Parish Councillors
- Philippa Carter
- Sandy Timms
- Peter Rance
County Councillor
- CCllr Liz Leffman
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- Pauline Plant
1. Apologies
Received from DCllr Acock and Cllr Leach.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the meeting held on Monday 10 December 2018 were approved as a true record, duly signed, dated and filed.
3. Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest to record.
4. Financial Report
This was circulated prior to the meeting to all councillors.
Bank Balance £64191.96
Interest £30.53
Collection Carols on the Green £323.30
200007 Green Urban Technology £1962.00 Defibrillator
200008 Milena Windows £247.80 Pavilion Balance
200009 Jacob Davies £125.00 Replace Tonnes Away Chq.
200010 N Carter £18.10 Mulled Wine
200011 C Badger £71.40 Fence Posts for 5s Corner
200012 North Oxon Food Bank £323.30 re Collection
200013 P Carter £298.00 Storage Boxes Snow & Signs
200014 A Barnes £653.74 Net Salary
200015 HMRC £163.60 PAYE
200016 A Barnes £130.42 Expenses
Financial Regulations
It was agreed that the councillors would meet in February to agree and finalise the Financial Regulations.
5. Reports from County and District Councillors
CCllr Liz Leffman:
CCllr Leffman reported that she had met with Cllr Carter and Mike Wasley with regards to dropped kerbs. She reported that OCC Highways were asking Cllrs what roads would need to be prioritised – London Lane, Shipton Road.
Cllr Leffman reported that there was a Localities Meeting tomorrow and that £80m had been requested for the next 5 years.
DCllr Jake Acock:
The Clerk emailed DCllr Acock’s report prior to the meeting; I have been in contact with Toby Morris, who has confirmed that Gigaclear did have a contract for the whole of Ascott. I will be asking a question at the next council meeting, asking why residents were NOT consulted in a sufficient manner.
I have had very little casework as to late, however, I do believe that casework will pick up again as we move into the spring.
I have recently been approached by Homes4All, a group of people who help homeless people, who told me that there were at least 26 homeless people requiring help across our District- I think this is an awful number and, again, I will be submitting a question to the Economic and Social committee regarding emergency accommodation in Chipping Norton, which should have been built by now.
We are also coming into budget setting season and the District Council have sent out a survey, which can be found on the website, regarding raising the council tax to the highest possible this year- another £5 added on for the average band D household. Please do fill this in if you have time. I will be exploring over the coming weeks to if we really need to raise the council tax by so much, when both the Police and Crime commissioner and County council will also be raising their budgets also. If residents wish to contact me regarding this, then please do so by Friday.
6. Public Time
Pauline Plant attended to observe the meeting with a view to joining the Parish Council.
7. Planning
18/03395/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of an agricultural building for livestock and storage. LOCATION: Fernhill Farmhouse Shipton Road Ascott Under Wychwood APPLICANT: Mr Charlie Barrett – Ongoing
(referred from Shipton under Wychwood PC)
18/02921/FUL PROPOSAL: Change of use of land from agricultural to domestic garden. (Retrospective).
LOCATION: 1 The Green Ascott Under Wychwood Chipping Norton APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs John And Debra Cull REGISTERED: 16th October 2018 – Ongoing
Appeal Ref: APP/D3125/W/17/3179654 12-18 London Lane, Development of 5 dwellings – Allowed 15 December 2017: (Original Application Ref 17/01067/FUL, dated 30 March 2017 -Refused by notice dated 10 July 2017) Keep listed for reference.
Cow Shed development – Ongoing
8. Matters Arising
(a) Gigaclear – the delivery of internet/broadband to the Village
Cllr Carter has prepared a strong letter of complaint regarding the quality of Gigaclear’s work, the serious problems caused by them cutting through the BT main cable and the serious lack of communication between Gigaclear and the communication.
(b) OCC Grasscutting contract – Ongoing
(c) Footpaths – Ongoing
(d) Defibrillator
The new Defibrillator had been installed outside the Tiddy Hall and the original one was now sited outside the Village Shop. Cllr Timms reported that a training date would be confirmed. The Clerk was asked to write and thank the Tiddy Hall, the Village Charity and the Village Shop.
(e) Heritage Lane; Dog Poo Bin (additional) – Ongoing
(f) Allotments – ongoing
(g) Martyrs Seats – regular cleaning / contract – Ongoing
(h) Litter Pick – Saturday 16 February 2019
(i) Dropped kerbs – Dawls Close
Cllr Carter met with CCllr Liz Leffman and Mr Mike Wasley Principal Officer OCC Highways, to discuss the problem of 4 hours in Dawls Close not having dropped kerbs to access their frontages. They have all bee warned by Cottsway that they are breaking the law by driving over the kerbs but Cottsway have stated that they could not help with the cost of having dropped kerbs installed at £2000 each. The residents find this sum prohibitive. The PC is concerned that roadside parking is very restricted in Dawls Close and recently there have been problems with emergency access. Even more cars parking on the roadside could spill onto the Shipton Road which itself is congested.
Mr Wasley agreed that these 4 houses would be eligible for dropped kerbs and that it was preferable for residents’ cars to be parked off road. He agreed to look into the possibility of reducing the costs of installing dropped kerbs but asked Cllr Carter to speak to the tenants to ask if they would be able to contribute a certain amount. Cllr Carter has met with the residents involved and reported their responses to Mr Wasley.
Mr Wasley has since informed Cllr Carter that, contrary to his previous understanding, the tenants do require permission from Cottsway to apply for a dropped kerb. Cllr Carter has written to the relevant Cottsway officer and is awaiting her response.
(j) Co-option – ongoing
9. Risk Assessment & Ground Maintenance
Cllr Carter reported on actions that needed addressing within 3 months, as follows:
(a) Village Notice Boards – renewal of these will begin within the month.
(b) Playground equipment and picnic benches – Cllr Carter continues to seek the most suitable solution to the dilapidated slide and witches hat and for replacement picnic benches which are natural looking, but vandal resistant.
(c) Pavilion – utility cupboard overboxes have been ordered and the manager of the Ascott FC has agreed to install them.
(d) 5 Shilling Corner – Jacob Davies will install the new fencing.
(e) Tree Survey
Nicolsons have sent their 4 yearly survey. The cost is £460 + VAT and the invoice will be sent in due course. The only trees needing surgery are growing within the playing field. Cllr Carter suggested that the recommended small works could be undertaking by a resident expert volunteer. Cllr Carter proposed that the PC accepts the quote for the remaining 3 trees, total £720 + VAT, which are clearly within the PC’s duty of care. Cllr Timms seconded the proposal.
Nicholsons have also quoted for 2 trees, total £375 + VAT, which are causing problems for the neighbours behind the pavilion. The larger of the 2 jobs (£300) is to cut back the larch seriously overhanging the back garden of no 12 High Street. Mr Smith has stated that he would be happy to share the cost 50/50 and in the future to take responsibility for cutting back anything which is overhanging their property and causing them problems. The smaller job (£75) is to cut away branches which are causing problems for the garage roof at No 12A. Cllr Carter pointed out that Mrs Anderson has had in the past a lot of issues with footballers walking through her garden to access High Street or to retrieve balls and suggested that the PC might acknowledge her tolerance by paying for this tree surgery.
10. Community Emergency Plan
Cllr Carter has purchased 2 storage boxes, 1 for flood signs and 1 for salt storage in the Tiddy Hall car park. Total cost £298 incl VAT, agreed at the December meeting. Installation will be organised by the emergency teams.
11. Transport
Following the timetabling mess that Cllr Rance had reported at the December Meeting regarding the pre- Christmas Saturdays extra stop trains at Ascott, the necessary corrections were made for the remaining weekends. However a dreadful error on one return train, that didn’t stop, meant that Cllr Rance made representations to GWR whose CE fully apologised.
Nothing to report.
12. Roads
Chipping Norton River Bridge – ongoing
Church View:
Cllr Carter met with Wayne Barker of OCC Highways to discuss the problem of a road gulley being completely covered by the grass verge on the corner of Church View and Heritage Len. The problem has been made worse after the GigaClear works. Mr Barker arranged for the gulley to be cleared and plans to have further gulleys installed in Church View to improve the situation in the future. OCC cannot do anything to stop water and debris washing down from Heritage Lane (which includes Crown Farm entrance) as this is an unadopted road.
Cllr Leach reported that, in the area of the Green, level crossing and Chipping Norton bridge, he has cut back roadside greenery and cleaned several road signs which were so dirty that they were almost illegible. He has also reported potholes which, if repaired soon, should not need to be disturbed by GigaClear.
13. Reports from Organisations
(a) Ascott-under-Wychwood Sports Club – nothing to report.
(b) Wychwood Library – nothing to report
(c) Helpers of Ascott-under-Wychwood – a notice has been sent to all Helpers about the Litter Pick Saturday 16 February and notices put up around the village. To meet at 10am on the Green.
14. Carols round the Christmas tree
The event was very successful with approximately 200 people attending. Thanks must go to the whole team of Parish Councillors and Clerk, Shane Barnes and Robin Walker who erected the tree, Mary Barnes, the Tribes, Culls and Badgers who heated up mulled wine and mince pies and to the Brass Band, who are absolutely key to the enthusiastic singing. £323.30 was collected this year and it has been donated to the North Oxfordshire Community Food Bank which has a branch in Chipping Norton.
14. Correspondence
Correspondence re Cow Shed Development
Correspondence re dropped kerbs Dawls Close
WODC – Meeting with Towns & Parish Councils Thursday 7 March 2019
OALC Section 137 amount
OALC Salary Scales
OCC Structure Area Operations North
Clerks & Council Direct
16. Any Other Business
Cllr Carter reported that she had been asked if the PC would consider a Facebook page.
There being no further business, Cllr Carter declared the meeting closed at 10.25pm.
Cllr Philippa Carter (Chairman)
Date: Monday 11 February 2019