Parish Councillors Present: Stuart Fox Elaine Byles Bridgette Crundwell Sally Franks West Oxfordshire District Council: Hilary Hibbert-Biles, District Councillor Ascott Recovery Committee (ARC): Roger Shepherd Mark Abrey Lord Rotherwick, Cornbury Park Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Siobhan Tustain Bill Greenaway 1. APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from Chairman, David Wilkinson. 2. MINUTES: The […]
Parish Council 2007
Minutes Of An Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 10th December 2007 In The Tiddy Hall At 7.15pm
Parish Councillors Present: Elaine Byles Stuart Fox Bridgette Crundwell Sally Franks Apologies: David Wilkinson Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Vice Chairperson, Elaine Byles called this extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council to discuss the possible resignataion of Chairman, David Wilkinson. David had spoken with Stuart Fox and felt that he did not feel able to continue […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 12th November 2007 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Parish Councillors Present: David Wilkinson Stuart Fox Elaine Byles Bridgette Crundwell Sally Franks James Mellor, Researcher to David Cameron West Oxfordshire District Council: Phil Page, Head of Street Scene Hilary Hibbert-Biles, District Councillor Environment Agency: David vanBeeston Jim Sokal Ascott Recovery Committee (ARC): John Cull Roger Shepherd Alan Chubb Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 8th October 2007 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Parish Councillors Present: David Wilkinson Stuart Fox Elaine Byles Bridgette Crundwell Sally Franks West Oxfordshire District Council: Barry Norton Phil Page, Head of Street Scene David Harvey Oxfordshire County Council: Rodney Rose Gordon Hunt, Drainage Engineer Thames Water: Ms Jenny Elliott Environment Agency: – Ascott Recovery Committee (ARC): John Cull Alan Chubb Mark Abrey Mark […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 10th September 2007 In The Tiddy Hall Room At 8.00pm
Councillors Present: Stuart Fox Elaine Byles Bridgette Crundwell Sally Franks District Councillor: Hilary Hibbert-Biles Parish Clerk: Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Siobhan Tustain Fred Russell 1. APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from Councillor David Wilkinson, who is away on holiday. 2. MINUTES: The July minutes were agreed, dated, signed and filed. 3 MATTERS ARISING: Floods […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 9th July 2007 In The Tiddy Hall Room At 8.00pm
Councillors Present were: Mr David Wilkinson Mr Stuart Fox Mrs Elaine Byles Mrs Bridgette Crundwell Parish Clerk: Mrs Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Siobhan Tustain Roger Shepherd Lynn Collins Tony Collins Sara Arkle Richard Lait – The Swan Public House PC Colin James PCSO Kirstyn Tyrer 1. APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from Rodney Rose, […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 11th June 2007 In The Tiddy Hall Room At 8.00pm
Councillors Present were: Mr David Wilkinson Mr Stuart Fox Mrs Elaine Byles Mrs Bridgette Crundwell Ms Sally Franks Parish Clerk: Mrs Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Mr Fred Russell, Miss Siobhan Tustian 1. APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from Rodney Rose, County Councillor and Hilary Hibbert-Biles District Councillor 2. MINUTES: The Minutes of the May […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 14th May 2007 In The Tiddy Hall Room At 8.00pm
Councillors Present were: Mr David Wilkinson Mr Stuart Fox Mrs Elaine Byles Mrs Bridgette Crundwell Ms Sally Franks County Councillor: Mr Rodney Rose Parish Clerk: Mrs Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Mr Fred Russell 1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN: Bridgette Crundwell proposed David Wilkinson be elected as Chairman; this was seconded by […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Tuesday 10th April 2007 In The Tiddy Hall Room At 8.00pm
Councillors Present were: Mr David Wilkinson Mr Stuart Fox Mrs Elaine Byles Mrs Bridgette Crundwell Parish Clerk: Mrs Angela Barnes Members of the Public: Miss Siobahn Tustian Mrs Carol Anderson 1. APOLOGIES: Received from County Councillor Rodney Rose, District Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles and Councillor Sally Franks. 2. MINUTES: There are two amendments to the March […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 12th March 2007 In The Tiddy Hall Room At 8.00pm
Councillors Present were: Mr David Wilkinson Mr Stuart Fox Mrs Elaine Byles Mrs Bridgette Crundwell Ms Sally Franks Parish Clerk: Mrs A Barnes Members of the Public: Mr F Russell 1. APOLOGIES: Received from County Councillor Rodney Rose. 2. MINUTES: The Minutes from the February meeting were signed, dated and numbered accordingly. 3. MATTERS ARISING: […]