Waste and recycling calendars for the next 12 months are now available to download from West Oxfordshire District Council’s website: www.westoxon.gov.uk
Residents can access their bin collection dates calendar by simply entering their postcode in the ‘My West Oxfordshire’ section on the homepage.
Here they can also register for weekly email alerts about their collection dates, including which bins to put out each week, along with helpful information about changes to collections, for example over the Christmas period or during bad weather. Over 4,000 households are already registered for this service.
Cllr David Harvey, District Council Cabinet Member for Environment said: “The calendars are straightforward to download and once you register for the email alerts, you can sit back knowing you’ll get a reminder straight to your inbox each week before your next collection.”
As well as bin collection information, residents can use the alerts service to receive information about planning applications registered near to their homes.
Paper copies of the waste calendars are available for those that do not have web access. These can be picked up from the District Council’s Town Centre Shop and Elmfield offices in Witney, and the Guildhall, Chipping Norton. Alternatively, call 01993 861000.