Parish Councillors
- Philippa Carter
- Sandy Timms
- Brian Leach
- Pauline Plant
County Councillor
- Liz Leffman
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- Lawrence Mellor
- Sue Boyer
- Nicola Coldstream
- Sarah Russell
1. Apologies
PCllr Peter Rance and DCllr Jake Acock
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the meeting held on 13 January 2020, were approved as a true record, duly signed, dated and filed.
3. Declarations of interest
4. Financial Report
Bank Balance £46895.39
1/2/2020 £450.00 Ascott Grapevine annual subsidy
28/02/2020 £227.96 A Barnes Clerks net salary
28/02/2020 £57.00 HMRC PAYE
28/02/2020 £21.28 Clerks expenses
24/01/2020 £43.00 C Badger timber for Salt Store
Bank Statement reconciliation – reviewed, agreed and duly signed.
Sports Pavilion finance
Cllr Carter presented a report on the Pavilion finances, which was reviewed and discussed. The Sports Club is now doing well and its finances have been stable for about 2 years. Sport uptake is increasing and the school use is regular. All users are more reliable in their payments as they have benefited so much from the improved standard of the pitch surface.
For the past 2 years the Sports Club has been able to contribute to the improved maintenance of the pitch and to improved car parking projects. A number of individuals met recently and agreed that a separate Sports Club committee could be re-formed (as was the case in the past) and that the Club should continue to manage its own finances. At this meeting it was proposed by Cllr Carter that the Sports Club can re-form as a separate committee reporting to the Parish Council, who are their landlords. This proposal was seconded by Cllr Plant and agreed unanimously.
Cllr Carter proposed that the Sports Club continue to share the cost of upgraded pitch maintenance and suggested a review of the Pavilion rent and Pavilion cost sharing arrangement, so that all is fair between the Sports Club and the village community. All parties understood that unforeseen problems could arise at any time and this arrangement must be kept under review. Ultimately the Pavilion and Playing Field is a village owned asset and there is a responsibility to maintain it to certain standards for the health and wellbeing of the community, even if that means returning to the reduced cost maintenance of the past.
5. Reports from County and District Councillors
CCllr Leffman reported that there was a budget meeting tomorrow. She reported that it had been proposed there would be no cuts. CCllr Leffman reported that the Liberal Democrat and Labour had got together and had managed to set aside £200k for the needs of young people / youth service. This would be presented at the budget meeting.
CCllr Leffman reported that Paul Feehily had been appointed as a new director in charge of S106 expenditure.
DCllr Jake Acock’s report was read out to the meeting, in his absence:
As many of you are aware, the Cow Shed development is about to be rejected. However, due to the applicants taking it to appeal and trying to persuade the leader of the council to be in favour of it, it has taken longer than usual to formally ‘Reject’ the application. I have no doubt the formal rejection will be made within the next two weeks.
With regards to London Lane application, I am currently reading through the application and will be offering residents a chance to air their views to me next Monday at 6:30pm at the Swan pub. I will then send a separate response after that meeting with regards to what residents say and research that I will be carried out over the next week.
I have received some casework over the last weekend feasting Gigaclear and I will follows up with WODC and find out the response and how we will deal with it. I will also have a conversation with the manager of the Gigaclear contract for Ascott within the next few days.
In the council chamber, it has been a very busy time. A few motions were passed in regards to sewage and solar power energy. The Lib Dem’s have been pushing for better communications with councillors and live streaming and recording of all meetings at WODC. I encourage all residents to read through the minutes of WODC last council meeting. I also asked a question regarding the Cotswold Line and the news which has been received. I also reject the conservative plans to make Hanborough station a ‘hub’. Instead, we should be dualling the Cotswold line from Worcestershire all the way to Oxford, which would solve a lot of the issues the residents have reported to me.
If any residents wish to raise any other case work issues please do call or email me. I also look forward to seeing residents next Monday to discuss the London Lane application.
6. Public Time
Cllr Carter welcomed the public members and invited them to address the meeting;
The new planning application 20/00340/FUL was discussed by all of the public members and it was very apparent that the main issues remained, these being:
- drainage / foul water / run off – CCllr Leffman advised parishioners and the Parish Council to write to WODC noting this and the unacceptability
- parking –for 16 vehicles under car ports, not enough visitor parking spaces
refuse collection and the coordination of this, taking into account the refuse vehicles would need to park up on London Lane - Closeness of the houses to their neighbouring properties
- Cllr Carter reported that the Planning Officer had emailed her regarding the previous application for 12-18 London Lane which had been passed on Appeal in December 2017 and which is valid for 3 years. The Officer reported that the’ Previous Planning Permission is still extant so does hold some weight in terms of being a fall-back position. However, this one will be considered on its own merits.’
Cllr Carter thanked everyone for attending and reiterated CCllr Leffman’s advice to write noting all of the above to WODC. Cllr Carter advised that the Parish Council would be considering this application further and would be writing accordingly.
7. Planning
(a) 20/00340/FUL Construction of eight dwellings and associated works at Land North West of 18 London Lane Ascott- under-Wychwood NEW
(b) 19/03196/OUT Outline application for two dwellings with associated access works – Cotswold Fuels Railway Yard, Station Road, Ascott-under-Wychwood – APPROVED
(c) 19/02811/FUL Nine dwellings and new public open space – Land North East of 53 High Street – REJECTED
(d) 19/02789/FUL Two storey rear extension and loft conversion to main house with insertion of dormer windows and roof lights – 11 London Lane – APPROVED
8. Matters Arising
(a) Gigaclear – Cllr Carter to meet a representative from Gigaclear to discuss outstanding works.
(b) OCC Grasscutting Contract – Ongoing
(c) Footpaths – Cllr Plant reported that she had still not had a response to her numerous emails. She agreed to speak with the contact at OCC Footpaths.
(d) Vandalism & CCTV Installation – CCTV installed and parishioner Mark Pidgeon has agreed to monitor and manage this.
(e) Paying for Planning Documents – Ongoing.
(f) Litter Pick – Saturday 1st February 2020 Cllr Carter reported that this was successful and well attended with 15 volunteers.
(g) PC Meeting dates:
Monday 6 April PC ordinary meeting
(Agendas to be displayed Monday 30 March 2020)
Monday 27 April 2020 Annual Parish Meeting
(Agendas to be displayed Monday 13 April 2020)
Monday 11 May Annual General Meeting
(Election of PC officers; namely the Chairman and Vice Chairman)
The Clerk reported that the dates above had been re-arranged and confirmed with the Tiddy Hall, accordingly.
9. Risk Assessment & Ground Maintenance
- The repair of the patio area outside the Pavilion was discussed and agreed clarification was needed on the quantity of patio slabs.
- Following a meeting with a contractor, Cllr Carter reported that there are also further questions about the ramp and possible rail behind the pavilion kitchen which need to be further investigated.
10. Community Emergency Plan
Cllr Carter reported that she was in the process of updating this.
11. Transport
Nothing to report
Witney Newspaper made its front page announcement of the Cotswold Line Task Group bid to HMG for monies to redouble the line from Wolvercote Junction to Hanborough, reinstatement if its second platform, and shuttle services by train and buses to Witney. OCC Chairman hoped this would be fulfilled within 5 years!
12. Roads
Cllr Carter reported that she had met with the OCC Highways representative Jamie Smith and CCllr Liz Leffman. She reported that the Shipton Rd from Shipton-u-W and Chipping Norton Road to the A361, plus London Lane from High St to the level crossing, had been inspected. Since then potholes regarded as urgent have been marked. Cllr Carter reported that the larger repairs would have to be passed to another department.
Cllr Leach presented the data received from the Traffic Survey carried out in the Village. This was reviewed and agreed that this should be carried forward to the March meeting for discussion when Cllr Rance could be present.
13. Allotments
The Clerk agreed to send Cllr Leach the current details for allotment tenants in order to prepare for sending the annual tenant agreements and rents payable.
Cllr Leach reported that there was still a problem with the siting and capturing the rainfall into the water butts. Cllr Carter suggested organising a working party to address this. Cllr Leach agreed to give this some thought and to speak to the allotment tenants.
14. Reports from Organisations
(a) Ascott-under-Wychwood Sports Club: refer to Item 4
(b) Village Charity – Nothing to report.
(c) Wychwood Library – Nothing to report.
15. Correspondence
-New Planning Application: 20/00340FUL – please refer to Item No. 7 Planning (a)
-Bob Forster, Editor of Wychwood Magazine asking (after having read the Grapevine) if the PC would like to include any news in the magazine
OALC January update
I D Godden reminder for the Pavilion Boiler’s annual service
New Planning Application: 20/00340FUL – hand delivered to PC Carter
16. Any Other Business
There was no Any Other Business to report.
There being no further business, Cllr Carter declared the meeting closed at 9.30pm
Cllr Philippa Carter (Chairman)
Date:Monday 9 March 2020