Be in the know about planning applications near your home – WODC
Want to find out when someone puts in for planning near your home? Interested in tracking the progress of planning applications for our village/town?
You can now sign up to receive emails from West Oxfordshire District Council to find out when a planning application is registered within 500 metres of your home, and choose whether to track its progress or submit your views about the application quickly and simply online.
The email notifications service is part of improvements to the planning section of the council’s website to make it easier to find out about applications online.
What’s more, you can also get weekly reminders about your waste collections so you know which bins to put out, as well as opt to receive alerts in the event of changes to your collections due to bank holidays.
To register to ‘Be in the Know’: visit www.westoxon.gov.uk/beintheknow and follow the simple registration steps.
To find out more about planning in West Oxfordshire, see www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning or call 01993 861000.