Parish Councillors Present: Rob Morgan (Chairman) Bridgette Crundwell Pauline Marshall Laurence Mellor Philippa Carter Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Richard Lait Lynn & Tony Collins Sue Richards Chris George Ken & Mary Smith Karen & Harry Kappen Sara Arkell Andrew Timms Ingrid & Brian Ridley Richard & Pauline Plant Sally Walker Vicky […]
Parish Council 2010
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 8 November 2010 In The Tiddy Hall At 7.30pm
Parish Councillors Present: Rob Morgan (Chairman) Bridgette Crundwell Pauline Marshall Laurence Mellor Philippa Carter County Councillor: Rodney Rose Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Lord Rotherwick 1. APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles. 2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11 October were agreed […]
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 13 September 2010 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Parish Councillors Present: Rob Morgan (Chairman) Bridgette Crundwell Pauline Marshall County Councillor: Rodney Rose Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Network Rail and First Great Western. 1. APOLOGIES: Received from Cllr Philippa Carter, Cllr Laurence Mellor and District Cllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles. 2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held […]
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 12 July 2010 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Parish Councillors Present: Rob Morgan (Chairman) Bridgette Crundwell Philippa Carter Laurence Mellor Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Roger Shepherd 1. APOLOGIES: County Councillor Rodney Rose 2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The recorded minutes from the meeting held on Monday 14 June were agreed and duly signed. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: There […]
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 14 June 2010 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Parish Councillors Present: Rob Morgan (Chairman) Bridgette Crundwell Philippa Carter District Councillor: Hilary Hibbert-Biles Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes 1. APOLOGIES: Cllr Laurence Mellor and County Councillor Rodney Rose 2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The recorded minutes from the Annual General Meeting held on Monday 10 May were agreed and duly signed. 3. DECLARATIONS OF […]
Minutes Of The Annual General Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 10 May 2010 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Parish Councillors Present: Stuart Fox (Chairman) Bridgette Crundwell Rob Morgan Laurence Mellor Philippa Carter County Councillor: Rodney Rose Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes 1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN and VICE CHAIRMAN: Cllr Stuart Fox opened the meeting and invited nominations from the newly elected Parish Council for a Chairman and a Vice Chairman. Cllr Bridgette Crundwell proposed […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 12 April 2010 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Parish Councillors Present: Stuart Fox (Chairman) Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman) Bridgette Crundwell Rob Morgan County Councillor: Rodney Rose District Councillor: Hilary Hibbert-Biles Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Pippa Carter 1. APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from Cllr Laurence Mellor. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr Stuart Fox and Cllr Elaine Byles declared an interest […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 8 March 2010 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Parish Councillors Present: Stuart Fox (Chairman) Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman) Bridgette Crundwell Rob Morgan Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Pippa Carter and Andrew Timms 1. APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from County Cllr Rodney Rose and Cllr Laurence Mellor. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr Stuart Fox and Cllr Elaine Byles declared an interest […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 8 February 2010 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Parish Councillors Present: Stuart Fox (Chairman) Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman) Bridgette Crundwell Rob Morgan Laurence Mellor (co-opted at February meeting) County Councillor: Rodney Rose Oxfordshire Nature Conservation Forum: Cynth Napper Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Pippa Carter and Andrew Timms 1. APOLOGIES: No apologies received. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: There were two […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 11 January 2010 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Parish Councillors Present: Stuart Fox (Chairman) Elaine Byles (Vice Chairman) Bridgette Crundwell Rob Morgan District Councillor: Hilary Hibbert-Biles Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Laurence Mellor 1. APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from County Councillor Rodney Rose. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: There were no declarations of interest. 3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: The […]