Parish Councillors
- Philippa Carter
- Peter Rance
- Brian Leach
- Pauline Plant
County Councillor
- Liz Leffman
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- 13 members
1. Apologies
DCllr Jake Acock and Cllr Timms.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the meeting held on 14 October 2019, were approved as a true record, duly signed, dated and filed.
3. Declarations of interest
Cllr Carter declared an interest in any discussions re Ascott Martyrs Educational Trust (AMET)
4. Financial Report
Bank Balances per reconciliation: This was circulated and duly signed.
None received
A Barnes 200082 £227.96 Clerks October Salary
HMRC 200083 £57.00 PAYE
JMS Groundworks 200084 £9180.00 Car Park
S Fox 200085 £7.32 Postage
A Barnes 200086 £227.96 Clerks November Salary
HMRC 200087 £57.00 PAYE
A Barnes 200088 £21.28 Clerks expenses November
Webbs 200089 £546.07 Materials for salt store
Executive Fire 200090 £166.80 Fire Extinguishers
A Barnes 200091 £21.28 Clerks expenses October
This was discussed and all agreed this would be set at the December meeting.
Cllr Carter reported that the Christmas tree lights would need replacing. Cllr Plant proposed purchasing a new set at a cost of approximately £200. This was seconded by Cllr Rance and agreed unanimously.
5. Reports from County and District Councillors
Please refer to Item No. 7 Planning.
6. Public Time
Please refer to Item No. 7 Planning.
7. Planning
19/02274/FUL Little Pips 53 Shipton Road Ascott under Wychwood – Withdrawn
19/02811/FUL Nine dwellings and new public open space – Land North East of 53 High Street – NEW
19/02789/FUL Two storey rear extension and loft conversion to main house with insertion of dormer windows and roof lights – 11 London Lane – NEW
Land at 12 – 18 London Lane – Kingerlee Homes / Architects BHP Harwood – AWAITING
Cllr Carter welcomed the members of the public to the meeting and advised that paper copies of the Planning Application for Land North East of 53 High Street were displayed on the Stage, along with other supporting papers. Cllr Carter invited the members of the public to speak and there followed a Q & A session. CCllr Liz Leffman advised the PC to request a site visit and to ask for the application to go to Committee. CCllr Leffman also agreed to speak with DCllr Jake Acock regarding this application.
Cllr Carter summed up by giving a presentation of the positives and the negatives for the Village and confirmed that the PC would write to WODC with their views. She pointed out to the public members that it was important for them to write to WODC themselves raising any concerns and or merits.
8. Matters Arising
(a) Gigaclear – due to complete work in Ascott in November but no sign of contractors yet.
(b) OCC Grasscutting Contract – Ongoing, nothing to report
(c) Footpaths – Ongoing, nothing to report
(d) Ascott Martyrs Educational Trust (AMET) – Ongoing, nothing to report.
(e) Inconsiderate Parking – this was discussed and all agreed that polite notices should be erected opposite the pub, in front of the post box and new signs for NO DOGS in the playing field area.
(f) Vandalism – waiting for a date for the CCTV to be installed at the Pavilion.
9. Risk Assessment & Ground Maintenance
The next walkabout was scheduled for Wednesday 13 November.
10. Community Emergency Plan
Cllr Carter reported on the recent flooding and that the “Road Closed” and “Flood” signs had been used to inform the public/road users accordingly. Chris Badger and Michael Tucker have been preparing the equipment and volunteers for a possible snow event.
Nick Carter and Simon Gidman have erected the store box in Tiddy car park to hold road signs and bags of salt.
11. Transport
WOCT Route 210 service changes will be published in the next Grapevine Journal and new timetables placed in the Ascott shop and forewarned to existing passengers. A welcome additional Saturday service will be introduced on a 6 month trial basis to test its commercial viability.
Through a combination of requests from CLPG and Cllr Rance, GWR and Network Rail have agreed to provide a pre Christmas Saturday service to and from Ascott on 30th Nov, 7th & 14th Dec. BUT it cannot run on 21st because on 15th Dec the radical revised system timetable arrives and that cannot be changed! This may well mean that 2019 is the final year these additions can be provided? Cllr Rance has posted notices in the shop and the station, and in the imminent Grapevine. Further to the impact of the new timetable is the strong indication that the weekday Halts service will radically change on the evening run, to a 2 car turbo diesel from Didcot to Moreton in Marsh only. GWR local staff already sense this radical reduction in train size (currently a 9 car service) and that it’s no longer a through train from London, will have a commuter reaction!
12. Roads
Cllr Rance has reduced the height of a bush that affected the sight line for cars down Chippy Hill at the River Bridge, but this will need regular action in future.
It would appear OCC Highways have not yet invoiced for the Priority system installation?
Cllr Rance has received from OCC Highways advice that to conduct a traffic speed survey in the village, will cost £200 per location (plus VAT?) and they require a marked map of the exact locations in the village where we wish them to be.
Cllr Carter proposed having 3 Speed Locators, this was seconded by Cllr Leach. Cllr Carter agreed to source an Ordnance Survey map to identify the locations.
It was reported that works were still being carried out on London Lane. Potholes were brought up again and discussed. CCllr Liz Leffman re-iterated the importance of reporting all pothole issues on the “Fix my street” website.
13. Allotments
Cllr Leach reported on the Allotments and that it was now the end of the growing season. He reported that he had met Jill Mavin, who is the responsible councillor for allotments at Shipton PC.
14. Reports from Organisations
(a) Ascott-under-Wychwood Sports Club – Cllr Carter suggested to colleagues and clerk that they to discuss the future organisation of Sports Club finances at the February PC meeting.
(b) Village Charity – Cllr Carter reported that a Cake Sale was held at the Fun Run and the proceeds were donated to the Pavilion to purchase a new fridge.
(c)Wychwood Library – Cllr Carter was in receipt of the Agreement and would sign this to approve the PC funding its share for another year.
(d)Helpers of Ascott-under-Wychwood – Nothing to report.
15. Carols round the Tree
The Checklist had been circulated and discussed. Cllr Carter reported that the Christmas Tree lights were not working and suggested purchasing a new set. Please refer to Item No. 4 Financial. The Swan pub has offered to organise the mulled wine FOC.
16. Correspondence
WODC Planning Application: 19/02811/FUL
WODC communication re climate change
Wychwood Library extension letter
Clerks & Councils Direct
Planning Application:19/02789/FUL
17. Any Other Business
There being no further business, Cllr Carter declared the meeting closed at 9.55pm
Cllr Philippa Carter (Chairman)
Date: Monday 9 December 2019