Parish Councillors Philippa Carter (Chair) Sandy Timms (Vice) Laurence Mellor Mark Tribe Peter Rance Responsible Financial Officer Stuart Fox County Councillor Rodney Rose District Councillor Tom Simcox Parish Clerk Angela Barnes Members of the Public R C George (Wychwood Day Centre) APOLOGIES No apologies were received. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Minutes from the […]
Parish Council 2014
Minutes Of The Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 10 November 2014 In The Tiddy Hall At 7.30pm
Parish Councillors: Philippa Carter (Chair) Laurence Mellor Mark Tribe Peter Rance Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes APOLOGIES Apologies were received from CCllr Rodney Rose, DCllr Tom Simcox and Stuart Fox (RFO). MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Minutes from the October Meeting were discussed, agreed and then duly signed, dated and filed. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There […]
Minutes Of The Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 13 October 2014 In The Tiddy Hall At 7.30pm
Parish Councillors: Philippa Carter (Chair) Sandy Timms (Vice) Mark Tribe Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes APOLOGIES Apologies were received from CCllr Rodney Rose, DCllr Tom Simcox, Cllr Peter Rance and Cllr Laurence Mellor. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Minutes from the September Meeting were discussed, agreed and then duly signed, dated and filed. DECLARATIONS OF […]
Minutes Of The Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 8 September 2014 In The Tiddy Hall At 7.30pm
Parish Councillors: Philippa Carter (Chair) Sandy Timms (Vice) Mark Tribe Peter Rance District Councillor: Tom Simcox Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Steven Jones APOLOGIES Apologies were received from CCllr Rodney Rose and Cllr Laurence Mellor MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Minutes from the July Meeting were discussed, agreed and then duly […]
Minutes Of The Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 14 July 2014 In The Tiddy Hall At 7.30pm
Parish Councillors: Philippa Carter (Chair) Sandy Timms (Vice) Laurence Mellor Peter Rance Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes 1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from DCllr Tom Simcox and Cllr Mark Tribe. 2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Minutes from the June Meeting were discussed, agreed and then duly signed, dated and filed. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST […]
Minutes Of The Annual General Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 9 June 2014 In The Tiddy Hall At 7.30pm
Parish Councillors: Rob Morgan (Chair) Laurence Mellor Philippa Carter Sandy Timms Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Mark Tribe Peter Rance 1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN and VICE CHAIRMAN Outgoing Chairman Cllr Rob Morgan welcomed everyone to the meeting. Cllr Sandy Timms proposed Philippa Carter to be the Chairman. This was seconded by Cllr […]
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 12 May 2014 In The Tiddy Hall At 7.30pm
Parish Councillors: Rob Morgan (Chair) Philippa Carter Sandy Timms Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Phil King Brian Rigby (Conservative Party member) Tom Simcox (prospective Conservative Party candidate) 1. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Minutes from the April Meeting were agreed, signed and dated. The Clerk reported that she would file the […]
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 14 April 2014 In The Tiddy Hall At 7.30pm
Parish Councillors: Rob Morgan (Chair) Laurence Mellor Philippa Carter Sandy Timms Responsible Financial Officer Stuart Fox County Councillor: Rodney Rose Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Guest: Dick Tracey from South Central Ambulance Service 1. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Minutes from the March meeting were agreed, signed, dated and duly filed. 2. APOLOGIES: Received from […]
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 10 March 2014 In The Tiddy Hall At 7.30pm
Parish Councillors: Rob Morgan (Chair) Laurence Mellor Philippa Carter Sandy Timms Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes 1. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Minutes from the February meeting were agreed, signed, dated and duly filed. 2. APOLOGIES: Received from Cllr Bridgette Crundwell and CCllr Rodney Rose and DCllr Hilary Hibbert-Biles 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: There were […]
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 10 February 2014 In The Tiddy Hall At 7.30pm
Parish Councillors: Rob Morgan (Chair) Laurence Mellor Philippa Carter Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes 1. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Minutes from the January meeting were agreed, signed, dated and duly filed. 2. APOLOGIES: Received from Cllr Bridgette Crundwell and Cllr Sandy Timms 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: There were no declarations of interest. 4. FINANCIAL […]