Parish Councillor:
- Rob Morgan (Chairman)
- Bridgette Crundwell (Vice)
- Pauline Marshall
District Councillor:
- Hilary Hibbert-Biles
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Apologies were received from CCllr Rodney Rose, Cllr Laurence Mellor and Cllr Philippa Carter
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11 July 2011 were agreed and duly signed, dated and filed.
In the absence of CCllr Rodney Rose, DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles spoke on his behalf; she reported that the Big Society were still looking for new and innovative ideas to allocate grant funding to. She also reported on the Area Steward Fund and explained that there would be funding available that could be split into 4 divisions or on a parish by parish request. DCllr Hibbert-Biles reported that a meeting was scheduled to be held on Tuesday 20 September and urged the Parish Council to apply. Cllr Crundwell agreed to access, print off and give to Cllr Morgan the guidance notes. It is hoped that submission of an application could result in funding towards the Snow Plough, a Gritter and ancillary costs so that the Parish Council can show an innovative idea of “self help” during adverse weather conditions. Cllr Crundwell also agreed to look and see if the Area Steward Fund was available.
DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles reported that District were currently focusing on the Local Development Framework (LDF) and that there was going to be a full council meeting, which would be held at the Corn Exchange.
£50.00 Donation from C H Feith (for wood left over from a dead tree that had been felled)
- Chq. No. 100784 £10.00 CLPG S.137 subscription
- Chq. No. 100785 £162.00 BDO Stoy LLP (External Audit fee)
- Chq. No. 100786 £86.84 Cllr Mellor
There were no members of the public.
There were no new planning applications to be considered.
The Clerk reported on a letter and an email received from two parishioners with regard to Priory Lane. Both the letter and the email pointed out that a hole in the hedge had appeared and a gate had been put there. She reported that she had acknowledged the parishioners’ correspondence and suggested they contact WODC planning and that she would bring this up at the meeting. This was discussed and the Clerk was asked to write to Jon Westerman at WODC to ask for this to be investigated.
Cllr Morgan agreed to take responsibility for this and asked the Clerk to carry this forward for full discussion at the October meeting.
The Clerk read Cllr Carter’s report; The group had an introductory meeting on 24 August. They chose the name “Helpers of Ascott-under-Wychwood”. There are 40 names registered so far, this is however, not an exclusive group and notices will always be posted to encourage anyone in the village to join the sessions and go on our e-mailing list. The group chose monthly sessions, alternating Saturday mornings 9am to 12noon and Monday afternoons 1pm to 4pm. A notice board will be placed on the Green on the day so that latecomers can always find the group. “Helpers” who cant make official sessions but want to contribute in their own time will be offered a different task to complete within the month. This we call the “A-team task”. The first A-team task was completed by Simon Gidman and Richard Squires – the felling of the dead tree just inside the recreation ground. Our next official session is called for Saturday 24 September 9am to 12noon, meet on the Green. The task is a litter pick and Cllr Rob Morgan will be responsible for organising and leading on the day. Cllr Philippa Carter will put up notices on the boards and in the shop.
DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles reported that to celebrate the Jubilee County Council were going to donate 60 Oak trees and it is hoped that Ascott will be included.
Cllr Morgan reported that the rotten tree had now been felled and removed by the Helpers of Ascott-under-Wychwood. A parishioner had asked to take the wood away and gave a donation of £50 to the Parish Council.
It as agreed to carry this forward to the October meeting.
The Clerk read Cllr Mellor’s report on the planning for adverse weather; the snow plough is now stored at Crown Farm. Provisional costings for the purchase of a gritter, salt/grit, bunker and ancillary costs have been forwarded to the RFO Stuart Fox. Cllr Mellor is awaiting an update on the possibility of bidding against a local OCC/WODC fund to support the purchase of necessary equipment/supplies. Without funding the PC will have a deficit of £1,423 and will need to review their plans. Please refer to Item 4.
The Clerk read Cllr Carter’s report; I have undertaken an inspection of the Evenlode between Coldstone House and the Chipping Norton road bridge following various concerns about blockages in the river. These blockages were a cabinet downstream of the river, overgrown reeds, a very professionally dam built of stone underneath the bridleway bridge and a large willow tree branch from the banks of Langley Mill which had fallen across the width of the channel. The cabinet was removed by Nick Carter, Brian Ridley and Mike Pearce. We have no idea who built the dam under the bridleway bridge. The person/s responsible would have been trespassing and the landowners around the bridge were furious. Landowners would like to reiterate to everyone that damming the river will result in increased likelihood of flooding, especially when built near constriction points such as bridges. Nick Carter took several hours to remove the damn. The Environment Agency has been informed of the fallen willow tree and should remove it under the agreement that this reach is designated a High Priority. The landowner is aware and will step in if necessary but river landowners are keen to keep the EA to their agreement as they do so little to maintain the river at Ascott otherwise.
Reeds upstream of the Chipping Norton road bridge are completely filling the channel in two locations. The EA river maintenance leader has told me in the past that these should be cut back to a third of the width of the channel. I have contacted the EA and they are not at this stage prepared to do the job. I have taken advice from Hugh Sykes of Langley Mill (who has his reeds cut back on a rolling 4-year programme) and Mike Pearce. They both agree that reeds trap silt and thus raise the level of the river bed and reduce its capacity. Reeds also trap debris and could cause temporary damns. Hugh and Mike commented that reeds do very little to benefit the conservation of wildlife and they are an annoyance to fishermen, so there is no reason to preserve a large number indefinitely. They were both clear that reeds will grow back immediately (like herbaceous plants) if cleared by hand, so this is not a job for volunteers. A mechanical digger is the only way in their opinion. This requires complicated permissions from the EA and landowners. I have spoken to John Gripper who is broadly in agreement but would like me to speak to the fishing club. Robin Walker has agreed and I still have to contact Cornbury/Bill Izod.
I shall contact the EA who have yet to let me know the name of the person who has taken over from Keith Lead. I shall also be attending a workshop held by the EA about Self-Help maintenance of rivers on 24 September, where I shall meet all the relevant staff. Funding is an issue still to resolve.
Landowners met 2 years ago to discuss river maintenance and have indicated that they would like to do so again, so I shall organise this during the autumn.
The Clerk read Cllr Mellor’s report; The AGM was held on 27 July. There are three football teams using the facilities this season – Girls, Boys and a Men’s team. The new goalposts are now in place and much appreciated by all participants. Thanks were given to the Parish Council and the Ascott Village Charity for their generous donations towards the costs. It was reported that heat detectors had now been fitted in the Pavilion and additional fire safety signage displayed internally. The fire extinguisher holder was now secure, the outside lights had been repaired and were now working and the damaged door within the Pavilion had been repaired. It was reported that the financial position is finely balanced but ways of reducing costs and increasing revenues are constantly explored. Finally the field is in good condition, but under constant threat from wildlife, especially moles.
The Clerk read Cllr Mellor’s report; one plot had been recently vacated and so Cllr Mellor would look at the waiting list and confirm.
Ascott-under-Wychwood Village Charity:
- Ditch on the Charity Land – Laurence King at WODC to advise the Village Charity accordingly – Ongoing
Oxfordshire Highways
The Clerk was asked to write to Gordon Hunt and chase the progress on the following:
- Installation of two new Salt Bins; Church View (on the verge adjacent to the Pound) and on Shipton Road (on the bends to the west verge clear of the BT box and pumping station) Ongoing
- Replacement (FOC) the Salt Bin in the Tiddy Hall car park Ongoing
- Saplings/vegetation on the west side verge between 12 and 18 London Lane – Cllr Morgan reported that OCC have agreed this will be cut back and that some of the potholes in London Lane will be addressed Ongoing
Village Shop:
Cllr Crundwell reported on two weeks takings; the week ending 7 August the takings were up £900 and the week ending 14 August £300.
Parking Church Close:
Incident Number URN8951 21/5/2011 – the Clerk reported that nothing further had been received from the PCC. Ongoing
Natural History Project:
Diamond Jubilee Lunch 2012:
The Clerk reported that an email had been received from Debra Cull asking for permission to use the Pavilion and its facilities on 6 June 2012. Debra also asked if the PC would consider part funding a commemorative mug celebrating the Diamond Jubilee and the centenary of the Tiddy Hall, which would be given to all children of Ascott-under-Wychwood under the age of 16. Any surplus mugs would be available to sell to anyone who would like one. This was discussed and the Clerk was asked to write and confirm that the PC were happy for the Pavilion and its facilities to be used. Whilst the PC agreed, in principle, to part fund the commemorative mug the Clerk was asked to write and explain that funding would not be available until the next financial year and before full approval they would like an indication of cost per mug and how many would be purchased. Once this information was provided a decision would be made by a full council. Ongoing
- Luke & Learn (Oxfordshire History Centre)
- Letter from The Local Government Boundary Commission for England (re the Electoral Review)
- OCC Letter re the Review of octabus Dial-a-Ride service
- Letter from The Tiddy Hall (notifying the PC of a rent increase to £12 for the room and £18 for the Hall respectively)
- West Oxon CAB Annual Report 2010/11
- Cotswold & Malvern Line News
- OPFA The Playing Field Newsletter
- Forest Update
- PlaySmart UK
- Kompan Playgrounds
- Clerks & Councils Direct
- The Cotswold Lion
- Email and Letter from two parishioners regarding Priory Lane – please refer to Item 8.
- Email received from Debra Cull with regard to the Diamond Jubilee Lunch 2012 – please refer to item 17.
Cllr Morgan agreed to take the correspondence envelope.
There being no further business, Cllr Morgan closed the meeting at 9.45pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 10 October 2011