Parish Councillors
- Philippa Carter
- Sandy Timms
- Brian Leach
- Pauline Plant
County Councillor
- Liz Leffman
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- Laurence Mellor
- Keith Ravenhill
1. Apologies
DCllr Acock & Cllr Rance
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the virtual meeting held on 8 February 2021, were approved as a true record and will be duly signed, dated and filed when actual meetings resume.
3. Declarations of interest
4. Financial Report
Bank Balance £49,514.84
200194 cancelled / filled out incorrectly £0.00
200195 28th Feb Semple Housing Survey £885.00
200196 29th Mar A Barnes salary £235.54
200197 31st Mar HMRC PAYE £58.80
200198 4th Mar I DGodden Pavilion boiler service £102.00
200198 ? P Carter (moss killer for basketball court) £ 45.98
The bank reconciliation and parish funds were emailed/circulated separately, in preparation for the March meeting.
5. Reports from County and District Councillors
CCllr Leffman reported the budget had been passed at CCouncil, the LibDems did not agree with the funding for draining and adult care. She reported that her CCllr fund was now £7500. CCllr Leffman reported that the ‘20 is Plenty’ campaign was now running in Churchill and Fawler and advised the PC that if they required any signs to let her know. She reported on the signs at the turning by FInstock Manor and advised all to have a look. CCllr Leffman reported that she would be busy with the election campaign.
6. Public Time
Refer to Planning.
7. Planning
PROPOSAL: Erection of a two storey annex
LOCATION: 19 High Street Ascott Under Wychwood Chipping Norton
APPLICANT: Ms Bronwen Bennie
REGISTERED: 1st February 2021
The Parish Council decided by a majority vote that they should object on the grounds that it would create a 5 bedroom house which has no possibility of parking vehicles on site. Also the PC felt that it would spoil the traditional symmetry of the pair of 200 year old cottages. The PC would suggest that the extension be built at the back thereby solving both issues.
BLUE CEDAR HOMES Land North West of 18 London Lane
C Cllr Leffman asked the Planning Office what pre-application advice they had given to the Blue Cedar Group. The officer replied that the advice in 2019 was that it was not supported by policy unless they could show that there was a need.
Cllr Carter has had 2 online meetings with some local residents close to the site, at their request. They are still keen to engage a consultant to calculate the flood risk and advise what effect there would be on flooding if the site were to be developed.
APPLICATION NO: 20/00340/FUL 12-18 London Lane
Construction of eight dwellings and associated works at Land North West of 18 London Lane, Kingerlee Homes have informed the Parish Council that they expect to start work during the first 2 weeks of April. Cllr Carter wrote back to Kingerlee, the planning dept, WODC drainage and OCC Highways reminding them of the issues with surface water and sewage and asking that they make arrangements so that there is not a problem with deliveries or workmen’s parking
Neighbourhood Plan
A vote on the payment of Paul Semple’s bill for Housing Survey Work £885.00, this was proposed by Cllr Carter and seconded by Cllr Timms. Cllr Carter has been trying to engage a consultant to add professional weight to the Neighbourhood Plan Flood report so that it would be possible for the NP to be impartial in identifying where it would and would not be safe to develop. It has taken time to develop the scope of works for this project and to find consultants who are willing to take on the work.
8. Matters Arising
(a) Thames Water – Moratorium on Building.
Continue to raise at Planning.
(b) Footpaths
Cllr Plant reported that she had met up with parishioner Sue Richards, walked the route, discussed the paperwork and agreed to work on the list of names of regular users of the route.
(c) Dog Poo Bin at Gypsy Lane
Cllr Carter had sent a photograph showing the preferred site for installation. The Clerk will contact WODC accordingly.
9. Risk Assessment and Ground Maintenance
No Parking sign
Has been replaced by the post box.
A-Frame notice board
It was suggested arranging for this to be renovated using the left over board from the notice boards. Carpentry to be paid for.
Pavilion CCTV
Andrew Weaver who lives in the house nearest the Playing Field gates is taking responsibility for this and has spoken to the supplier.
Pavilion Boiler
This has had its annual service and there was no problem.
Playing Field Maintenance
Now is the time to order and spread spring fertilizer. Basketball court renovation scheduled for some time in March.
RoSPA report on play equipment – Cllr Carter has not been successful in arranging for Trevor Stewart to undertake repairs to play equipment. She approached Hickmans on the advice from Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association. Tom Hickman attended and is happy to undertake the work; there will be a delay of 3 weeks from order to work being undertaken. The RoSPA report highlighted urgent work needed to the basket swing, which is currently barriered off. The report also recommended checking one upright see-saw post which Tom Hickman declared sound and safe. He will also tighten the zip wire. Cleaning and re-staining of the swing frames will be done by volunteers as the wood is sound. Cllr Carter will look into using the spare grass matting to improve the ground where it has become very muddy recently.
The Hickmans cost/estimate was £820+ VAT, this was proposed by Cllr Leach and seconded by Cllr Timms.
Annual Village Litter Pick
Many thanks to Brian and Ingrid Ridley who organised the litter pick to be undertaken by residents in their own time during February, so that Covid safety rules can be observed. Ingrid reported that the job was complete and that they will be happy to organise the litter pick in the future. They will store the PC grabbers. Thank you to all the residents who ‘picked’ and made the village look so clean.
10. Community Emergency Plan
On 9 March Cllr Carter will meet with Laurence King, Lead for Flood Risk Management at WODC to view all the flood issues from 23 December 2020. A summary of all the issues for this winter has already been sent and Cllr Carter invited certain residents to meet Mr King.
11. Transport
Cllr Rance, sent his report;
Nothing to report on services but Villager team meet end March to consider their plans post lock down.
All running on time! So back to how they should be.
12. Roads
Cllr Carter reported meeting an officer from the Highways team to walk the Chipping Norton Rd and London Lane and discuss road drainage problems. On both roads they identified:
- where there are gullies buried in verges,
- where grips might most usefully be dug and possibly lined with concrete
- where gullies in the tarmac are not taking water and
- where ditches should be cleaned out.
After the meeting, the officer emailed that a scheme of ‘edge strengthening’ on the Chipping Norton Rd is timetabled in for August. Ditches would need to be cleared by then and College Farm is taking advice from the Farmers’ Union about their legal responsibility. Cllr Carter reported also inspecting Church Close and discussing London Lane road drainage flooding the area around the Green, the issue of sewage backflow at times of heavy rain and the ‘river locking’ during flood events which makes all the road drainage back up and flood the field behind. The officer took note of the gully which is blocked by the notice board, corner of High St and London Lane. The inspection then moved on to the Vicarage where the officer witnessed the spring water issuing from the ground in the Vicarage garden.
13. Allotments
The Clerk reported that the paperwork had been sent to allotment tenants requesting their rent for 2021. Cllr Carter asked the Clerk to ensure that Cornbury were, in turn, paid their rent for the allotment land.
14. Reports from Organisations
Sports Clubs
Stewart Moss has emailed the full fixture list for this summer, starting in May.
The football manager has stated that Ascott FC plans to rent space at Leafield for
summer matches and kids’ club from 1 May to 27 August. The Facebook post suggesting that Ascott FC has been ‘kicked out’ is exaggerated and highly inflammatory. The Sports Club has been told by both managers that they agreed summer arrangements amicably.
Village Charity
Cllr Timms reported that a winner had been chosen for the speeding poster competition.
Wychwood Library
Nothing to report.
15. Parish Councillor Vacancies
Three councillors have expressed their wish to stand down in May. Their letters of resignation will need to be given at the May meeting, this being the Annual General meeting. Two parishioners have come forward and will be co-opted accordingly. This will leave one vacancy and Cllr Carter has agreed to stay on until the third vacancy is filled or July, whichever is the earliest.
16. Correspondence
OALC update
17. Any Other Business
There being no further business, Cllr Carter declared the meeting closed at 9.30pm
Cllr Philippa Carter (Chairman)
Date: Monday 12 April 2021 (to be held remotely)