Parish Councillors
- Philippa Carter
- Sandy Timms
- Peter Rance
- Brian Leach
- Pauline Plant
County Councillor
- Liz Leffman
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- 24 parishioners
1. Apologies
DCllr Jake Acock.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the meeting held on 11 November 2019, were approved as a true record, duly signed, dated and filed.
3. Declarations of interest
4. Financial Report
Bank Balances per reconciliation: circulated via Email and printed off for signing
6th November Ubico refund £268.60 (see cheques)
Corporate Christmas tree 200092 £201.98 Christmas Tree Lights
A Barnes 200093 £227.96 December Salary
HMRC 200094 £57.00 PAYE
Oxfordshire County Council 200095 £297.00 Library subsidy
Bruern Farm 200096 £210.00 Christmas tree
Ubico Ltd 200097 £268.60 Refund – (see receipts)
Clerks Expenses 200098 £51.28 Printing
Precept – after lengthy financial planning, meetings and budget preparation, it was decided that the Precept should remain at £22,500. It was proposed by Cllr Rance, seconded by Cllr Leach and agreed unanimously to set the Precept at £22,500. The Clerk was asked to complete the necessary paperwork and submit to WODC.
5. Reports from County and District Councillors
Please refer to Item No. 7 Planning.
6. Public Time
Land at 12 – 18 London Lane
Cllr Carter welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited David Coates from Kingerlee Homes to introduce himself and his colleagues to the meeting. After the introductions, David Coates gave a presentation to the meeting on how Kingerlee Homes would like to develop the land at 12 – 18 London Lane and invited everyone to view the drawings that were on display.
Cllr Carter suggested a 15 minute review of the drawings and then invited all to return to their seats and take part in a Q & A session.
Land at 12 – 18 London Lane
There followed a lively Q & A session with many questions and, without doubt, the main concerns raised by the parishioners were drainage, traffic and pedestrian safety.
Cllr Carter thanked David Coates and his colleagues for coming to the meeting and talking and listening to the parishioners.
7. Planning
19/03196/OUT Outline application for two dwellings with associated access works – Cotswold Fuels Railway Yard, Station Road, Ascott under Wychwood – NEW
19/02811/FUL Nine dwellings and new public open space – Land North East of 53 High Street – Ongoing
19/02789/FUL Two storey rear extension and loft conversion to main house with insertion of dormer windows and roof lights – 11 London Lane – Ongoing
Land at 12 – 18 London Lane – Kingerlee Homes / Architects BHP Harwood – AWAITING
(David Coates, Planning Director for Kingerlee Homes attended the December meeting –please refer to Item No. 6 Public TIme)
8. Matters Arising
(a) Gigaclear – Cllr Carter reported that Gigaclear had promised to complete the outstanding works in Ascott-u-W during November/December. However, has not started work. Cllr Carter has chased Gigaclear with no response and so has informed WODC and D Cllr Acock.
(b) OCC Grasscutting Contract – Ongoing, nothing to report
(c) Footpaths – Ongoing, nothing to report
(e) Inconsiderate Parking – Ongoing
(f) Vandalism – the CCTV has been installed, waiting for instructions and the invoice.
(g) Working with the Wychwoods – Shipton PC will be hosting the next meeting, the date is to be confirmed.
9. Risk Assessment & Ground Maintenance
This was carried out by Cllrs Leach and Rance – see report
10. Community Emergency Plan
It was reported that there was a delay in preparing the site for the winter store.
11. Transport
Nothing to Report
It is heartening to Report that on both Sat 30th November and 7th December the Christmas extra stopping services at Ascott have been taken and much appreciated by a number of villagers. After the final service on 14th December, Cllr Rance will contact GWR and CLPG to express our thanks and strong wish for their continuance next year!
However the impact of the imminent severe change to the return, weekday Halts service applying from Monday 16th December has already meant some regular users are having to use other commuting plans avoiding the train! It has also prompted a number of villagers to join the Cotswold Line Promotion Group to boost their lobbying influence on GWR Franchise.
12. Roads
The speed survey quotation received from OCC was discussed and Cllr Rance proposed to accept the quotation of £507, this was seconded by Cllr Carter.
Cllr Carter reported that she was scheduled to have a meeting with Simon Holloway from OCC Highways on Tuesday 10 December in Ascott to do a Village walkabout.
13. Allotments
Nothing to report.
14. Reports from Organisations
(a) Ascott-under-Wychwood Sports Club – a cheque for £1000 was presented to the Parish Council as a contribution towards the improvements of parking facilities at the Playing Field. This would be recorded under Income at the January meeting.
(b) Village Charity –.Nothing to report.
(c) Wychwood Library – the new Agreement was now signed and the Clerk was asked to send off.
15. Carols round the Tree
The Christmas tree had been delivered, erected and decorated with the new lights. The Checklist was discussed. Cllr Carter reported that The Swan had offered to provide the Mulled Wine.
16. Correspondence
WODC Planning Application: 19/03196/OUT
WODC Letter from Planning advising that paper copies of applications will cease in April 2020
Milton under Wychwood PC re meeting up and Welcome Packs for parishioners
CLPG Winter issue
17. Any Other Business
There being no further business, Cllr Carter declared the meeting closed at 10.40pm.
Cllr Philippa Carter (Chairman)
Date: Monday 13 January 2020