Parish Councillors
- Brian Leach
- Keith Ravenhill
- Sarah Russell
- Sue Richards
County Councillor
- Liz Leffman
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- None
1. Apologies
Received from Cllr Plant
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the meeting held on 11 October 2022 were approved as a true record, duly signed, dated and filed.
3. Declarations of interest
Cllr Richards declared an interest the request for a donation from the History Society.
4. Financial Report
Bank Balance £56,527.24
Income: £0.00
29 Oct WODC Waste disposal at Pavilion by BACS £93.60
31 Oct The Wychwood Day Centre Donation by BACS £500.00
27 Oct Bank Charges £10.00
8 Nov Angela Barnes Salary by BACS £239.22
30 Nov HMRC PAYE Chq 200248 £59.80
Setting the Precept was discussed. Cllr Leach asked all councillors to consider any projects for the next financial year with a view to setting the Precept for 2023/2024. The clerk reported that the S.137 amount per elector was currently £8.82.
The WODC Direct Debit Mandate was agreed and duly signed. The Clerk would scan and email this to WODC.
5. Reports from County and District Councillors
CCllr Leffman reported on £100k in a community organisation pot. She reported on a £2m fund with the County and District and discussions on the cost of living. CCllr Leffman reported on a Funding for Tree policy with officers from DEFRA. She reported on a new street light policy and OCC policy for no driving in the centre of Oxford and the cost of the Park & Ride service being cut to encourage the use of buses.
6. Public Time
No public time.
7. Cost of Living crisis
Cllr Leach reported that he and Cllr Richards had met with Chris Trotman to discuss coordinating responses to the Cost of Living crisis between the Wychwood parishes. Notes from the meeting have been separately circulated.
Leaflets have been ordered from John Witts, the Baptist minister who is leading the Warm Spaces initiatives. There is a considerable amount of information online, but it is not consolidated or easy to find and there are those in the village who are not tech-savvy. As a result, it was agreed that the Parish Council should organize and distribute information as a combined leafleting exercise and look at the potential for hosting an event similar to the CoL events held in Chipping Norton.
Cllr Leach had attended one such event and spoken with representatives of WODC, Cottsway and Mind. All are willing to attend an event, or series of events (on the same day) in the Wychwoods. Cllr Leach suggested that this be planned for the new year, once people have got through the Christmas period and are looking at next years’ finances.
8. Planning
Deadline comments by: 11 November 2022
APPLICATION No. 22/02798/S73
Variation of Condition 2 to allow changes to fenestration, amendments to porches and use of roof space as habitable space and discharge of Conditions 3 (Sample Materials) 5 (Landscaping) and 9 (Surface Water drainage) of permission
LOCATION: Land North East of 51 High Street, Ascott under Wychwood
APPLICANT: Mr Rupert Beak
REGISTERED: 10 October 2022
GRANTED: (for reference)
12-18 London Lane 17/01067/FUL Appeal Ref: APP/D3125/W/17/3179654
Construction of four dwellings and associated works at Land North West of 18 London Lane
WODC Address Management have received an application to address 4 properties at site on London Lane. Planning Application 17/01067/FUL
9. Neighbourhood Plan
Nothing to report.
10. Matters Arising
(a) 5 Shipton Road – Ongoing
(b) Road signage – Ongoing
(c) OALC 2050 Consultation
(d) Christmas shopping Train service – Ongoing
(e) Tree – replacement & where to plant – Ongoing
(f) Parking outside The Swan & vandalism – Cllr Leach would erect a sign “No Parking” by the Postbox
(g) Electric Vehicle Charging points – Ongoing
(h) Footpaths – Ongoing
(i) Wychwood Local History Society requesting a donation of £250
11. Risk Assessment and Ground Maintenance
A village walkabout is scheduled in the next few weeks. Cllr Leach will look at the last Risk Assessment.
12. Community Emergency Plan
Nothing to report.
13. Transport
Cllr Leach reported on the Network Rail Community Licence. He will have a site meeting to seek approval to tend the station garden.
14. Roads
Cllr Leffman agreed to chase Jamie Smith (OCC) re the white lines.
15. Christmas & Carols on the Village Green
- The Clerk will order the tree to be delivered to the Village Green the first weekend of December for erection and putting the lights on.
- Cllr Leach confirmed that he would organise the Band, carol sheets, mulled wine and asked each councillor to provide a dozen mince pies.
16. Reports from Organisations
(a) Sports Clubs – nothing to report.
(b) Village Charity – nothing to report.
17. Correspondence
Email (forwarded)
Cotswolds National Landscape
Oxfordshire Badger Group
Network Rail
WEL Medical (Defibrillators)
Wychwood Local History Society (see matters arising)
Monthly update
Waterways Day
Planning Application 22/02798/S73
Direct Debit mandate
TTRO Shipton Road
TTRO Shipton under Wychwood unnamed road to Ascott under Wychwood
TTRO Finstock, Leafield Road
18. Any Other Business.
There was no AOB. The meeting was declared closed at 9.20pm.
Cllr Brian Leach (Chairman)
Date: Tuesday 13 December 2022