Parish Councillors
- Brian Leach
- Pauline Plant
- Sarah Russell
- Keith Ravenhill
- Sue Richards
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- None
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the meeting held on 11 January 2021 were approved as a true record, duly signed, dated and filed.
3. Declarations of interest
Cllr Plant declared an interest in the preschool fund request.
4. Financial Report
Bank Balance £50867.86
31 Jan 21 Bank Charges £10.00
5 Feb 22 S Fox Book of 2nd Class Stamps £7.92 (BACS)
10 Feb 22 A Barnes Salary £235.54 (BACS)
28 Feb 22 HMRC CHQ 200236 £58.70
The bank reconciliation and financial report were emailed separately.
5. Reports from County and District Councillors
CCllr Leffmann reported that the first alliance budget had been passed. She reported that it had been agreed that shared services with Cherwell was not sustainable and Price Waterhouse were carrying out an audit, however no report as yet. Cllr Leffman reported that an Interim Chief Executive had been appointed and that Oxfordshire and Cherwell would share services until the end of August.
Cllr Leffman reported that the 20-mph programme was now live and would be rolled out in 2 tranches. She reported that there had been 60 expressions of interest so far. The two tranches would be summer and winter 2022. She reported on the Transport Plan, this was ongoing and would run until 16 March. The Library & Heritage Strategy would run until 18 March. She reported that Cabinet will decide on 15 February about HGV’s using the bridge at Burford. The Freight Strategy was ongoing and finally, it was confirmed that workshops/surgeries re flooding etc would go ahead.
Once again, no report was received from DCllr Alcock.
6. Public Time
No public time to report.
7. Planning
1 Wychwood Court, London Lane, Ascott under Wychwood
Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 13th January 2022.
PROPOSAL: Conversion of existing detached garage to create home office
LOCATION: 1 Wychwood Court, London Lane, Ascott under Wychwood
APPLICANT: Ms Eleni Renton
REGISTERED: 16th December 2021
PC Responded: No Objection.
6 Heritage Lane, Ascott under Wychwood
Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 28th January 2022.
PROPOSAL: Construction of two rear dormer windows
LOCATION: 6 Heritage Lane Ascott Under Wychwood Chipping Norton
APPLICANT: Ms Marybeth Harasz
REGISTERED: 22nd December 2021
PC Responded: No Objection.
Land North West of 18 London Lane
Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 25th November 2021.
APPLICATION NO: 21/03570/S73
PROPOSAL: Variation of condition 2 and removal of condition 8 of planning permission
17/01067/FUL to allow conversion of area over garage into a home office (plots 2 and 4) and changes to fenestration (plots 1 and 5) whilst still maintaining all amendments relating to design changes, repositioning of access road and alterations to boundary treatments as previously approved under 21/00542/S73.
LOCATION: Land North West Of 18 London Lane Ascott Under Wychwood
APPLICANT: Kingerlee Homes Ltd
REGISTERED: 1st November
GRANTED: (for reference)
12-18 London Lane 17/01067/FUL Appeal Ref: APP/D3125/W/17/3179654
Construction of four dwellings and associated works at Land North West of 18 London Lane
ONGOING: (PC replied)
BLUE CEDAR HOMES Land North West of 18 London Lane
Please send me your comments by: 15 April 2021
LOCATION: Land North West of 18 London Lane Ascott under Wychwood
PROPOSAL: Erection of 7 one storey age restricted dwellings for older people (65 years) with access, landscaping and associated infrastructureREGISTERED: 12 Feb 2021 Planning Officer: &
GRANTED (PC replied objected)
Land North East of 51 High Street
Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 15 September 2021
PROPOSAL: Reserved matters application for the erection of two detached dwellings with associated works including detached garaging and vehicular and pedestrian accesses to both properties. Town and Country Planning Act APPLICATION NO: 20/01592/OUT PROPOSAL: Residential development of two dwellings and revised agricultural access
(Outline application with some matters reserved)
LOCATION: Land North East of 51 High Street Ascott Under Wychwood
APPLICANT: Bloombridge LLP REGISTERED: 17th August 2021
WODC Graduate Planning Officer:
REFUSED: (PC replied)
BLOOMBRIDGE DEVELOPMENT LLP Land North East Of 53 High Street Ascott Under Wychwood
Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 30th April 2021.
PROPOSAL: Outline Planning Application (with some matters reserved except access) for the
demolition of existing building and construction of up to seven dwellings and new
open space/Memorial Garden of approximately 0.6ha.
LOCATION: Land North East Of 53 High Street Ascott Under Wychwood
APPLICANT: Bloombridge Development LLP
REGISTERED: 5th March 2021
Planning Officer:
Land North East of 53 High Street Ascott under Wychwood
APPEAL REF: APP/03125/W/21/3281901
Outline Planning Application (with some matters reserved except access) for the demolition of existing building and construction of up to seven dwellings and new open space/Memorial Garden of approximately 0.06ha.
Cllr Leach reported that the date of the Appeal Hearing had been set for Tuesday 15 March. The PC will be attending as a third party and there should be opportunity for others to attend. Whether or not they can speak is entirely at the discretion of the Inspector. The Clerk was asked to minute the PC’s thanks and gratitude to Richard Smith, Nick Paines QC and Robert Walton QC for all of their support and help with this.
8. Neighbourhood Plan:
Cllr Leach reported:
Traffic and Transport
I have written up and circulated amongst the T&T group the transport section of the Parish Vision. John Cull has stepped down. We would like to record our thanks for the work he has undertaken on behalf of the group.
We are nearing the final version of the hydrology report with more communication between P Carter and Edenvale Young on some findings discovered by Mark Purvis that need to be included.
Otherwise everything has been largely side-lined by planning appeal.
9. Matters Arising
(a) 5 Shipton Road
Cllr Leach reported:
Following the initial discussions regarding 5 Shipton Road (see minutes of January 2022) the PC has gone back to the financier to address the constraints:
1. The land price is high because of the existing property, though the open market may decide it is too high based on interest we have seen, and the value other agents have put on the site. It is a small property and may not be suitable for extension.
2. Regardless, the build cost of the Greencore housing is simply too high and the planning risks too great to ensure that the PC can deliver the mix of homes for the village using that developer on that site. For a new site at land value alone it would be a good possibility.
3. The cost of maintenance and renewal is also a cause for concern.
4. The PC can deliver the scheme with the level of affordability we need in tandem with the financier if it uses traditional build with an emphasis on local supply and low energy.
5. Given the uncertainty regarding the real land value and what planning permission may be obtained, we could offer Ms Longshaw a minimum and maximum payment of e.g. 700 – 750 stepped against the square meterage agreed. That is already more than the suggested sale prices and closer to what she wants for this.
Richard Smith has written to Ms Longshaw’s solicitor outlining this position on behalf of the Parish Council. No response to date.
(b) Road signage – Ongoing
(c) OALC 2050 Consultation – Ongoing
(d) Litter Pick – this was still being carried out
(e) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations June 2022
This was discussed, and the consensus was that this should rightfully be managed through a separate committee bringing together the different groups in the village. This was an opportunity to draw the village together after two exceptionally challenging years.
Cllr Leach has been approached by the Tiddy Hall committee, who stand ready and willing to assist.
Cllr Sue Richards was happy to represent the Parish Council if necessary.
(f) Ascott Pre-School donation request for new fence
Cllr Leach proposed a donation of £500, this was seconded by Cllr Ravenhill and agreed unanimously.
(g) Training Programme (OALC)
(h) Open Gardens Event Sunday 5 June on the Village Green – this was agreed, Cllr Richards proposed and Cllr Leach seconded
(i) Public access to the meeting
Cllr Leach proposed that the current requirement for members of the public to attend only by invitation was no longer required and that the meeting should once again be open to all. This was voted unanimously.
10. Risk Assessment and Ground Maintenance
Cllr Plant reported that she and Cllr Russell had carried out various work at the Playing Field, which included organising pest control for mole hills, cutting back the ivy. The swing that had been reported as being loose had now been repaired and the step would be the next job to be fixed.
11. Community Emergency Plan
Cllr Leach reported on a meeting to discuss flood risks and actions with Shipton and Milton in advance of the Wychwoods Working Together meeting planned for this month.
12. Transport
Cllr Richards had emailed a report from WOCT noting passenger statistics and a donation request of £3000. This was discussed and agreed unanimously that the PC could not fund this amount of money. Cllr Plant proposed a donation of £500, this was seconded by Cllr Russell and agreed unanimously.
13. Roads
Nothing to report
14. Allotments
The Clerk reported that she would start to prepare the annual letters, rent requests and agreements and send them out to the allotment tenants.
15. Elections
The Clerk reported that preparations were being made for the forthcoming elections and she would be attending a Clerks Briefing, which was being held by WODC online on Wednesday 16 February at 5.30pm
16. Reports from Organisations
(a) Sports Clubs – a meeting will be held on Wednesday 23 February at The Swan Pub.
(b) Village Charity – noting to report
17. Correspondence
Operation London Bridge
January Update
Training Programme 2022
Annual Emergency Planning Survey
Elaine Byles re Swing at the Playing Field
Peter Rance re CLPG/GWR Saturday Shopper Service
Stuart Fox Open Gardens Event Village Green Sunday 5 June 2022
18. Any Other Business
There being no further business, Cllr Leach declared the meeting closed at 9.05pm
Cllr Brian Leach (Chairman)
Date: Tuesday 8 March 2022