Parish Councillors
- Brian Leach
- Pauline Plant
- Keith Ravenhill
- Sarah Russell
Responsible Financial Officer
- Stuart Fox
Parish Clerk
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public
- None
1. Apologies
Received from CCllr Liz Leffman and Cllr Richards
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes recorded from the meeting held on 8 November 2022 were approved as a true record, duly signed, dated and filed.
3. Declarations of interest
No declarations of interest were recorded.
4. Financial Report
Bank Balance £55,987.56
Income £0.00
27 Nov Bank Charges £9.00
7 December Angela Barnes BACS (salary and arrears back to 1 April 424.68
January HMRC BACS PAYE £106.00
S.137 Balance available £2,727
The bank reconciliation and parish funds were emailed separately.
RFO Stuart Fox had sent a financial forecast to all councillors prior to the meeting to consider any major projects and or costs in order to prepare setting the Precept for 2023/24. After discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Leach to reduce the Precept from last year to £18,000, this proposal was seconded by Cllr Ravenhill and agreed unanimously. The Clerk was asked to submit the Precept request to WODC accordingly.
5. Reports from County and District Councillors
CCllr Liz Leffman (report sent)
The Oxfordshire Fair Deal Alliance has taken a bold step to reduce congestion in
and around Oxford with the introduction of traffic filters. These will come into
effect once the work on Botley Rd by Network Rail is completed, which we expect
to be in 2024. During the times they are operating, traffic filters will prohibit
private cars without a pass from going through them. Everywhere you can
currently reach by car in Oxford will still be reached by private car.
Households outside the city will get up to 50 filter passes per year (25 per person/vehicle) to go through the filters with their private car. Exemptions will also be introduced for e.g., blue badge holders and carers. The filters will reduce traffic congestion, allowing buses to move through the city more quickly, and the intention is to encourage people to leave their cars at home and use public transport, walking or cycling wherever possible.
The administration continues to make adult social care and children’s services a priority, where over half of county expenditure takes place. The Oxfordshire Way – a new approach by the council’s adult social care team – aims to support people to live well and independently, within their own communities, for as long as possible. OCC is providing funding for a ‘Community Catalyst’ programme to support local residents to set up care companies or centres and provide care in the community. A 2022-3 Live Well Oxfordshire Care Guide has also been published with lots of great information on how to find community support and access adult social care. Free copies of the guide: 0345 050 7666.
OCC has launched an independent Education Commission, tasked with improving educational outcomes for all children and young people. A key goal of the commission will be to look at reducing the gap in educational attainment for disadvantaged children and children with special educational needs and disabilities. The commission will speak to all interested parties about what a world class education system might look like for Oxfordshire and what needs to change. The commission will be independently chaired and made up of members representing educational settings, establishments, and key stakeholder groups across Oxfordshire. OCC is currently working on the 2023/24 budget. We need to make savings of £44m, in part due to inflation but also due to increased demand for our adult and children’s services. However, the administration has sought to protect budgets impacting vulnerable residents, with particular emphasis on children with special education needs and disability. The budget consultation, which can be found at Let’s Talk Oxfordshire, closes on 19 December.
6. Public Time
No public time.
7. Cost of Living crisis
Cllr Leach reported that a leaflet drop had been performed. This included the cost of living leaflets from WODC and the warm spaces initiative leaflets from John Witts of the Baptist Church. Additionally, the PC had drafted an information and request for assistance leaflet specifically for Ascott residents and this had also been delivered to all residents. It was proposed that the next steps should be organized for the new year, once the Christmas festivities were complete; there may be more certainty about the scale of the problem and people felt more exposed.
8. Planning
Deadline comments by 13 December 2022
Conversion of existing dwelling to form three holiday lets.
The Chapel, 6A Shipton Road.
REGISTERED: 11 November 2022
The PC has replied to the effect that whilst we welcome the development of the chapel and wish to support the pub, the arrangements for parking as outlined in the application are misleading and inadequate. Photographic and email evidence of the parking issues caused by the reduction in on-site parking following the previous redevelopment of the pub and consequent loss of parking spaces to the front and rear of the building, has been included in the response. The PC therefore objects to the development until or unless a viable solution to the parking can be found or attached as a condition.
Deadline comments by: 11 November 2022
APPLICATION No. 22/02798/S73
Variation of Condition 2 to allow changes to fenestration, amendments to porches and use of roof space as habitable space and discharge of Conditions 3 (Sample Materials) 5 (Landscaping) and 9 (Surface Water drainage) of permission
LOCATION: Land North East of 51 High Street, Ascott under Wychwood
APPLICANT: Mr Rupert Beak
REGISTERED: 10 October 2022
GRANTED: (for reference)
12-18 London Lane 17/01067/FUL Appeal Ref: APP/D3125/W/17/3179654
Construction of four dwellings and associated works at Land North West of 18 London Lane. Planning Application 17/01067/FUL
9. Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr Leach reported that he had attended the WODC Waterways Day which was very informative. Thames Water had sent a water map to Cllr Leach detailing the layout of the known pipework.
10. Matters Arising
(a) 5 Shipton Road – Ongoing
(b) Road signage – Cllr Leach had purchased a robust sign for erection by the post box opposite the Swan. The Clerk agreed to ask Shane Barnes to erect this.
(c) OALC 2050 Consultation
(d) Tree – replacement & where to plant – Ongoing
(e) Electric Vehicle Charging points – Ongoing
(f) Footpaths – Ongoing
11. Risk Assessment and Ground Maintenance
Cllr Leach had now completed this with the exception of 5 Shilling Corner.
12. Community Emergency Plan
Nothing to report
13. Transport
Network Rail Community Rail Licence – Cllr Leach reported that a site visit was pending.
14. Roads
Cllr Russell reported that both she and Cllr Richards had met with James Wright from OCC re the white line painting on the Shipton Road. The PC are now waiting for the quotation.
15. Christmas & Carols on the Village Green
- The Tree was erected and decorated – Cllr Leach asked the Clerk to minute the PC’s thanks to Robin & Shane for their help with this.
- A poster had been put up
- Meet up / set up time – It was agreed to meet up with the mince pies and refreshments at 5.15pm and start setting up at 5.30pm.
- Beneficiary – Cllr Leach proposed the North Oxfordshire Community Food Bank, this was duly seconded by Cllr Plant and agreed unanimously.
16. Reports from Organisations
(a) Sports Clubs – nothing to report.
(b) Village Charity – nothing to report
17. Correspondence
Email (forwarded)
Oxfordshire County Rail Partnership (22 Nov 22)
November Update
Planning Application:22/01329/FUL – see Planning
Communications Kit: a safer pace for Oxfordshire 20mph areas coming to Oxfordshire
18. Any Other Business
There was no AOB. The meeting was declared closed at 9.00pm.
Cllr Brian Leach (Chairman)
Date: Tuesday 10 January 2023