Parish Councillors Present:
- Rob Morgan (Chairman)
- Bridgette Crundwell
- Pauline Marshall
- Laurence Mellor
- Philippa Carter
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Members of the Public:
- Richard Lait
- Lynn & Tony Collins
- Sue Richards
- Chris George
- Ken & Mary Smith
- Karen & Harry Kappen
- Sara Arkell
- Andrew Timms
- Ingrid & Brian Ridley
- Richard & Pauline Plant
- Sally Walker
- Vicky Godfrey
- Anne & Nigel Braithwaite
- Simon Gidman
- David Benfield
- Susan Hackman
- Ivan Pimm
- Sue Boyer
- Pete Moss
- John Cull
- Peter Butler
Apologies were received from CCllr Rodney Rose
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8 November were agreed and duly signed, dated and filed.
There were no declarations of interest.
No Report
No Report
Cllr Rob Morgan welcomed the members of the public and invited them to address the meeting. There followed a Q & A session with regard to planning application 10/1663/P/FP the Swan Public House, Shipton Road, Ascott-under-Wychwood. Cllr Morgan reported that the planning application was available for viewing at the front of the Hall should anybody wish to take a look and thanked everyone for attending.
The Swan Public House 10/1663/P/FP
The planning application above was discussed at length between the councillors. The Clerk suggested that they take a vote in favour and against the proposed application and the majority was recorded as against. The Clerk was asked to draft a letter of response to WODC in time for the deadline given by them of 16 December 2010.
Cllr Carter reported that the Emergency Plan is complete apart from one or two minor details. The number of volunteers is more than 50 and she has set up a database with names, addresses and phone numbers which will be kept confidentially by the Parish Councillors. All emergency equipment on the list has now been bought and placed in the upstairs cupboard opposite the meeting room in the Tiddy Hall. Cllr Carter reported that the Plan has been requested by the Emergency Planning offices of OCC, WODC and the EA as well as by the District Councillor and clerks of neighbouring parishes. She reported that by sending the Plan to the councils and the EA it is hoped that they will know immediately where to go and who to contact in a major emergency.
As part of emergency planning parishes have been asked at the OCC training evenings to consider asking local farmers with tractors and buckets to help clear snow on rural roads so that small communities can reach the main roads at times of extreme snow conditions. Cllr Carter reported that two weeks ago she wrote to the OCC emergency team and the County Councillor asking various questions that farmers might want to know before they commit – a reply is still awaited.
Cllr Carter reported that the Environment Agency is planning a workshop called Exercise Watermark. It is a national emergency flooding exercise being held in March 2011 to test the arrangements across England and Wales to respond to severe, wide area flooding. She reported that two people from the Parish Council have been invited to take part in an exercise on Saturday 12 March to test their Community Emergency Plan and share ideas with other local communities. The local exercise is being run by the Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum, which appears from reply emails, to be connected to Thames Valley Police.
Cllr Mellor reported that he and Cllr Carter had attended a meeting with Mr Wood, Head Teacher WVS on 18th November. Positive and constructive meeting throughout. Recent developments within the club were discussed including the change of management structure and the role of the PC.
Mr Wood raised an issue of dog fouling being evident on the playing field after the summer show and that his staff had brought this to his attention at the time. I assured him that this would be brought to the attention of the organisers of future events, if they were permitted, and that an inspection would take place to ensure this was not repeated.
A brief discussion took place on variations in the User fee but it was agreed that there would be no change, at this time, to the fee paid by WVS. Mr Wood was given a copy of the recently introduced Payment Form and agreed to use this in the future when submitting payment cheques. It was noted that the Contract between the SC and WVS had lapsed and it was agreed not to reinstate this for the future.
Cllr Carter had attended another meeting with Roger Shepherd and had taken possession of a large amount of paperwork including utilities’ provider details and bills, income details, past AGM minutes and miscellaneous correspondence.
Bank account details had been provided and Cllrs Carter and Mellor were in the process of signing the necessary mandates and authorisations as signatories for the accounts.
Cllr Carter was now completing the Bookings Diary. All current users have been contacted and made aware of recent changes. A User Group meeting will be held at TH at 7.30pm Tuesday 14th December 2010.
Cllr Mellor reported that Gary Doggett from the Cricket Club had decided to resign and had indicated that a general lack of interest was likely to see the CC fold. There was a possibility that another team may wish to use the facilities in 2012. The loss of income would be calculated and taken into account for future spending decisions.
£100.00 Donation from Ascott Village Charity towards carols round the Christmas Tree
£29.91 Laurence Mellor (fueld for the pump)
£154.28 WODC Trade Waste
£35.00 World of Colour Cotswolds Limited
Network Rail:
- Beyond the Level Crossing: Works now done, but needs to be checked that it has been jetted Ongoing
- Ditch on the Charity Land: Ongoing
- Landscaping the bank which is now free of weeds following the upgrade to the ditch opposite Sunset House. Cllr Morgan reported that he had received a response from Peter Langman at NR Ongoing
Oxfordshire Highways
- Salt Bins and gritting/clearing the roads (preferred routes) : The Clerk has received a reply from OCC Gordon Kelman with regard to the four saltbins; these have been inspected and Mr Kelman’s opinion is that they are all OK with the exception of the one by the rail crossing, which might not be Highways anyway. Mr Kelman did confirm that when the time comes to replace any damaged salt bins this would be free of charge. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Kelman again and ask OCC to re-inspect the bin in the Tiddy Hall, which is in very bad repair. Cllr Morgan agreed to check the current numbers of salt bins and where they were sited. Ongoing
- The discharge of water on to the road from in front of Mrs Beveridge’s house needs following up. OCC started investigations last year but have stopped work. The Clerk was asked to contact OCC and notify them of the ice on London Lane resulting from the discharge of water.
Village Shop:
Natural History Project:
Carols round the Christmas Tree:
The final arrangements were discussed and it was agreed:
- Cllr Marshall would purchase the mulled wine and cups
- All to supply a batch of mince pies
Cllr Morgan reported that the councillors had carried out their Village walkabout on 11 December and the following was noted:
- Notice Boards – Cllr Mellor agreed to replace all three notice boards
- It was agreed that the Christmas tree lights would remain on all of the time. Cllr Mellor would adjust the timer.
- The tree growing over the footpath adjacent to the school entrance on London Lane needs to be cut back to clear the footpath. Cllr Morgan would speak to Mr Wood.
- The gates to the Recreation Ground need straightening and re-painting. Cllr Morgan would speak to Phil Pratley and ask him to provide a quotation.
- The area of rough land in the south west corner of the Sports Field should be fenced to discourage animals digging on the pitch. The Clerk was asked to contact the contractor who had already carried out some fencing on the Sports Field and ask him to quote for the south west corner.
- The areas of bark around the playing equipment need to be weeded. After discussion the Clerk was asked to ask Shane Barnes to quote for re-barking the play area as one piece.
- The vegetation in front of ‘Abourscote’ on London Lane needs to be cut back. Cllr Morgan had spoken to Mrs Bower and agreed the extent of works. Clippings to be placed on the allotment.
- Refuse bins being left on the highway outside properties – Cllr Morgan agreed to speak with parishioners
- Saplings on London Lane – Cllr Morgan agreed to speak with David Benfield
As circulated.
- Cllr Morgan asked the Clerk to write and thank Joe Gomm and Connor O’Brien for their help in clearing the snow.
- The Clerk was also asked to thank Robin Walker for supplying and erecting the Christmas tree
- Cllr Mellor reported that he had received a letter from a parishioner with regard to the state of the untreated roads – the Clerk was asked to reply.
There being no further business, Cllr Morgan closed the meeting at 11.20pm and confirmed the next meeting would be held on Monday 10 January 2011.