Parish Councillors
- Philippa Carter
- Sandy Timms
- Peter Rance
- Brian Leach
County Councillor
- Liz Leffman
District Councillor
- Jake Acock
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- Richard Smith
Sue Richards
1. Apologies
PCllr Pauline Plant
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the meeting held on 10 February 2020, were approved as a true record, duly signed, dated and filed.
3. Declarations of interest
4. Financial Report
Bank Balance £46,183.85
Bank Statement reconciliation
This was circulated by email, presented in hard copy to the meeting, checked and duly signed by Cllr Timms.
31st March 200111 Tiddy Hall – Annual Rent £243.60
28th March 200112 A Barnes – Salary £227.96
200113 HMRC – PAYE £57.00
200114 Clerks Expenses £21.28
200115 OALC Subscription £140.42
200116 Maylarch Asbestos removal £3558.00
The following planned and completed expenditure was recorded:
Public Footpath through church yard
The Treasurer of the Parochial Church Council informed the Parish Council that he and Reverend Abrey are now actively seeking quotes for the renovation of the path running from Church View and Church Close and also the short path down to the gate opposite the Swan pub. The Parish Council discussed again their longstanding pledge to donate £3,000 towards this work and agreed unanimously that this would be of very great benefit to all residents and visitors of the Village. The PC would remind the Church that they have also asked for the kissing gate along the path to the Swan to be replaced by a gate that can be used by people with pushchairs or walking aids/wheelchairs.
Community Junior Goal Posts
These posts are sited in the outfield of the cricket pitch. They are heavy duty goals stipulated by WODC when funding was granted because they are to be left out permanently for the use of the Community.
It has been requested by the Cricket Manager and supported by the Sports Club that these goal posts be adapted with welded supports, while still remaining very heavy duty, so that they could be moved to the senior football pitch during the cricket season. This has been agreed with Ascott FC. The Parish Council agreed unanimously to this change. Cllr Leach proposed and Cllr Rance seconded to accept the quote of £564 inc VAT from Witney Welding and this was carried unanimously. The Sports Club has offered to pay 50% towards the cost.
Playing Field Roadway
Cllr Carter reported that the heavy rain has gouged out many more holes in the surface of the roadway. Shane Barnes has advised filling these with self-binding gravel and has proposed the purchase of 3 tonne bags at £280 inc delivery. Shane Barnes will lay the gravel and roll it. Cllr Timms proposed and Cllr Rance seconded the purchase and it was carried unanimously.
Removal of Asbestos Panels buried close to the Pavilion
This work has now been completed safely and to the Parish Council’s full satisfaction and the invoice recommended for payment – please refer to Expenditure and cheques issued.
Speed Survey for London Lane, High St and Shipton Rd
It was proposed that the Parish Council accept the speed survey undertaken by OCC Highways and therefore the invoice should be paid. Proposed by Cllr Timms and seconded by Cllr Leach and agreed unanimously.
5. Reports from County and District Councillors
CCllr Leffman reported on S106 and a significant pot of money found to be available, in excess of £40k to support the bus service.
DCllr Acock reported on his meeting with parishioners at the Swan Public House. He reported on a new council plan that had been voted through for climate change. DCllr Acock reiterated the process surrounding Coronavirus and urged all to follow the guidelines set out by Public Health England.
6. Public Time
Please refer to Item No. 7 Planning
7. Planning
(a) 20/00340/FUL Construction of eight dwellings and associated works at Land North West of 18 London Lane Ascott- under-Wychwood NEW
(b) 19/02811/FUL Nine dwellings and new public open space – Land North East of 53 High Street – REJECTED
20/00340/FUL – Cllr Carter contacted the Planning Officer to ask why the Parish Council response has not been posted on the Planning Portal even though it was sent on 27 February 2020. There has been a very strong response from residents, both in attending a meeting called by D Cllr Jake Acock and sending their comments to the Planning Office.
19/02811/FUL – The Developers Bloombridge requested a meeting with the Parish Council to discuss ways in which compromises could be found to make the application more acceptable. The PC agreed unanimously that, given the strength of feeling against this development, it would not be to the community’s advantage to meet with Bloombridge. The Parish Clerk has responded accordingly.
The PC discussed calls from Parish Councillors and residents to:-
a) Write to the press re Thames Water regularly dumping raw sewage into the R Evenlode
b) Write to Robert Courts re speculative planning applications and the water drainage issues in A-u-W
c) Commission a drainage report
d) Write a Neighbourhood Plan
Thames Water – it was agreed that Ascott-u-W PC should approach the other Wychwood Parish Councils to write a joint submission to the press.
Robert Courts – it was agreed that Robert Courts should be made aware of the land drainage AND sewage issues in the village.
Drainage Report – Cllr Carter has arranged a preliminary meeting with Water Resource Associates to discuss the benefits and costs of developing a drainage report for the village. A date has been set for 23 March 2020.
Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – Residents Richard Smith and John Cull have repeated requests for the Parish Council to spearhead the production of a NP. D Cllr Jake Acock reported that there were also several calls for a Neighbourhood Plan. He and C Cllr Liz Leffman support this idea, being convinced that it would protect Ascott-under-Wychwood from future speculative development in locations that the Community does not want for whatever reason.
C Cllr Leffman suggested taking advice from Astrid Harvey, WODC Officer for Neighbourhood Planning. She also suggested liaising with Milton-u-W as they are also undertaking a NP.
The meeting discussed ways of informing residents that the writing of a Neighbourhood Plan is being investigated. It is essential for the integrity and adoption of the Plan that the Community is in favour. Richard Smith suggested a flyer to be delivered to all households.
P Cllr Carter suggested that Neighbourhood Planning should be a key presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting (APM) and that a flyer should be written and delivered to all households advertising the APM and the proposal to develop a Neighbourhood Plan. This was carried unanimously
8. Matters Arising
(a) Gigaclear
Cllr Carter reported that she had a site meeting with Karl Whittaker of Gigaclear to discuss all the outstanding works in Ascott-under-Wychwood. The properties are on both sides of Shipton Rd from Vine House to the level crossing, Manor Farm, all homes at Wychwood Court and Church Close. On 4 March 2020 Mr Whittaker wrote that his team were validating, reviewing and planning the final build programme for these properties. The contractor will be MJK who Mr Whittaker stated were very reliable. This has been confirmed by OCC Highways and C Cllr Leffman
(b) OCC Grasscutting Contract – Ongoing
(c) Footpaths – See Item 4. Map modification ongoing
(d) CCTV monitoring – this will be carried out by parishioner, Mark Pidgeon
(e) Paying for Planning Documents – Ongoing
(f) Neighbourhood Plan – refer to Item No 6 / 7 Public Time / Planning.
(g) Water Resource Association – refer to Item No. 7 Planning.
(h) Clean Slate – a donation to this worthy cause was discussed and agreed that any proceeds from the Panto and Carols round the Christmas Tree would be donated.
(i) Wychwood Day Centre donation – the Clerk was asked to check with the RFO
(j) PC Meeting dates:
Monday 6 April PC ordinary meeting
(Agendas to be displayed Monday 30 March 2020)
Monday 27 April 2020 Annual Parish Meeting
(Agendas to be displayed Monday 13 April 2020)
Monday 11 May Annual General Meeting
(Election of PC officers; namely the Chairman and Vice Chairman)
9. Annual Parish Meeting
The format of the evening was discussed and the Parish Council agreed that spoken reports from the Parish Council and village organisations should be kept brief to allow time for 2 key issues to be presented and discussed in more detail.
These issues should be –
‘Road Surfaces and Speeding’ and ‘Planning and Neighbourhood Planning’.
In addition the Managers of Ascott FC and the developing Cricket Clubs will be invited to put up displays and give short presentations.
The Clerk and P Cllr Carter will liaise about invitations and guest speakers.
The PC will arrange for door-to-door deliveries of flyers advertising the event and also explaining about Neighbourhood Planning. P Cllr Leach agreed to design the flier for the meeting.
10. Risk Assessment & Ground Maintenance
a) The old asbestos roof panels have been removed by Marlarch. The broken concrete has been broken up and buried in the resulting hole. The site was also completely investigated and cleared of any other contamination and finally levelled off extremely carefully. It is now ready for the salt store to be built as soon as Chris Badger is fit and available.
b) Shane Barnes will arrange to repair the holes in the Playing Field road.
c) The enhanced pitch maintenance programme (as developed over the past 2 years) will start this month and continue at planned times until October.
d) Jacob Davies advised that the ramp behind the Pavilion Kitchen door is sound. The Parish Council agreed that there is a danger of crushing if a metal rail is installed but agreed to commission a wooden rail to protect users from falling off the edge and to assist those with mobility issues. Cllr Carter will liaise with Mr Davies and the work will be done when the land is dry.
e) OCC have cleared vegetation to expose the salt store near the speed change on London Lane.
11. Community Emergency Plan
Storm Ciara brought more flooding to the village. London Lane north of the level crossing had to be closed for 36 hours and the water deeper than any other time since 2007. Gypsy Lane was badly flooded but the Ascott Earl Z bend did not have to be closed. Thanks to Robin Walker, Nick Carter and Mark Pidgeon for their help with road signs.
The many flood protection methods that have been put in place worked well and not one property was flooded. River water and surface run-off water was reported in gardens. This highlights the need to be continually vigilant and to maintain systems regularly.
WODC has still not removed the 3 tonne bags of sand from Tiddy Hall car park. This sand is not needed and was delivered in December. Cllr Carter has complained and asked twice for it to be removed. The bags have been left in front of the sand bunker doors and has made it extremely difficult to access the bunker with the bags inside. Cllr Carter to chase.
12. Transport
Nothing to report
Witney Newspaper made its front page announcement of the Cotswold Line Task Group bid to HMG for monies to redouble the line from Wolvercote Junction to Hanborough, reinstatement if its second platform, and shuttle services by train and buses to Witney. OCC Chairman hoped this would be fulfilled within 5 years!
13. Roads
Speed Survey for London Lane, High St and Shipton Rd
It was proposed that the Parish Council accept the speed survey undertaken by OCC Highways and therefore the invoice should be paid. Proposed by Cllr Timms and seconded by Cllr Rance and agreed unanimously.
14. Allotments
Cllr Leach reported that he had invited the allotment tenants to a Spring Starter Season meet up. The Clerk reported that she had sent the annual rent requests, tenancy agreement, together with a fresh set of the Rules & Regulations to all allotment tenants.
15. Reports from Organisations
(a) Ascott-under-Wychwood Sports Club:
The Football Club reports that, despite the very wet weather, they have been able to play most fixtures. The only ones that have been cancelled have been when the torrential rain was falling at the time of the match. The ground has been coping very well.
The emerging Cricket Club is still developing and Stewart Moss is still very enthusiastic and optimistic. There is an issue with the Community Junior Football Goals being sited in the middle of the cricket outfield. These will have to be removed to allow any play. The metal caps supplied to cover the metal sockets are not regarded as safe for cricketers. A solution to move these goals has been discussed and agreed at this meeting, see Item 4 Financial Report.
(b) Village Charity – Nothing to report.
(c) Wychwood Library – Nothing to report.
16. Correspondence
Yvonne Stanniford re Supported Bus Service
OALC advice re Coronavirus
OALC February update
Joanna van de Poll – donation to Wychwoods Day Centre – please refer to Matters Arising
Clean Slate – donation – please refer to Matters Arising
Clerks & Councils Direct
17. Any Other Business
There was no Any Other Business to report.
There being no further business, Cllr Carter declared the meeting closed at 10.15pm
Cllr Philippa Carter (Chairman)
Date:Monday 6 April 2020