Dear Resident.

This note has been prepared on behalf of the Parish Council. Following an application to Sport England we have been granted funding to the value of £44,000 to improve the drainage on the village playing field. As many of you will know significant flooding of pitches occurs during winter and high intensity summer rainfall events and this limits the use of the pitches.
Following a detailed site investigation, a set of development options for drainage have been prepared and we are now in a position to establish indicative costs and an outline work programme. Importantly, the only cost that will fall to the parish council is a small contribution of £500.
When considering options, the priority has been to ensure that the solution for the playing field does not lead to increased risk of flooding in the immediate area or indeed the rest of the village. The single most difficult question we faced was what to do with the water captured by the new drains.

The preferred option, proposed by specialists employed by TGMS Ltd, Sports Surface Consultants, and agreed with Oxfordshire County Council, Highways Department is that the outflow from on site drainage is discharged into the highways drainage scheme in the High Street adjacent to the entrance to the playing field. A flow control device to limit the rate of discharge will ensure that highways drains are not overwhelmed.
Now that we have an agreed plan it is appropriate to share the detail with residents. A copy will be placed on the village web site and can be obtained by writing to For those without access to email please drop me a note at 10 High Street, A-u-W and you will receive a paper copy.
For those who have questions please do not hesitate to get in touch and I will do my best to answer them.
Kind regards,
Laurence Mellor
Tel: 831182
22nd May 2015