Parish Councillors
- Philippa Carter
- Sandy Timms
- Mark Tribe
- Peter Rance
- Graham Ranson
District Councillor
- Tom Simcox
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- No members of the public
1. Apologies
Apologies received from CCllr Liz Leffman.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the October meeting were approved as a true record, duly signed, dated and filed.
3. Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4. Financial Report
There was no income to record.
£288.00 Chq No. 101087 I Godden
£68.35 Chq No. 101088 Margaret Johnson Stationers
£30.00 Chq No. 101089 A Barnes (print cartridges)
£300.00 Chq No. 101090 Coldstone Angling
£36.00 Chq No. 101091 Patrick Edwards (tractor repairs)
Cllr Carter referred to setting the Precept and presented a list of one-off costs, together with a list of the annual expenditure to the councillors. These were discussed and it was agreed that a vote would be taken at the December meeting to set the Precept.
5. Reports from County and District Councillors
Cllr Liz Leffman had sent her apologies, but had advised the grips will be done during the first week of December by OCC.
Cllr Tom Simcox reported that there were still ongoing problems with the recycling bins and the collections. He reported that the Local Plan was still ongoing.
6. Public Time
There was no public time.
7. Planning
Approved Application – 17/00918/FUL Development on site of garages, south of Maple Way (original application – 16/02793/FUL 18 Maple Way Erection of 6 dwellings & associated works)
8. Matters Arising
(a) County, District & Parish joint surgery – scheduled for Saturday 25 November 11.30 to 12.30 at the Swan. P Cllr Ranson will attend for the PC.
(b) Wychwoods Working Together – Cllr Rance to speak to the bus contact at the Wychwood parish councils. Cllr Carter would send Ascott’s Emergency Plan to both Milton and Shipton parish councils.
(c) OCC Grasscutting contract – Ongoing – Cllr Carter to liaise with C Cllr Leffman
(d) Hedgecutting – the Clerk would chase again.
(e) Sign at the Ascott Earl Sheepwash – Cllr Ranson to arrange repair of Perspex.
(f) Grant request from Ascott Village Shop – this was discussed and all agreed that there had been an oversight and misunderstanding in replying to the letter received from Nick Leadbetter, requesting a donation to the village shop. Cllr Carter reported that she had apologised profusely on behalf of the Parish Council.
(g) Wychwood Day Centre – Cllr Carter / Chris George – Chris George had written to the PC thanking them for their continued support of the Wychwood Day Centre. He also stated that the Day Centre Trustees would be very understanding if the PC would like to change the beneficiary of Carols on the Green this year.
9. Risk Assessment & Ground Maintenance
Cllrs Carter, Timms and Ranson had met up and carried out a “village walk about” to go through the Risk Assessment. Cllr Carter referred to the stone walls in the Pound which had been vandalised. She also referred trees and bushes behind the Pavilion, which needed some management.
10. Community Emergency Plan
Cllr Carter had updated the plan and sent the e-copy to all members of the Emergency Team. She will also be emailing it to Milton and Shipton parish councils.
Laurence Mellor has retired from supervising the Winter Resilience and Cllr Carter asked the Clerk to record the PC’s gratitude and thanks to him for his long service.
Shane Barnes is preparing to build a Winter Equipment Store beside the Pavilion.
11. Transport
Buses – nothing to report.
Trains – Cllr Rance reported that, after prompting, GWR operators asked what pre-Christmas Saturday services villages wished for, and having taken a very quick poll of known users, GWR subsequently confirmed that those detail requests have now been logged in their schedule, but crucially they are subject to final approval by Network Rail. They cover Saturday 2nd, 9th and 16th December to Oxford and beyond, calling at Ascott at about 08.59. Two return trains, calling at Ascott at about 16.45. Cllr Rance advised that villages should check the National Rail train times website for confirmation that they are actually running and their exact times.
12. Roads
Ongoing – CCllr Leffman would look into the repairing of the potholes again.
13. Reports from Organisations
(a) Ascott-under-Wychwood Sports Club
Cllr Carter reported that Laurence Mellor had resigned as Sports Club Chairman and she asked the Clerk to record the PC’s thanks for all of his hard work, particularly on the drainage scheme. She reported that a new sports committee would need to be formed and a special meeting held early in the New Year. The footballers report that the ground is very good to play on.
(b) Wychwood Library
Nothing to report.
(c) Helpers of Ascott-under-Wychwood
Cllr Carter reported that the Helpers had been busy clearing at the Pavilion and that there was no need for a skip.
14. Carols on the Green
The Clerk had emailed a copy of the checklist for 2017 to all councillors and after discussion it was agreed that the tree should be delivered on the week commencing 27 November and erected and decorated on Saturday 2 December. The Clerk was asked to organise this. It was agreed unanimously that the beneficiary from the collection would be the Wychwood Day Centre. All councillors were happy with their responsibilities from the checklist.
15. Correspondence
OALC Update
MP Robert Courts update
WODC – re provision of services via Publica
16. Any Other Business
Cllr Rance reported that he had cleared the culvert on the river bridge again.
There being no further business, Cllr Carter declared the meeting closed at 9.45pm and confirmed the next meeting will be on Monday 11 December.
Cllr Philippa Carter (Chairman)
Date: 11 December 2017