Councillors Present were: Mr David Wilkinson, Mr Stuart Fox, Mrs Elaine Byles, Mrs Bridgette Crundwell and Ms Sally Franks. District Councillor: Mrs Hilary Hibbert-Biles Members of the Public: Mr F Russell, Miss S Tustian, Mrs W Pearse and Mrs M Smith. Parish Clerk: Mrs A Barnes 1. APOLOGIES: Apologies received from Mr Rodney Rose, County […]
Parish Council
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Of Ascott Under Wychwood Held On Monday 10th July 2006 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Councillors Present were: Mr David Wilkinson, Mr Stuart Fox, Mrs Elaine Byles, Mrs Bridgette Crundwell Ms Sally Franks Members of the Public: Mr F Russell, Mr R Shepherd, Mrs M Smith, Mr K Smith, Mr Smith, Ms R Baxter, Mr T Craig Parish Clerk: Mrs A Barnes 1. APOLOGIES Received from Mr Rodney Rose, County […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Of Ascott Under Wychwood Held On Monday 12th June 2006 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Councillors Present were: Mr David Wilkinson, Mr Stuart Fox, Mrs Elaine Byles District Councillor: Mrs Hilary Hibbert-Biles Members of the Public: Miss S Tustian Parish Clerk: Mrs A Barnes 1. APOLOGIES Received from Mr Rodney Rose County Councillor and Mrs Bridgette Crundwell. 2. MINUTES The Minutes from the May Parish Council meeting were agreed, signed, […]
Minutes Of A Parish Council Meeting Of Ascott Under Wychwood Held On Monday 8th May 2006 In The Tiddy Hall At 8.00pm
Councillors Present were: Mr David Wilkinson, Mr Stuart Fox, Mrs Elaine Byles Members of the Public: Miss Tustian, Mr F Russell, Mrs W Pearce, Ms R Baxter, Mr T Craig Parish Clerk: Mrs A Barnes 1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN Mr Stuart Fox proposed Mr David Wilkinson be elected as Chairman; this was […]
Parish Council Minutes Of The Annual Parish Meeting Held On Monday 10th April 2006 At The Tiddy Hall At 8.00 Pm
Councillors Present were: Mr N Braithwaite (Chairman), Mr S Fox (Vice Chairman), Mr M Pearce, Mrs W Pearse, Mrs E Byles County Councillor Mr R Rose District Councillor Mrs H Hibbert-Biles In Attendance Parish Clerk Mrs A M Barnes Also Present 12 Members of the Public 1. APOLOGIES No Apologies. 2. MINUTES The minutes of […]
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 3rd April 2006 At The Tiddy Hall At 8.00 Pm
Councillors Present were: Mr N Braithwaite (Chairman), Mr M Pearce, Mr S Fox, Mrs W Pearse, Mrs E Byles, Parish Clerk Mrs A M Barnes. 1. APOLOGIES Apologies received from District Councillor Mrs Hilary Hibbert-Biles 2. MINUTES Amendment to the the March minutes under Affordable Housing, line 3 where it reads “Subsidised houses are built […]
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 13th March 2006 At The Tiddy Hall At 8.00 Pm
Councillors Present were: Mr N Braithwaite (Chairman), Mr M Pearce, Mr S Fox, Mrs W Pearse, Mrs E Byles, District Councillor Present: Mrs H Hibbert-Biles. In Attendance: Mr James Alcock ORCC Members of the Public present: Mr F Russell, Miss S Tustain Parish Clerk Mrs A M Barnes Affordable Housing – talk /presentation by Mr […]
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 13th February 2006 At The Tiddy Hall At 8.00 Pm
Councillors Present were: Mr N Braithwaite (Chairman), Mr M Pearce Mr S Fox, Mrs W Pearse, Mrs E Byles. Members of the Public present: Mr F Russell Parish Clerk Mrs A M Barnes 1. APOLOGIES Apologies received from Mr Rodney Rose County Councillor and Mrs Hilary Hibbert-Biles District Councillor. 2. MINUTES Amendments to the January […]
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 9th January 2006 At The Tiddy Hall At 8.00 Pm
Councillors Present were: Mr N Braithwaite (Chairman), Mr M Pearce, Mr S Fox, Mrs W Pearse, Mrs E Byles, Mr Rodney Rose (County Councillor), Mrs H Hibbert-Biles (District Councillor). In Attendance: Mr Ralph Grant, Area Engineer – Oxfordshire Highways Members of the Public: Miss S Tustain, Mr F Russell and Mr Morgan Parish Clerk: Mrs […]
Minutes Of A Meeting Ascott Under Wychwood Parish Council Held On Monday 12th December 2005 At The Tiddy Hall At 8.00 Pm.
Councillors Present were: Mr N Braithwaite (Chairman), Mr M Pearce, Mr S Fox, Mrs W Pearse, Mrs E Byles, Mrs H Hibbert-Biles (District Councillor). Members of the Public: Mr Roger Shepherd – Pavilion / Sports Club Parish Clerk: Mrs A M Barnes Cotswold Voluntary Wardens – Walk through Ascott-under-Wychwood Leaflet Gerald Simper, the Parish contact […]