Parish Councillors
- Philippa Carter
- Sandy Timms
- Peter Rance
- Brian Leach
- Pauline Plant
County Councillor
- Liz Leffman
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- Lawrence Mellor
- Stewart Moss
1. Apologies
DCllr Jake Acock
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the meeting held on 9 December 2019, were approved as a true record, duly signed, dated and filed.
3. Declarations of interest
4. Financial Report
6 Dec Interest £22.35
9 Dec contribution towards the Playing Field car park works from Ascott Sports Club £1000
8 Jan Collection carols on the green £462.20
11 Dec 200099 Orchard Security Systems £2,570.40
31 Dec 200100 S Fox – Book of stamps £7.32
30 Jan 200101 A Barnes Jan Salary £227.96
30 Jan 200102 HMRC PAYE £57.00
8 Jan 200103 North Oxon Food Bank £462.20
30 Jan 200104 A Barnes Jan Exps £41.27
13 Jan 200105 OCC Signing & Lining £600.00
The Clerk advised the meeting that the S.137 amount had been set for 2020 at £8.32.
Bank Balances per reconciliation: these were circulated, agreed and duly signed.
5. Reports from County and District Councillors
CCllr Leffman reported on OCC’s budget and that more money would be made available for roads / backlog of work on potholes. She reported that OCC’s contract with Skanska was up for review. CCllr Leffman reported that there were no actual budget cuts this year.
6. Public Time
Cllr Carter welcomed Lawrence Mellor and Stewart Moss and invited them to address the meeting;
Lawrence Mellor thanked the PC, in particular, Cllr Carter for their hard work in involving the parishioners and responding to the High St (Cow Sheds/Dutch Barns) planning application.
Stewart Moss gave a presentation on forming a cricket team for Ascott under Wychwood and asked for permission to use the Cricket green and the Pavilion facilities. This was agreed, unanimously, in principle. Cllr Carter asked Stewart to provide her with fixture dates, maintenance needs etc. The proposal is that the cricket club will form slowly over this coming season and only play Sunday friendlies. If that is successful then they will apply to join the lowest level of the league in season 2021. League matches would be from May-August on Saturdays.
7. Planning
19/03196/OUT Outline application for two dwellings with associated access works – Cotswold Fuels Railway Yard, Station Road, Ascott under Wychwood – ONGOING
19/02811/FUL Nine dwellings and new public open space – Land North East of 53 High Street – ONGOING The developers have been asked to amend their plans to take into account the planning officer’s objections.
19/02789/FUL Two storey rear extension and loft conversion to main house with insertion of dormer windows and roof lights – 11 London Lane – ONGOING
Land at 12 – 18 London Lane – Kingerlee Homes / Architects BHP Harwood – AWAITING APPLICATION
8. Matters Arising
(a) Gigaclear – Nothing to report.
(b) OCC Grasscutting Contract – Ongoing
(c) Footpaths – Cllr Plant reported that she had not heard anything from the Wickens – agreed to chase.
(d) Inconsiderate parking – Being monitored. Sign in front of Post Box to be installed but opposite the Swan to be postponed.
(e) Vandalism & CCTV Installation – CCTV installed, resident responsible for monitoring is being trained.
(f) Working with the Wychwoods – Shipton have advised they will host the next meeting, date TBC.
(g) Paying for Planning Documents – WODC advised that they are re-considering their proposal that Parishes pay for all hard copies of planning applications.
(h) Litter Pick – a date was set for Saturday 1st February 2020, all to meet at 10am on the Green.
(i) PC Meeting dates:
Monday 6 April PC ordinary meeting
(Agendas to be displayed Monday 30 March 2020)
Monday 27 April 2020 Annual Parish Meeting
(Agendas to be displayed Monday 13 April 2020)
Monday 11 May Annual General Meeting
(Election of PC officers; namely the Chairman and Vice Chairman)
The Clerk was asked to book the Tiddy Hall accordingly.
9. Risk Assessment & Ground Maintenance
Cllrs Rance and Leach gave their report and advised that they would look at the way the current document is presented, with a view to re-organising its layout.
10. Community Emergency Plan
Cllr Carter reported that the erection of the new snow store was temporarily on hold.
11. Transport
Nothing to report.
The pre-Christmas Saturday trains, all ran on schedule and were much appreciated by villagers on all three weekends. Indeed on the final, weekend, no less than 16 folk used this service. Cllr Rance will contact GWR and CLPG to express our gratitude, in the hope of a repeat this December even though the introduction of the radically revised GWR timetable on 15th December had prevented the running of a stopping service on the final Saturday before Christmas. That new timetable has, as expected, inflicted considerable crowding on the return weekday Halts service, given it is now a 2 car dmu when it had been either a 5 or even 9 car IET! Cllr Rance will make representations to CLPG who have asked him for regular updates on poor service issues when they arise.
12. Roads
The Parish Council confirmed that they should ask OCC to lay speed monitoring cables in London Lane, Shipton Rd and High St and they agreed the exact sites to specify. There is a problem with the ideal site on London Lane and so an alternative was agreed. Cllr Rance to organise.
13. Allotments
Nothing to report.
14. Reports from Organisations
(a) Ascott-under-Wychwood Sports Club:
Stewart Moss / cricket please refer to Agenda No. 6 Public Time.
Sports Club finances to be discussed at the February meeting
(b) Village Charity – Nothing to report.
(c) Wychwood Library – Nothing to report.
15. Carols round the Tree
Cllr Carter reported that the collection had raised £462.20 and that the event had been well attended. The wine was provided thanks to the Swan pub and the food thanks to individual Parish Councillors. Thank you to all who helped to make the event very successful, in particular to the band and John Cull.
16. Correspondence
OCC Invoice for £600 signing and lining on River Bridge
OALC Update
House of Commons letter from Robert Courts MP
17. Any Other Business
The rotten tree on the Village Green that had been removed would be replaced if that is what the residents wish. This would be done next autumn once the ground has settled.
Cllr Carter asked all councillors for their contributions to the Grapevine.
There being no further business, Cllr Carter declared the meeting closed at 9.55 pm.
Cllr Philippa Carter (Chairman)
Date:Monday 10 February 2020