asked to write to NR and request that this is repaired.
There being no further business, Cllr Morgan closed the meeting at 10.20pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 12 September 2011