Parish Councillors:
- Philippa Carter
- Sandy Timms
- Mark Tribe
- Peter Rance
County Councillor:
- Rodney Rose
District Councillor:
- Tom Simcox
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
- Nigel Braithwaite and Bertie Trinder
- Will Munro Project Manager (Development) Cottsway
None received.
The recorded Minutes from the Meeting held on 11 July 2016 were agreed, duly signed, dated and filed.
There were no declarations of interest.
(All monies received below relate to the recreation field drainage scheme)
Feith £500
Rance, Smith & Craig £580
Football Club £929
Sport’s Pavilliion £1,000
B Burns £100
S Richards £75
Sport England £52,871
TGMS £1,800.00 Chq No. 101018 (drainage scheme)
AgriPower £63,445.46 Chq No. 101019 (drainage scheme)
BDO LLP £240.00 Chq No. 101020 (external audit)
Due to this month’s large expenditure for the recreation field drainage, the PC are owed by HMRC £10,874.24 for recoverable VAT. We normally claim the VAT back at our March year end, but because of the very large sum involved SF will check with HMRC to see if an interim claim can be made. The Clerk will check with OALC to see if they have any advice relating to interim claim procedures.
CCllr Rodney Rose reported on a bus service scheme called Comet. He reported that this has been designed to make use of small buses that lay dormant after their school run. The service is available from 10am to 3pm and customers would need to register their interest and the cost would be approximately £5 per head. Cllr Rance took details of this service.
DCllr Simcox reported that WODC were formulating a detailed layout with regards to the Unitary debate. He reported that WODC had expressed an interest in a floated idea of a garden village – possibly near Eynsham which would consist of between 3000 and 5000 houses. DCllr Simcox reported that the recycling waste contract would be changing to fortnightly from October 2017.
He reported that each household would be supplied with a wheelie bin to distribute their recycling in, with the exception of glass which will continue to be separated by the consumer. DCllr Simcox also reported that green waste would now incur a separate charge of £70 per household and each one will need to register with WODC that they wish their green waste to be collected fortnightly.
Please refer to Item No. 11 Planning
Nothing to report. The Clerk was asked to now remove this from the Agenda.
(a) Wychwoods Working Together – Ongoing
(b) County, District and Parish Council Surgery – 29 October and then bi-monthly on the last Saturday of the month thereafter.
(c) Church Lime Trees – Cllr Carter reported that the Helpers worked with the PCC in August to cut the growth of the lower limbs of the Lime trees.
(d) Oxfordshire Together (OCC) – Ongoing
(e) The Pound – Cllr Carter reported that two time capsules had been put in the wall. She reported that Gerald Simper, the Cotswold Warden, had asked for any photographs that may have been taken during the works. Cllr Carter reported that she would write a “thank you” to all those involved in making the re-building of the Pound wall possible.
(f) Grass Cutting Contract (revised) – Ongoing
(g) Accident opposite Signal Box – Cllr Carter reported that the Network Rail wire fence had been fixed but that the road sign had not been recovered (OCC Traffic team) nor the broken culvert slabs replaced (OCC Drainage team). Cllr Carter will monitor.
(h) Ascott Martyrs’ Memorial proposals – Cllr Carter reported on correspondence from Mr Paul Jackson about a further memorial to the Ascott Martyrs. This was discussed at length and whilst the PC were in favour of some form of memorial which portrayed the story of the martyrs, it was agreed unanimously that the PC did not have the resources nor the time to take on any work or responsibilities with regards this project at this stage.
(i) Damaged sign at Station Place – Cllr Carter reported that WODC had been informed and that a new sign had been ordered.
(j) Wychwood Church of England Primary School – the PC discussed and voted that they would be happy to pledge £200 and await to hear on their progress. The Clerk was asked to write and confirm this.
(k) Ordnance Survey Map – the request from Elaine Byles was discussed – Ongoing
(Including Item No. 8 Public Time)
(a) West Oxfordshire Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment 2016 – please refer to application number 16/02793/FUL below.
(b) WODC Parish Survey – Cllr Carter reported that this had been completed and sent to WODC
16/02793/FUL Erection of six dwellings and associated works at 18 Maple Way
Cllr Carter welcomed William Munro, Cottsway Project Manager, Bertie Trinder and Nigel Braithwaite, parishioners, to the meeting.
Mr Munro reported on the garage blocks at the top of Maple Way and the surrounding land. Most tenants had surrendered their tenancy and Cottsway has identified this site to replace the garages and build 6 new affordable dwellings. A planning application, 16/02793/FUL, was currently with WODC and the consultation process had commenced. A paper copy of the plans were laid out for the public members and parish council to consider. There followed a short Q & A session
Q: Cllr Carter expressed complete dissatisfaction, on behalf of the Parish Council and the parishioners, at the lack of time and pre-application consultation given to the PC and community, as recommended in National Planning Guidelines.
A: William Munro acknowledged the PC’s dissatisfaction.
Q: Cllr Carter asked William Munro had the parishioners, namely Bertie Trinder and others, been consulted about the proposed development prior to the application being sent to WODC
A: William Munro assured the PC that all the parishioners that were going to be affected had been visited and spoken to.
Q: Bertie Trinder explained to the meeting that he knew nothing about the planning application and how this was going to adversely affect the privacy and light all along his back garden. He explained that when visited by Cottsway, they said that he would lose a strip of his garden. They would replace his shed and wall but they did not explain that 4 of the 6 houses would be built overlooking his garden.
A: William Munro noted this down.
Q: Cllr Carter asked about parts of gardens in Dawls Close which residents had been told would be taken as part of this application.
A: Mr Munro explained that those plans had changed but that instead a large part of the back garden belonging to No 15 Dawls Close would be taken to form two parking spaces. Mr Munro admitted that residents had not been informed about the change of plans.
Q: Nigel Braithwaite and the PC were unhappy with the proposed application and Nigel suggested that the whole plan be turned around so that the dwellings were built on the opposite side.
A: William Munro replied that this had been considered by Cottsway and discussed with WODC, but WODC preferred the current proposal.
DCllr Tom Simcox was asked to take this application to full committee. Nigel Braithwaite suggested that Cllr Carter and Cllr Tribe arrange to meet the planning officer Abby Fettes.
16/02924/HHD Alterations and erection of single and two storey extensions at The Priory House 22 High Street – to be considered by councillors
16/03058/HHD Replacement doors and windows to rear elevation. Construction of pergola and first floor balcony together with associated fencing (Retrospective) at Granary Barn, Yew Tree Farm, 45 High Street. – to be considered by councillors.
WODC LOCAL PLAN SITE IDENTIFICATION – DCllr Simcox reported that he would be attending a Planning Workshop on Thursday. Cllr Carter asked Tom to feed back to her as soon as possible.
16/02257/FUL Erection of front porch at The Swan, 4 Shipton Road
(a) Notice Boards – to remove staples and repaint in dry weather – ongoing
(b) Waste Bins – WODC have replaced 3 bins and the Clerk was asked to contact WODC and enquire when the 4th bin would be replaced.
(c) RoSPA Inspection – Cllr Carter reported that she would speak to the contractors now that the drainage project was complete to organise the annual inspection of the play equipment.
(Recreation and Playground)
(a) Replacement Sign – Ongoing
(b) Trellis – Ongoing
(c) Handrail – Ongoing
(d) Hedgecutting – Clerk to appoint contractors to cut hedge in October/November
Cllr Carter proposed a “huge” thankyou to Laurence for his relentless hard work in coordinating this project. This was seconded by Cllr Timms and unanimously agreed by all councillors.
15. ROADS:
OCC have cut the verges in Ascott Parish outside the 30mph limit and some grips have been cut by the OCC drainage team. They appear to have accepted the rural verge cutting is too big a responsibility for small parishes.
Cllr Carter reported that the Executive Fire Protection inspection had been carried out.
Cllr Carter reported that Laurence Mellor was arranging for the snow equipment to be moved due to the impending sale of Crown Farm.
Cllr Carter reported that the Helpers had had a very successful session in the Church Yard cutting the lower limbs of the Lime Trees. She reported that Nick Carter and Roger Shepherd had taken the waste away.
Volunteer operated Villager services are now operating the only public transport buses in the area. Those that include Ascott reflect changes to accommodate the expressed preferences of our regular users who depend upon them. Early indications show that being the only provider, Villager are running higher occupancy levels. However, only sustained levels of usage will justify a confident long term service provision.
At Cllr Rance’s request, Villager kindly cleared all Ascott bus stops of outdated timetables and replaced them with the new Villager ones, plus placing spare copies in the village shop.
The summer journal of the Cotswold Line Promotion Group (CLPG) published a strong case for modest additional services to and from Ascott. Concurrently, Alan Field, the GWR Cotswold Line Manager who has pressed his company resolutely to fulfil such improvements, sadly without apparent success, has now retired. His replacement, is Claire King, a 25 year old graduate, who both CLPG and Cllr Rance are endeavouring to meet at the earliest opportunity to further this dialogue. With GWR committed to delivering electrified services eventually to Oxford, however, it is by no means certain that what they deem “minor stations” on our line, will not be impacted by planned faster, more frequent, through services.
Cllr Timms reported that there were plenty of volunteers and that WiFi was now accessible at the Library.
Cllr Timms reported that the annual Fun Run would not be held this year.
Clerks & Councils Direct
Cotswold Lion (Cotswold Conservation Board)
Letter from Wychwood Church of England Primary School – requesting donation towards
their fundraising for a MUGA
Wychwood Project – Forest Update
OCC Chilson, Pudlicote Lane road closure on 12 September for 3 days
OCC Oxfordshire Unitary Government Study
OALC monthly update
Tony Gillings – complaint about sign at Station Place (dealt with under Matters Arising)
Elaine Byles – request for OS map (being dealt with under Matters Arising)
There being no further business, Cllr Carter declared the meeting closed at 10.25pm and confirmed the next meeting would be the held on Monday 10 October 2016.
Cllr Philippa Carter (Chairman)