Parish Councillors
- Philippa Carter
- Sandy Timms
- Peter Rance
- Brian Leach
County Councillor
- CCllr Liz Leffman
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- No members of the public present.
1. Apologies
DCllr Jake Acock.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the meeting held on Monday 11 March 2019 were approved as a true record, duly signed, dated and filed.
3. Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest to record.
4. Co-option
The Clerk reported that WODC confirmed that nobody had responded to the PC’s advert for a fifth councillor and the Parish Council could now co- opt. Cllr Carter reported that parishioner Pauline Plant had confirmed she would like to be co-opted as the fifth Parish Councillor. The Clerk was asked to request the relevant paperwork from WODC.
5. Financial Report
This was circulated prior to the meeting to all councillors.
Allotment rents £143.00
Interest £28.20
Tiddy Hall 200025 £22.80 (rent for Defibrillator training)
OALC Subscription 200026 £138.97 (subscription)
A Barnes (Clerk) 200027 £11.05 (print cartridge)
Direct Water Tanks 200028 £221.10 (Allotment water)
I G Godden 200029 £276.00 (plumbing at the Pavilion)
Jacob Davies 200030 £80.00 (remove waste from the Pound)
Nicholsons 200031 £504.00 (Tree Surgery)
Clerks quarterly expenses 200032 £121.97 (expenses)
Clerks quarterly salary 200033 £653.94 (net salary)
HMRC 200034 £163.40 (PAYE)
Tiddy Hall 200035 £163.60 (annual rent)
WODC Dog Bins 200036 £193.35 (waste collection to 31 March)
WODC 200037 £83.59 (commercial waste collection)
Shane Barnes 200038 £125.00 (labour to replace water pump)
Financial Regulations
These were reviewed by all councillors and adjustments made, relevant to the PC. The Clerk was asked to prepare a final draft for approval and adopting at the May meeting.
6. Reports from County and District Councillors
CCllr Leffman
Reported that she had received confirmation that the signage posted by Kingstanding Farm had now been removed. She reported that Gigaclear would be parting company with Lite Access. Cllr Leffman reported on the joint services with OCC and Cherwell, which so far has proved to be going well. Personnel had been sought in IT/HR/Housing Social Care and Wellbeing & Children services to link everything all resources together.
DCllr Acock
Over the last month, it has been quiet. No council meeting and not much casework to contend with. However, one interesting case I am starting to pick up on, is the fact that the bin men appear to miss bins, and also fail to collection. Over the last week, I have had two reports from opposite ends of the village, suggesting that rubbish and recycling was not collected. I have also had a few people contact me, asking for new bins which have not been delivered. I am currently chasing this up with the Environment department in WODC.
Furthermore, I am trying to gather information from residents about Gigaclear, and seeing what can exactly be done, as they are about to start work in Shipton Under Wychwood.
I will give a detailed account of the year at the annual meeting of the Parish Council later this month, where I encourage all concerned to attend and raise any further issue to me there.
7. Public Time
No public time to record
8. Planning
No planning applications to consider or review.
9. Matters Arising
a) Gigaclear
Louise Appleton has emailed a new plan for the completion of works in High St, London Lane, The Green and Shipton Rd. Work on the Green will take place during school holidays as negotiated by the Parish Council – WVS and local residents have been notified. Work in the narrow area between Corner Cottage, Shipton Rd and the junction of Shipton Rd and Maple Way will be done on Sundays. Cllr Carter has informed the trustees of Tiddy Hall
b) OCC Grasscutting contract – ongoing
c) Footpaths –– Cllr Carter advised she would take advice from OCC Rights of Way department about the permissive footpath on Pudlicote land.
d) Defibrillator – Cllr Sandy Timms reported that the training was very well attended and a successful event.
e) Allotments – the Clerk reported that the majority of the rents had been received. Cllr Leach reported that the Water Tanks were now in situ and the community spirit was very positive at the Allotment ground.
f) Heritage Lane; dog poo bin – the Clerk reported that had now been installed.
g) Ascott Martyrs Educational Trust (AMET)
Paul Jackson had written to inform the PC that they are planning to produce a YouTube film. The Clerk had received and circulated an email received from Paul Jackson requesting PC support to a grant application to WODC. A subsequent email was sent explaining that the PC’s support was not necessary.
h) Dropped Kerbs – 1 household has permission from Cottsway, 1 has been told by Cottsway that they do not need permission, 1 has not applied for permission (Cllr Carter has chased) and the fourth does not want to be involved in the scheme.
i) Annual Parish Meeting – the Clerk reported that all correspondence had been sent in preparation for the meeting.
j) Wychwoods Working Together
Cllrs Timms, Rance and Carter attended the annual meeting with Shipton and Milton Parish Councils, this year hosted by M-u-W at the Paddocks. This annual meeting is a good opportunity to share experiences and knowledge about common issues in relaxed surroundings. Topics covered were – Planning, construction and traffic management, Gigaclear, drug trading, footpaths and the Definitive Map, fete organisation and sharing equipment, dog fouling and a request from Dr Brown to find a suitable central Wychwood database for activity/meeting groups (which the Wychwood Surgery could prescribe instead of or as well as medication),
The Database has been updated for presentation to the internal auditor. Recent works completed included tree surgery (in line with the survey carried out by Nicholsons last autumn) and a boiler condenser pipe being installed inside the Pavilion (to replace the original which was outside and would freeze in cold conditions, thus closing down the boiler).
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report
Awaiting notification of the new timetable that operates from May, and have had no forewarning of any change to the existing minimal Ascott train service, be it times or frequency!
Chipping Norton River Bridge: Awaiting notification from OCC Highways of the date for implementing the Priority control system over the River Bridge on Chippy Hill.
14. Reports from Organisations
(a) Ascott-under-Wychwood Sports Club – nothing to report.
(b) Wychwood Library – Cllr Timms reported that she had attended a meeting and the Library was flourishing.
(c) Helpers of Ascott-under-Wychwood – nothing to report
15. Correspondence
NALC Newsletter
OALC Monthly Update for March, together with Governance & Accountability
16. Any Other Business
There was no AOB.
There being no further business, Cllr Carter declared the meeting closed at 9.40pm
Cllr Philippa Carter (Chairman)
Date: Monday 13 May 2019