Parish Councillors
- Philippa Carter
- Sandy Timms
- Peter Rance
- Brian Leach
- Pauline Plant
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- None
1. Apologies
CCllr Liz Leffman and DCllr Jake Acock.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the meeting held on 8 September 2019, were approved as a true record, duly signed, dated and filed.
3. Declarations of interest
Cllr Carter declared an interest in any discussions re Ascott Martyrs Educational Trust (AMET)
4. Financial Report
9th Sept WODC Precept inc. £149 grant £11,291
6th Sept Interest £29.17
30th September 2019
A Barnes 200074 £227.96 Salary
HMRC 200075 £57.00 PAYE
21st September 2019
Nicholson Nurseries 200076 £450.00 Tree Surgery
28th September 2019
P Carter 200077 £19.96 Railway planting
A Barnes 200078 £44.76 Expenses
5th October 2019
Playdale Playgrounds Ltd 200079 £2,799.60
14th October 2019
WODC 200080 £83.59 WODC Com Waste
S Barnes 200081 £5100.00 Grass cutting
Balance £66,897.64
The Clerks salary is paid monthly at the end of the month. This was discussed and agreed that a cheque should be included with the regular payments for signature at the PC meeting, this would save the need to chase for signatures. Cllr Carter agreed to speak with Stuart Fox to confirm this process.
Budget for 2020/21 – suggestions were recorded as Adult Fitness Equipment and a new or renovated Pavilion patio.
Cllr Carter presented the expenditure for playing field maintenance from Sept 18-Sept 19. This is the first year that the Parish Council and Sports Club have had full responsibility after the drainage contractors handed over. For the period Sept 18-Mar 19 the Parish Council paid £369.25 and the Sports Club £390. From Apr-Sept 19 the Parish Council paid £396.90 and the Sports Club £430.66. Total predicted costs for the financial year April19/20 are approximately £2,000. Cllr Carter reported that the Sports Club finances have stabilised and improved following the growth of Ascott FC and a more regular payment regime with the new management of WVS school. Interest in other rentals has grown slightly. The Sports Club recognises the support that the Parish Council has given to renovating the playing field and car parking and would like to contribute towards the car parking costs by an amount to be decided once the contractor’s bill is finalised. The Sports Club will continue to reduce maintenance costs wherever possible by offering free labour and once again Cllr Carter would like to thank all the residents and footballers who have given hundreds of hours to maintain the whole space.
5. Reports from County and District Councillors
CCllr Liz Leffman – apologies received.
DCllr Jake Acock – apologies received, report sent;
Since the last PC meeting in September, a great deal has not happened. I have been dealing with the classic missed bins and people inquiring on to get in touch with planning.
However, two major cases have taken up a great deal of time. The first, which may well effect Ascott is the application to install lights on the Tennis Courts at Shipton under Wychwood. For me, I have been researching and speaking to both opposition and supporters regarding this case. Issues surround light pollution; neighbourliness; the evidence that it will actually improve the uptake to the courts and club. I will be making a statement towards the end of this week, suggesting which way the application should go.
The second issue is Bowerham flats, and whether they are complying with enforcement. This is an ongoing case in Shipton under Wychwood which I can’t comment on to much as of yet. However, I do believe every developer should follow the law and all planning applications submitted to WODC should be completely accurate.
With regards to the Cow Shed development, I have not heard anything to today’s date.
Reading other council business, we have not had a full council meeting since the beginning of July. I will be attending cabinet this week, followed by full council on a week on Wednesday. I do believe there will be a lot to say then.
6. Public Time
There were no members of the public present and so no public time recorded.
7. Planning
19/02321/HHD 25 Shipton Road Ascott under Wychwood – Approved
19/02274/FUL Little Pips 53 Shipton Road Ascott under Wychwood – Ongoing
8. Matters Arising
(a) Gigaclear – Gigaclear has emailed to say that outstanding works are due to be started in November. Cllr Carter has again asked for clarification of the locations and for information about works to lay cable to the farms on the Chipping Norton Road.
(b) OCC Grasscutting Contract – Ongoing
(c) Footpaths – Ongoing
(d) Ascott Martyrs Educational Trust (AMET) – Ongoing
(e) Inconsiderate Parking – A resident (without consultation with the PC) has installed notices along the pavement opposite the Swan resulting in further improvement to parking on the pavement. Ms Tustain has again asked if the PC would put a sign in front of the post box to deter parking directly in front of it. This makes it very difficult to use the post box particularly for those with mobility issues.
The Parish Council agreed unanimously that this should be installed and that laminated parking notices should be trialled before investing in proper signs.
Vandalism – Orchard Security Services has been instructed to install CCTV on the pavilion. No date is yet agreed.
Tree branches interfering with telegraph pole – Mrs Collins of Ivy Cottage informed Cllr Carter that a contractor had cut the ivy/bramble hedge along the perimeter of Lower Green but not cut back the branches of the offending tree. She had heard from Christine Wilson of Cornbury Park who informed her that it is the responsibility of the tenants.
9. Risk Assessment & Ground Maintenance
Playing Field
(a) The contractor has finished laying grass matting on the lower car park. Cars are able to park there immediately and it seems that there is capacity for 25+ cars. The aim of this project is for parking to be possible all year round and therefore ease the parking issues on the High St. Renovation and expansion of the top car park is due to start on Monday 14 October – this will increase capacity and hopefully stop the area from becoming extremely muddy in wet winter conditions.
(b) The groundsman has complained that he confronted a person walking her dog on the playing field but that this person stated that ‘she would walk her dog wherever she liked’. She was aware of the ‘No Dogs’ signs. Cllr Carter recommended replacing the faded sign on the front gate and erecting similar signs at the entrances from Mill Lane. These were agreed unanimously and also another one on the fence at the entrance to the playground explaining succinctly why dog fouling is a risk to health?
(c) Playground
The carousel called ‘RotaBounce’ has been installed. Cllr Carter will arrange for the missing grass matting squares to be replaced.
(d) The car park contractor has cleared the pavilion soakaway without needing to dig or remove patio stones. Cllr Carter has checked several times after continuous rain and all is working well.
(e) Executive Fire Protection has inspected the pavilion and issued the new annual certificate to confirm that the existing extinguisher is in good working order. However, the company stated that, to be fully compliant, the Pavilion needs a second water extinguisher at £68 + VAT and a CO2 extinguisher at £71+ VAT which is needed for electrical fires – to be situated near the boiler cupboard. This was proposed by Cllr Rance and seconded by Cllr Leach and agreed unanimously.
The Green
(f) Councillors agreed that that the Hawthorne tree on the Green is dead. Cllr Carter offered to ask Rob Lane (resident) for advice.
Cllr Rance and Cllr Leach agreed to carry out the Inspection/Risk Assessment – date to be agreed.
10. Community Emergency Plan
Cllr Carter reported that more volunteers were needed for snow equipment training. A maildrop was suggested.
11. Transport
Nothing to report.
At Cllr Rance’s request, the Cotswold Line Promotion Group Chairman has asked GWR Franchise to repeat the pre-Christmas Saturday stopping trains to and from Oxford. However, as the radically revised whole system service timetable comes into effect on December 15th, this may prove more difficult for both GWR and Network Rail to provide this year.
12. Roads
Cllr Rance was very pleased to record that after some delay, OCC had, very recently, installed the Priority traffic signage system at the River Evenlode bridge. He had also asked OCC to begin the process of setting up a traffic speed monitor operation in the village at locations chosen by the PC.
London Lane Repairs – Cllr Carter reported that she had met with Simon Marsden of OCC Highways to walk London Lane and discuss the roadworks planned for the end of October. Mr Marsden explained the plans which included patching and new kerbing. Cllr Carter asked for other works to be included as per her report sent to Highways last February. These included a stable footway from No 29 to the Allotments, repair to the surface at the junction to London Lane and High St and the repair of potholes opposite Sunset House. Mr Marsden confirmed by email that he hopes to include some requested works during the planned road closure and others as separate works which would not require road closure. Elaine Byles has asked if there will be access along London Lane on the Sunday of the Fun Run and Cllr Carter has emailed Jaimie Smith (Highways rep for this area) for his advice.
SpeedWatch – Resident Mark Pidgeon has offered to encourage other residents to form a SpeedWatch group. This group would have to be trained by the Police.
13. Reports from Organisations
(a) Ascott-under-Wychwood Sports Club – it was reported that they now had a ladies’ team and matches had been played. There are now 2 men’s teams.
(b) Village Charity – Nothing to report
(c) Wychwood Library – Councillors agreed unanimously to continue support for the Wychwood library at the slightly increased cost of £30 for Ascott under Wychwood. Cllr Carter will complete and sign the new agreement.
(d) Helpers of Ascott-under-Wychwood – Nothing to report.
14 Carols round the Tree
The Clerk asked the councillors to start to prepare for this. Cllr Carter agreed to look at the Christmas tree lights. It was voted and decided unanimously that the beneficiary would be the Foodbank, as last year.
15. Correspondence
Oxfordshire Library Service
OALC October update
OCC works on London Lane
WODC Invoice for Commercial Waste Collection
Letter from Ms Tustain
16. Any Other Business
Cllr Carter reminded all that the deadline for the Grapevine was 31 October. There being no further business, Cllr Carter declared the meeting closed at 9.30pm,
Cllr Philippa Carter (Chairman)
Date: Monday 11 November 2019