Parish Councillors Present:
Rob Morgan (Chairman)
Bridgette Crundwell
Pauline Marshall
County Councillor: Rodney Rose
Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
Network Rail and First Great Western.
Received from Cllr Philippa Carter, Cllr Laurence Mellor and District Cllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles.
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12 July were agreed and duly signed, dated and filed.
There were no declarations of interest.
Cllr Morgan introduced David Northey and David Wilson from Network Rail, together with Martin Barnett from First Great Western.
David Northey gave an update to the meeting on the research and data on train running; in 1971 there were 7 trains per day and in 2010 there are 18 trains per day. He explained that works to double the track would commence on 2 October starting at Honeybourne, on to Mickleton and by the end of December Ascott. This process would be done at night where NR would complete one mile of track per week and by the end of February all new tracks should be in place and there would be new platforms at Ascott, Charlbury and Honeybourne. It was reported that the line connection was scheduled for the 28 May to 6 June. David explained that all parishioners close to the rail track would be written to advising them of the works that would be carried out and that disruption would be kept to a minimum. He also reported that the row of confier trees would sadly need to be removed. Cllr Marshall requested that this area be sympathetically landscaped, which David agreed to do.
Martin Barnett, Project Manager from First Great Western reported that this was the first time a service provider had worked with a rail company and that it had been extremely productive. He had been working on this project with NR for 2 years in the station design and infrastructure and he reported that a draft timetable would be available at the end of September and a new complete timetable in September 2011 when there would be increased services. Martin reported that their work with CLPG was supported well.
Cllr Morgan thanked NR and First Great Western for attending the meeting and for giving such an informative presentation. There followed a short Q&A session and NR agreed to send Cllr Morgan a timetable of the scheduled works.
CCllr Rodney Rose reported that on 20 October the spending review would be announced and that turning off street lighting was on hold, library services may be hit. He reported on the extra care housing in Milton-under-Wychwood and that planning had been granted. CCllr Rose reported that there were five Area Stewards in total, this being one per district and that the last two were appointed last week. He reported that Ian Clarke is the Area Steward for this district and that he would be in contact shortly. Finally CCllr Rose reported that the Snow Leaflet should be available very soon.
No Report
This was discussed and the following was agreed:
- It was agreed that the date for the Carols round the Christmas Tree would be early evening on Christmas Eve and the Clerk would advise Mark Abery and invite him to lead the event if he is available.
- It was agreed that the Clerk would ask Robin Walker if he would be able to supply the tree this year.
- The date for erecting the tree and putting the lights on would be on Saturday 4 December
- The Clerk would contact SEC and ask for the electricity to be turned on at the end of November.
- Cllr Morgan agreed to check the lights
- The Clerk was asked to contact the Village Charity and accept their kind offer to help this year and ask if they would supply and serve Mince Pies and Mulled Wine at the end of the service.
- The Clerk would include this in the October edition of the Grapevine.
This leaves the following to be agreed and organised:
- Leaflet drop around the Village advising parishioners of the date and time
- Carol sheets
- Buckets/collectors
- A charity to benefit from the collection
The Clerk read the following report on behalf of Cllr Mellor; Cllr Morgan, Cllr Crundwell and Cllr Mellor attended the AGM which was chaired by Roger Shepherd. The handover meeting has been delayed due to diary issues, but Cllr Carter and Cllr Mellor are due to meet Roger and John Cull on the 5th October to formally assume responsibility for the Sports Pavilion. In the meantime Roger and John intend to meet the head of Wychwood Valley School to discuss the changes and resolve any outstanding issues.
The Clerk reported that the external audit, carried out by BDO LLP, was now concluded and that there were no issues to raise. The cash balances are £9,380.20 and Income and Expenditure is as below:
No income
£65.21 R A Newman & Sons Hedgecutting Cheque No. 100738
£10.00 CLPG Membership Cheque No. 100739
£56.99 WODC RoSPA Inspection Cheque No. 100740
£158.63 BDO LLP External Audit Cheque No. 100741
Oxfordshire Highways and Network Rail:
- Water accumulation outside Sunset House: Works now done Council request to keep this Ongoing
- Beyond the Level Crossing: Works now done, but needs to be checked that it has been jetted Ongoing
- Ditch on the Charity Land: Ongoing
- Salt Bins and gritting/clearing the roads (preferred routes) : The Clerk was asked to contact CCllr Rodney Rose about the bin in the Tiddy Hall car park which is damaged and not repairable. Ongoing
- Ditch opposite Sunset House – it was reported that works had stopped. Cllr Morgan agreed to speak with Gordon Hunt at OCC to confirm completion of works. Ongoing
Village Shop:
Natural History Project:
The Clerk read the following report on behalf of Cllr Carter; the contractors, Dyer and Butler, have completed the engineering works on the railway bridge and have cleared the river of debris and vegetation. They have left the site and the remaining groundworks will be undertaken by separate contractors.
The unstable banks and foundations to the bridge wall are now being supported by deep metal piling and there is a thick concrete access path on top of the piling, which enhances the wall foundations and helps to protect the wall from scouring. The river is clear of debris and the reduced size of the path allows 10% extra width to the channel (Environment Agency calculation).
The Evenlode bends 90 degrees to the left to flow under the railway bridge. The bend has been widened and a flood channel (swale) has been completed across the upstream field so that high water will flow under the bridge more easily. Part of the bank has been raised (bund) to keep high water within the channel.
The village owes a debt of thanks to those landowners who have endured contractors on their land for 12 months or more. A photograph of the completed works will appear in the shop and Grapevine in due course.
The Clerk, on behalf of Cllr Mellor, read the following report; all plots now seem to be let, Yvette has been very busy clearing plot number 11 and Ken Baker plot number 1 has also been very busy clearing his. With the exception of a couple of plots tenants are keeping their plots in good order. There has been an increase in the number of sheds/plastic store bunkers – this will continue to be monitored.
No new planning applications had been received.
10/1133/P/FP Erection of single storey extension to replace conservatory, detached garage with storage above. Alterations to include pitched roofs to dormer windows and external render to dwelling (to allow increase in size of garage (Part Retrospective) at 53 Shipton Road Ascott-under-Wychwood
10/0997/P/FP Erection of pool side building at Wychwood Manor, Shipton Road, Ascott-under-Wychwood
10/0894/P/FP Erection of single storey rear extension at 9 High Street Ascott-under-Wychwood
10/0920/P/FP Erection of two storey extension and detached garage at Yew Tree Cottage 31 High Street Ascott-under-Wychwood
10/0685/P/FP Insertion of three rooflights at Millers Barn 45A High Street
As circulated.
- Cllr Morgan had been asked to raise the question of the lighting in Maple Way. This was discussed and it was agreed Cllr Morgan would check the lighting and report back to the parishioner.
- An OCC white arrow sign had been left on London Lane. The Clerk was asked to contact Paul Norris at OCC for this to be collected.
- The Clerk was asked to put animal fouling on the playing field and the possibility of fencing the area on the Agenda for October
- The Clerk reported that she had been asked by several parishioners to raise the issue of the Church gates. The entrance to the Church via the main gates is more often than not blocked by two cars parked there blocking any disabled access and mother & baby access to the Church. It was also reported that the black wheelie bins were being left out by the gates and rubbish being blown across the Churchyard. The Clerk was asked to write to the owner of the property explaining the importance of keeping the entrance clear, clean and tidy. Access to the Church is needed at all times, but especially for weddings and funerals.
- A letter had been received from the West Oxfordshire Citizens Advice Bureau requesting a donation. This was discussed and it was agreed that the PC would give a contribution of £50. The Clerk was asked to draw up a table noting the donation requests and dates the PC had made them.
- The start time of meetings was discussed and it was agreed that a 7.30pm start would be more suitable. The Clerk was asked to action this with effect from October.
There were no public questions.
There being no further business, Cllr Morgan closed the meeting at 10.30pm and confirmed the next meeting would be held on Monday 11 October 2010.