Parish Councillors:
- Philippa Carter (Chair)
- Laurence Mellor
- Mark Tribe
- Peter Rance
Parish Clerk:
- Angela Barnes
Apologies were received from CCllr Rodney Rose, DCllr Tom Simcox and Stuart Fox (RFO).
The Minutes from the October Meeting were discussed, agreed and then duly signed, dated and filed.
There were no declarations of interest to be recorded.
Authorisation of payments
Payments | ||
£1035.00 | TGMS second survey (Project SafePlay) (£862.50 reclaimed from Sport England) | Chq No. 100934 |
£29.99 | A Barnes (Norton Anti-Virus) | Chq No. 100935 |
£32.25 | World of Color Cotswolds Ltd. | Chq No. 100936 |
£41.23 | Margaret Johnson Office Supplies | Chq No. 100937 |
£158.64 | CN Baldwin Electrical (Defib installation) | Chq No. 100938 |
£41.70 | Philippa Carter (Station Planting) | Chq No. 100939 |
Income | ||
£638.00 | Sport England (refund of first survey excluding VAT) | |
£13,124.76 | WODC Second half of Precept |
Cllr Carter reported on Stuart Fox’s Budget and Forecast, which had been circulated to all councillors ahead of tonight’s meeting. The councillors were also asked for their potential costs and future projects. This was discussed and it was agreed that this would be finalised at the December meeting to enable the Clerk to request the Precept for 2015/16.
No report.
No Report.
There were no members of the public and so no public time recorded.
(a) Defibrillator – Cllr Carter reported that this was now installed outside the Swan Public House and that training had been arranged for Saturday 13 December at 10am. Places can be booked by contacting Philippa Carter or another councillor. A note has been put in the Grapevine. The Clerk was asked to write to the Ascott Village Charity requesting the grant which they had agreed to cover the final costs of buying and installing the defibrillator. The Parish Council will cover the £30 annual cost of electricity to the box.
(b) FlyPosting – this was discussed further and the Clerk was asked to reply to James Withey of Ted George Estate Agents to confirm that the Parish Council do not grant him permission to advertise events using an estate agent board. However A4 posters could be used on the Notice Boards.
(c) Working together with the Wychwoods – this was discussed and all agreed that it would be beneficial to work together. Ascott councillors agreed that they would like to host the next informal meeting of the Wychwood Parish Councils. The Clerk was asked to reply, thanking Shipton-under-Wychwood Parish Council for making contact and stating that Ascott PC would be in touch in the New Year to extend an invitation for a date, potentially in February.
(d) Leaflets Guides from OCC – the Clerk was asked to chase the delivery of the Snow Guide leaflets, to enable the PC to include these when delivering the Christmas flyers advertising the Carols round the Christmas Tree.
14/1313/P/FP Langley Mill Stables
This application was briefly discussed and agreed that the Councillors would meet at Cllr Tribe’s on Wednesday 12 November to discuss more fully and feed back to the Clerk so that she could reply to WODC.
Cllr Carter reported that Windrush Valley School would be holding a Fun Run in aid of Children in Need on Friday afternoon 14 November 2014.
Cllr Carter reported that she had met with the Contractor and, weather allowing, he has one and a half days work left to complete. Cllr Carter will put a notice on the gates stating the playground is closed until the final inspection has taken place.
Cllr Mellor reported that the report from TGMS had been sent to Wayne Barker at OCC Highways and that he was now waiting for their response.
(a) Cllr Carter to contact WODC for bags, gloves and grabbers and to arrange collection afterwards. a) London Lane South (Charlbury) vegetation on roadside – Cllr Carter reported that Chris Badger has promised to do this over the Autumn/Winter.
(b) London Lane South (Charlbury) private garden pond – this will continue to be monitored.
(c) Standing water on the Shipton Road between Melplash Farm and Coldwell Brook – this is to be monitored.
(d) Litter Pick Saturday 17 January 2015 – details to be discussed and agreed
Cllr Mellor reported that the Football team was still using the facilities to the full.
Cllr Carter reported that unfortunately, due to family commitments, she was unable to attend the recent OCC Flood Meeting. She reported that she was now in the process of finalising the Emergency Plan suitable to be posted on the website. All councillors have been briefed on the emergency equipment stored at Tiddy Hall store cupboard and car park.
Cllr Mellor reported that he had circulated the list of volunteers and that the new members of the Parish Council were up to speed with the training on how to use the equipment and the procedures. He reported that the Winter Resilience was all in place and ready to go.
Cllr Carter reported that there was now manure on the bank opposite the Signal Box and that the bramble hedge had been cut back, thanks to Crown Farm. She reported that the dead tree on the Playing Field had now been felled and removed, thanks to Rob Lane.
Cllr Tribe reported that he had researched numerous Cotswold Parish Plans, which varied from extensively large documents to some consisting of one page. He reported that this was very much a work-in-progress document and that a consultation process will need to be agreed in order to engage the local community to identify their ideas and secure support. Councillors continue to offer potential points to be included.
Cllr Carter reported that all areas highlighted for attention had now been covered apart from the Pound perimeter which will be dealt with at the end of winter. All councilors agreed that a 6-monthly walkabout was adequate. She suggested a visit to 5 Shilling Corner and the Clerk was asked to bring this to the Agenda in March.
Cllr Carter asked the Clerk to contact the hedge cutting Contractors and ask them to schedule the hedge cutting works on the Playing Field for February 2015. Cllr Mellor agreed to liaise with the neighbouring property with regards to the preferred height of the Hedge.
Bus Service
Cllr Rance reported on the bus service and that unfortunately the GoRide service was scheduled to terminate on 29 November 2014 apart from the GoRide service to/from Charlbury station. Cllr Rance agreed to monitor the situation to ensure that parishioners were aware that the X10 service was due to stop.
Network Rail
Cllr Rance reported that he had met with CLPG, who had advised on the small amount of members representing Ascott. This did not help when lobbying for a better service from Ascott. Cllr Rance agreed to write an article for the Grapevine.
Improved bus and rail services were added to the points for discussion in the Parish Plan.
The Clerk reported that she had ordered the Tree, which would be delivered on the week commencing Monday 1 December. This would then be erected on Saturday 6 December – all available councillors to meet on the Village Green at 10am. The Clerk was asked to contact Robin Walker and Shane Barnes and ask if they would be available to assist with the erection of the Tree. The Checklist was referred to and relevant tasks given to each Councillor. This would be reviewed again at the December meeting.
Nothing to report.
The Charity have held a recent meeting and reported that it had donated £1000 to The Tiddy Hall for the purchase of new chairs. Cllr Carter had done a presentation requesting funding for flood relief. The Village Charity had donated £50 to a parishioner attending University to help with the purchase of their books.
-CCllr Rodney Rose – GoRide Bus Service (emailed) please refer to Item 19 Transport.
-WODC Town & Parish Meeting (emailed & hard copy received) – the Clerk was asked to reply noting that Cllr Carter and Cllr Tribe would be attending.
-OCC Emergency Operations Centre (emailed) – Cllr Carter will reply.
– Cllr Carter reported that she had received a complaint regarding a hedge obstructing the pavement on Shipton Road. She agreed to investigate this and report back.
– Councillors have been made aware of extreme anti-social behaviour taking place in recent weeks. The Parish Council condemns any form of anti-social behaviour and, particularly, in Ascott-under-Wychwood. Councillors agreed unanimously to take whatever steps appropriate to help resolve the situation.
There being no further business Cllr Carter declared the meeting closed at 10.30pm and confirmed the next meeting would be Monday 8 December 2014 at 7.30pm.
Cllr Philippa Carter
Dated 8 December 2014